Unknown Prey

Chapter 420 - 420 Luke's New Suit

"Is it really okay for Tiana to have the clips?" Tiana was sitting there watching the whole process. 

Janet came over to Tiana. "Would you like me to do your hair too? I french braid your hair and put a little of the putty but you won't be able to play with your hair for the first little bit." 

"Tiana, if Janet is offering you can do it I do not mind at all. It will look adorable on you as pink is your favourite colour." Kitty stared into the mirror and saw Tiana place her hands on her cheeks. 

Janet had Tiana turn around. She got Tiana to turn around as she added the colour. She french braided Tiana's hair as she added the colour and she had Cindy help by holding the hair that was uncoloured out of the way as she coloured the stands that needed it. 

Kitty closed her eyes again and lets Michelle finish what she was up to. The next time Kitty looked in the mirror she had a pink heart on her cheek. "I still feel like a barbie doll." 

"Hey, we made you look like a fantastic barbie doll." Michelle stands out of Kitty's way and watches as she storms out the door. 

Kitty starts hunting for Liz. She finds her holding Charlette in front of Riccardo's trailer. "If you were not holding Charlette I would be losing my shit right now. You know how this colour makes me feel." 

The door opens and Luke comes out and Riccardo could hear Kitty. He came to the door as well. "Katherine, I am sorry. I know that you hate that colour but it was orders from the top. That was not something that I even wanted to make." Ricardo frowns, "at least it looks decent but you look like a barbie doll so I am sorry." 

"Fine. I will let this go and you can tell me why Luke is coming from your trailer." Kitty was staring daggers at Riccardo still. 

"Mother. I have grown too much and I need a new suit. It is not like I have a lot of times that I have been able to wear one and it is a formal commercial. I thought who better to ask than the one that made all your outfits. I was trying on the suit for the commercial. Do you want to see? I think it turned out really well." Luke smiled and went back inside and changed. 

Kitty watched and thought about it for a moment. "That is actually a very wise choice. As expected of my son." She nods her head happily as she realizes that Luke is being wise by asking for a new suit. 

Luke changes into the suit and steps out. "What do you think?"

"Wait! I just thought of the best thing." Riccardo runs back into the trailer and quickly makes a tie that matches the dress that Kitty is wearing and comes out. He had pre-tied the tie and placed it around Luke's neck. "Just look at how good they will go together."

Luke Looks at Kitty with a petrified look on his face. "He is not serious is he?" 

"Oh, he is totally serious and that is why it is so funny. I am sorry son but you are stuck with this, I am glad that I am not alone with this cotton candy pink hell." Kitty held out her hand. 

Luke sighed and walked with Kitty to a swing that was attached to the tree. "There is nothing that can be done about this but you look paler than normal. I was worried that something had happened." 

Kitty sat on the swing and smiled at Luke. She looked like a younger girl and with Luke there they seemed like a couple and not mother and son. "This colour makes me paler and that is why I avoid it. I look closer to a vampire than a fox demon don't you think?" She whispers the last line for Luke to hear but not the rest.

Luke laughed and pushed Kitty on the swing. He stood to the side and watched as Kitty smiled and swung on the swing. "You do look good though." 

Kitty smiled and looked at Luke and she blushed a little. Liz was already snapping pictures. "Okay, Kitty hop off the swing and give Luke a hug and Luke I would like you to look sad."

Kitty hopped off the swing and ran up behind Luke. She wrapped his hands around his waist and placed her forehead on his back. She started to tear up and the tears fell down her cheeks. 

Luke's expression went blank and slowly tears started to fall down his cheeks. He turned and collapsed into Kitty's embrace. He saw that Kitty was crying and wiped away the tears.

"That was great. You can get changed into normal clothes Luke and Kitty you change into the next outfit." Liz smiled at the pictures. 

"I would like to see the proofs for those and you cannot refuse me on this." Kitty smiled and went back to her trailer. She got changed and in the bathroom, she used her water abilities to take away the pink that was in his hair. She put on the emerald green dress and stepped out of the bathroom and opened the door and Janet and Michelle stepped inside.

"I love that I can reuse that hairstyle. It is done so well." Janet smiled and waved Kitty to her seat. 

Michelle removed the makeup and started adding green emerald makeup. 

Janet removed the clips and started to weave in some ivy leaves and Green Gladiolus. 

Cindy took the clips and added a few to Tiana's hair as she waited for Kitty to finish getting everything done. "There you go, Tiana. Your hair looks so pretty." 

"Thank you, Auntie. Tiana wants to grow her hair long so that Tiana can have pretty fancy hairstyles like Mommy." She swung her legs off the edge of the couch happily.

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