Unknown Prey

Chapter 422 - 422 The Last Photoshoot

"That was amazing. I know that you do not have much experience in this Leo but you are a natural." Liz gushes and waves them to go and get changed.

Leo lifts up Kitty and carries Kitty to the trailer and he kisses her lips. He opened the door and stepped in and after he set Kitty down on the couch. Everyone cleared out. Leo touched her ankle and was going to squeeze.

"Don't bother. It is already healed. I was so into the role that I didn't watch my step and when I hurried away you must have seen that it hurt but I am fine. It was something that hurt but it is okay not severe." Kitty touched his cheek. "Sorry for worrying you.

Leo let out and sigh and untied the obi he placed it to the side. "As for worrying me, I will tease you a little." Leo slowly slides the fabric off of her body revealing her b.r.e.a.s.ts and he sucks on the first n.i.p.p.l.e that came to the air. Then he peels the yukata back and sucks on the other one. "I will stop there for now. We have one last outfit." Leo put on the jeans and the t-shirt.

Kitty gets off the couch and the yukata slips off her body and she steps into the new dress. She stands facing away from Leo. Leo places some kisses on her back as he zips it up. "Leo, please don't leave any marks. I do not want them to be seen through the dress."

"No marks, just regular kisses. You seem like you would want it though. Do not worry I will claim you as mine as soon as tomorrow is over. I know that it needs to be perfect for the commercial." Leo wrapped his arms around her neck and held her closely.

"We need to finish this photoshoot and then we can cuddle all you want. Oh, wait that is right I am not allowed to see what you are doing with the wedding hall." Kitty walks away to the door and opens it up. Michelle and Janet enter. Kitty giggles at their expression. "Did you really think that we would f.u.c.k on the job? I have more class than that." 

"That is not it at all. I am surprised that Leo is keeping you away from the reception hall. Leo, I hope that everything was worth it." Janet lets kitty's hair down and she curls it. 

Michelle changes Kitty's makeup and this time it is baby blue. She adds some glitter. Then turns to Leo. He adds some powder then stands back. "It is too easy doing your guys' makeup." He moves behind Leo and styles his hair slightly messy and it makes Leo look like a bad boy. 

Janet finishes Kitty's hair and helps her stand up. "There you go. This is the final picture set for you for quite some time. Make it count!" 

Kitty giggled and held Leo's hand. The two walked to the swing. She looked at him with love in her eyes. 

Leo sat down on the swing and pulled Kitty into his lap and he stared down at her as she relaxed into his chest. "You look so beautiful. I just can't help myself." Kitty blushed and looked him in the eyes. They were caught up in the moment and before she could do anything Leo was already running his hands down her hair and back. "What's the matter to your spunk?" 

"I've got plenty of spunk for you." Kitty was not able to leave his lap without falling and they both knew it. Kitty blushed and closed her eyes and kissed him. 

After Liz captured the kiss she cried. "That's a wrap. I really cannot believe that this will be the last time I get to work with you. If you are ever in the neighbourhood. You have to say hello." 

"Liz, do not cry. It is okay. It is not like I am dying. I am just not doing this type of work as much anymore. I will still do the occasional job here and there. I love working with you." Kitty was let down for Leo's lap and she held onto Liz's hands. 

Liz grabbed Kitty and hugged her tightly. "I am sorry I just love your work and I think that it is such a waste of talent." 

Leo stepped up, "I am not stopping her from continuing the career. She made this call all on her own. I will support whatever choice my fiance makes. If she decides to take on more jobs then so be it. I will never stop her from doing what she loves." He spun her away from Liz and started to waltz on the lawn with her. "You and I are so perfect for each other." 

~Thank you for saying all that to Liz. As you can tell she does not know what to let me go and it is true that she blamed you at first.~ Kitty danced with him and felt him twirl her away. 

Leo smiles at her and then pulls her back nice and close. ~Anytime. I will do it again for you if it helps out. I know that this was a hard choice for you.~ 

Kitty blushed and the dance ended. ~It was but I don't regret it. As the Advocate, I needed a lot of covers and with my talents, it really helped.~ She turned to Liz, "I am sorry that I made that call without discussing you first but if everything goes well then I will make a come back and I know that the fans will be waiting for my return."

"Yes, so I better be the first person you tell that you are returning." Liz had snapped a few pictures of them dancing. "No one has ever matched you so perfectly before. Leo, what do you do for work?" She sighs and looks at the pictures that she took of the two of them together.

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