Unknown Prey

Chapter 429 - 429

Looking hesitant he looked at Leo. ~If anything happens call me. I will leave this connection open. These are my parents people not mine.~ With that he leaves their sights.

Leo just nodded to Ketan as he disappeared. "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you. I am Erebus, but Leo is my human name. I get the feeling that you two don't get along with Ketan."

Cedric appeared with Kitty and laughed out loud. "That boy of mine is a fool as he thinks that any guardian can hurt the life bearer. If she wanted she would be able to kill anyone. Immortal or not." 

"It is not like I will do that again. I have been carrying two runes and finally found the one to carry the burden for me. I am sorry Seffie and Claude. It has already started, but I am giving the runes to one of your descendants." Kitty looked up at them waiting for either one of them to freak out, but they were both as calm as could be. 

"That is a choice that the young one had made and there is nothing that can be done about it now. If they made that choice then I have no complaints. Although I do want to wet the young chap." Claude shrugs and looks at Sephira.

"There are things that have to happen, and you need bearers that are not going to betray you. I feel that you made the right choice. Our families are closely tied together from the beginning anyways, so they will not be able to fight you on your choices but the fact that The individual is a wolf and is able to take the water runes is a bit of a shock." Sephira looks at Kitty hoping for an explanation.

"I adopted the kid when he was only five years old. I think because I interfered that is why he is of the water instead of the earth element. I am not completely certain on that but that is what I have gathered." Leo looked at Kitty. Who was watching everyone. 

"I will be back." Kitty left the group and came to the edge of the forest. "Luke, come here." Whispering on the wind. 

Luke's ears twitched, and he put down what he was doing and went to where Kitty was. "Yes, Mother? Is there something that I can help you with or is it the girls?" he now looks a little worried. 

Kitty looks at the sky and thinks for a moment. "The girls are doing well as a matter of fact Charlette is laying on the floor and Tiana is watching her move her little legs and arms. There are some people that I need for you to meet before tomorrow. Carlos will meet them as will, but I need you to meet them for another reason." She takes his hand and brings him back to Sephira and Claude. 

Immediately Luke's eyes go wide, and he is compelled to bow to them. He kneels and looks shocked at what his body was doing. 

"You can rise. You are definitely one of our descendants. It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you, young pup. I am Claude. I am your originally ancestor." He smiles at the young one. 

"Rafe, stop you are freaking out the poor boy." Sephira turns to Luke. "I can tell that you are a strong one I am Sephira, but my true name is Hathor. It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you." 

Luke looked at the smiling Kitty and rises from the ground. "I am Luke and my true name is not spoken often, but it is Lavatis. Leo is my adopted father and Kitty is going to be my adopted mother soon enough. I knew that were wolves out there, but I did not think that there would be any that are as old as you are." 

Kitty started laughing, :Luke has a point. They are guardians, Luke. That is why they are as old as can be." She looked at Leo trying to get a read on his expression.

"I think that this is a lovely encounter. Luke do you know the status of the preparations? I have been away for a while greeting and meeting guests." Leo looks to the sky. 

"And shifting, I can smell that in the air. It is good that you ran off some steam and that is a good thing. You were getting wound up, and I could tell you need a break Leo. The preparations are done for the evening. I was on my way back to the house when Mother called me. I thought that something happened, but it was just that she wanted me to meet our guests." Luke smiles at Leo and Kitty.

"Interesting, you call Kitsune, Mother, but you call Erebus, Leo. Is there a reason behind this?" Claude looks at Luke in fascination. "I am not going to be mad at your answer, but I am merely curious." 

"Leo was my saviour but at that time I thought that he was secretly going to turn me into the hunters or worse yet wanted to kill me. I was five and on the run from a hunter. As time went buy I realized that I am able to trust Leo and that is why I called him Leo. With Mother, it was natural as she was the first -one to call Lavatis is such a long time. I clung to the hope that she would be similar to me." Luke looked at Kitty and then at Leo. 

"Honestly, all I care about it that the kid is happy. Now that he can hold his transformations better. I am grateful that Kitty was there when his first full moon hit, and I am glad that you guys are here as well." Leo patted Luke on the shoulder. 

"If it is alright with everyone. I would like to get to my sisters now. I miss them dearly." Luke smiled at the group. 

Claude transformed into a wolf and mind linked with Luke. ~Hop on and I will run you to the outskirts of the house.~ He stretched then waited as the boy climbed on his back. 

Sephira watched as they left. "It is nice that the family is getting bigger. I have seen some of our descendants pass away and even witnessed my own dying. It is hard, but you are lucky that one of yours will live longer and one of mine as well." 

"It is something that I did not expect. I hope that you will use my nickname at the wedding. The crew call me Kathrine so that is the name we will be using. I did not expect that my daughter and Luke would become one but fate works in mysterious ways. I mean look at you and Claude. Two different being bound together for the rest of your long lives. I think that you did will and I get the feeling that so will they." Kitty closes her eyes and leans on Leo. 

Cedric comes back to them and looks at The small group. "The traps have all been removed and I have settled everything into our arranged place. Leo you are a wonderful match for our Kitsune. I want you both to be happy. I know that tomorrow is just a mock wedding, but I will treat it as if it is real and that is the way I am stealing Kitsune and leaving her with my wife and I will come to the house." 

Kitty looks at him surprised and shakes her head. I know that once you set your mind on something it is pointless in fighting you. Leo, you and Cedric can go to the house. I am sure that when it is time I will be allowed to come and grab Charlette. Luke will feed her the formula or the pumped milk. So there is not much of a concern." She walks up to Leo and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Try to rest well, my love." 

"I will do what I can, and you stay safe while you are away from me. It is a good idea for me to get to know someone from your family. It i snot everyday you can meet a supernatural that is like in the hybrid department." Leo looked between the two that were standing there. 

"Although it is true I can't go into a lot of details on what I am the way I am. I will tell you some things at the house." Cedric turned to Kitty. ~You have a curious partner. I will enlighten him on some things. Make sure that you get some sleep.~

Kitty tilted her head and looked confused. "Do you really think that I would not get some rest. All I have to do is close my eyes and rest." Slowly she turned and cringed from the look that Cedric was giving her. ~Father, you should know that I will do what is right. I am sleeping less but even Leo hasn't found out...yet.~

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