Unknown Prey

Chapter 432 - 432

"It is not like I am worried about Kitty. She is a touch cookie and if she can keep most of you in line then why should I fear for her. She is too crafty. I do love her though." Leo was leaning against the wall looking at all the men in the living room. "So what do you have planned for me?" 

"That is the question. There is so much that I am not sure where we are even going to start." Ketan shakes his head. "You might get lucky and not have to deal with all that they have planned, but I will help keep things on track."

Claude laughs and starts pouring drinks for everyone. "Here you are, Leo. You are the man of the hour." He holds out a cup to him waiting.

Leo takes the cup and looks at the contents. "Bottoms up." He lifts the glass up and chugs the drink. He sits down on the couch waiting for it to hit him. 'This is not something that I am used to.'

"Alright, now that you drank this drink we will interrogate you. Leo, how many files did the hunter association have on Kitsune?" Cedric sat next to him and waited to hear the answer.

"There was a total of seven. Not that the hunters had linked them all together but after I became the head. I reorganized the files and had Brielle destroy the files. She is a trustworthy person and has been waiting for me to take over the association." Leo says all of this smiling.

"Brielle would do that. She saw Kitty's art and went nuts. She is good in my books." Ketan throws this in and looks at Leo. ~You are in for a rough night.~ 

"HEY! No mind linking! That is considered cheating!" Claude says this and laughs at Ketan's facial reaction. "I'm just messing with yeah kid. Don't worry we all know what you are saying anyways." 

Peter sat on the chair listening while looking at the wall. "I am actually gratefully that you saved me and Stella. I want to know what made you a hunter, spare us?"

"When you work in my line of work it is kill first ask questions after, but I think that is the wrong way to go about things. There are a lot of supernaturals that have died for nothing. I think that the ones that are not actually causing harm are the ones that deserve a chance to explain themselves. You and Stella explained yourselves to me and my crew. Also, Stella lost enough already. Saving you and her was the right thing. No one should be forced to turn others against their will." Leo saves this and keeps eye contact with Peter. 

"Leo makes a good point. There are so many supernaturals that are forced to do things that they do not want to. It is unpleasant but that is the way things have been going." Cedric picked up a bottle of alcohol and poured some into the glass that Leo had. "This is real alcohol the first thing you drank was a truth serum. I of course made it, so I know that it will work. That is why you can't lie, not that you wanted to. You did not hesitant to answer." 

"Why would I. I have nothing that I need to hide. I didn't tell Kitty about all the files that I found about her, but I really did take care of it. Is there anything else that you want to know?" Leo took a swig of the bourbon that Cedric poured. 

"I have a question." Carlos looks at Leo and then this of the wording. "There was a period of time, where you were not acting like yourself after going to an engagement party for a friend. You were lost in thought and destroyed a lot of furniture when you got phone calls. What was that all about?" 

"Because she ran from me. I wanted to keep her by my side, and we had a lovely night together. If it was not for the marks that she left on my body then I would've thought that it was a dream. A girl that was a v.i.r.g.i.n at her age and a beauty is next to impossible. Every time I got a phone call and told that they found nothing…" Leo downed the rest of the bourbon, "I went mad with rage and destroyed physical items rather than hurting Luke of one of my staff. It wasn't until I worked out her flights that I found out where she was. I took the next flight to her and that was when I found out she had my baby growing inside her belly." Leo smiled and thought of the fact that she knew who he was, and she still chose to keep their baby.

"That definitely sounds like Kitty. She would never do anything to harm a soul unless they came after her." Carlos smiles while nodded his head. 

"I don't have a question but a statement. Honestly when I found out I was going to have a mother once again I was excited but at the same time I was scared. Leo has interesting tastes and the women that he would sometimes see are ones that are not worthy of him. I was worried that she would be a gold digger, but that is not what I saw. What I saw a beautiful lady that was carrying a strangers baby. I knew at once that the baby was Leo's. My sense of small was not as strong as others, but I am still a wolf. I could scent the baby faintly. That was when the puzzle pieces all clicked together. It was at that moment that I liked Kitty. Then she called me by my true name and I bawled. I was so shocked." Luke shook his head.

"You would not believe my surprise that the kid that I was supposed to be hunting was right under my f.u.c.k.i.n.g nose. I always wondered how you hid him from me?" Carlos asks not really expecting an answer.

Leo looked up at the roof. "There is a special potion that we created, and it was to hide a supernaturals' presence from a human. We do not need them to find out about what lurks in the shadows. Being my adopted son I decided to hide him from the other hunters and any supernatural that came our way after a wolf tried to kidnap him on Halloween. I never wanted to use it on a five-year-old, but I didn't have much of a choice." 

'Ahhhh, that makes so much sense. I never thought about it that way, but that makes perfect sense. Thank you for answering my question." Carlos smiled happily. 

Claude walks up to Luke and looks at him. "You will make a good water bearer. I can understand why your element is different from mine." He lifted Luke's head and saw the first few runes. "Kitty has been slowly passing them along, and you are coping well. I will monitor her and make sure that she does not push it too fast." 

"I understand. Thank you for your concern, Claude. I do not actually know how I should address you. You are the elder of our pack," Luke does ask but actually states it as a fact.

"Interesting, not a lot of supernaturals would be able to pick that up. You can call me Claude, Young Wolf. I am not one that needs to be bowed down by others. I prefer to work in the background." Claude pats Luke on his head then ruffles the kid's hair. 

"Luke, I always wanted to find your family again but as time went on I had hoped that you would decide to stay with me. I can see that you are extremely happy here. You will always have a place here when you need it." Leo smiled and watched the interaction. 

Cedric laughed out loud, "do not worry. The young wolf is meant to stay here with you. He has deep ties to Kitty, and he has a duty that he must see through now that the choice has been made. He will be a good big brother." 

"I am relieved to hear you say that Cedric. I worry about anyone that I am close to. Even my two subordinates. Will and Brielle are great humans. They have been on my side since I decided to follow in my parents footsteps." Leo placed the glass to the side, "if you are all done with the questions what are we going to be doing next?" 

"I was thinking that you would like to have a celebration since you are no longer single, and you are getting to show the world that Kitsune is your wife." Cedric pulled out a box and opened it up and handed out the cigars. "Luke you are not used to smoking and I don't want you to pick up this nasty habit, so I brought you this." He pulled out a new sketchbook.

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