Unknown Prey

Chapter 46 45


Julie handed the letter to Leo. "You have a lot of explaining to do Kitty." Julie sighed.

Leo took the letter and looked at the wax seal on the back of the letter. It was his family's secret seal and the wax was the correct shade of red that only his family used. He opened the letter up.

Leo if you are reading this then I have long passed from the world of the living. Your mother and I are proud of you. I really wanted to change the way things were run but someone kept blocking my attempts. There are some chemicals that were produced and were being used to send peaceful races into a frenzy. I was working on uncovering the culprit and I was working closely with Linda and Charles to do so. Later on, after they passed we worked with Kitty. We never told you that we were doing this for fear that you would get killed as well. Linda said that they weren't going to involve their daughter unless they had to as well so they kept it from her as well but she got involved as soon as they passed. This letter was kept in fox demons family care for fear of it falling into the wrong hands. If you are reading this that means that you have connected with Kitty. I pray that you two of you are connecting under healthy conditions and that you follow my views to unite the mystical being and the humans in peace. I protected the fox demons in hope that we could do that with all the peaceful clans. Leo, please protect the fox clan in my place. Also, not all vampires are killers.

I'm willing to bet that you were smitten when you met Kitty. She is a charming young lady and I always hoped that I could introduce you to her. She was always close by her parents. She was probably present when they were killed. Please take care of her and I hope that you can find happiness. I know this is a lot to take in but you can handle it. We both love you, Leo. At the end, it was signed father and mother.@@

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