Unknown Prey

Chapter 48 47


"That is so very much like my father. He had hinted that he may have found the perfect match for me a week before my birthday. There's a lot that needs to be explained but it is very late and we all need to sleep and refresh our minds to continue this chat in the morning. Julie, you should stay at the hotel tonight so that the four of us can get together in the morning and start planning on our next move."

Julie nodded and said, "that was the plan I have room 312 booked already."

"I agree this was a lot for me the somewhat outsider to take in. My room is already extended for the next two days." Will tried to stifle a yawn.

"Okay let's order room service to Leo's room for breakfast and discuss what the next game plan is in the morning. Let's meet up at 9 am. Oh! Leo's room is 317 Julie." Kitty got up and walked to the door.

Leo opened the door after putting on his shoes and checked the hallway and lead Kitty back to their room next door. He opened the door and let Kitty go in first. He closed the door and took off his shoes, then walked up behind Kitsune. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Don't fret Kitsune. We'll figure this out." He then nudged her towards the room. "We both need sleep dear."

Kitty walked to the bedroom and slowly stripped off her clothes. First the sweater he bought for her than the pants she was wearing and lastly the panties she had put on. She laid down under the blankets nude. "Leo, there is no such thing as coincidences only the inevitable. Come lay down."

Leo had watched her each and every move. He could feel a burning desire of want for her. He took off all his clothes and laid down in bed next to her. "Don't tempt me right now. You need sleep or else you will be tired in the morning." He was staring into her eyes and his gaze was quite heated.@@

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