Unknown Prey

Chapter 52 51


Julie had gotten up and grabbed Kitty a glass of water. "You need to drink something. I'll make you some tea. I brought some with me." Julie got up and started to make the tea.

Kitty took the water and drank it all. "Thank you, Julie." Kitty laid her head on Leo's chest and then continued her explanation. "All fox demons can hide their presence and their demon nature. That is what makes us different from other beings. The only time it is dangerous for us when the female is with a child. If the female is a turned fox demon the male isn't affected but for you, it'll be different Leo. I turned you when I am unstable." She touched his cheek and ran her fingers down his cheek. "I told you my powers won't go to you yet which is true but my blood will override your human blood as soon as the baby is born. I know I'm going a little off track but I think you need to hear this now. You will become a fox demon yourself. Julie can probably fill you in better on how it'll feel to be turned then I can."

Julie looked over the counter. "I can. It was painful at first. I believe each fox demon has their own unique symbol they can draw on their chosen partner. I am the second wife to receive the symbol from my husband. His first wife died in childbirth. He chose me ten years after she passed away. He drew the symbol and that wasn't as painful as feeling like your blood is on fire. When your blood gets overridden the best way to describe the sensation is all your blood feels like it's on fire. It lasts for about an hour and then you have to learn how to control your presence."@@

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