Unknown Prey

Chapter 73 72

"I am glad that you decided to save him. I am looking forward to meeting him. Do you happen to know his true name? He is a pureblood so he must have a true name." She looks at him in wonder.

"I didn't know about true names, to begin with. So I am unable to tell you what his true name is. It is true he is a pureblood though. I can understand why he didn't tell me though. It is not easy to break that kind of news to a hunter. I hope that maybe you can talk to him about it. It's not exactly common knowledge. I do not believe that the other hunters know about it so that can be advantageous for us. Also, since I will also have a true name at some point, maybe he will tell me his real name?"

"I think the fact that you will become what you used to hunt and the fact that you will have your own hidden name I could see him possibly telling you. I do not know Luke though so I can not say for certain. I have decided on your true name but I won't tell you until my powers go to you." She smiles and lifts her head up to look at him.

"You are crafty my love. If you are the one who knows my true name then I have nothing to fear as I know yours as well." He looks into her eyes. 'I honestly would do anything for you.' He looks at the time and sighs. "It's almost time to leave. I think it would be best if you relaxed in the van and had everyone come out to you rather than you going to them. Please, wait here for my return." He kisses her cheek then leaves the van.

"Okay, I will wait here." She watches him leave. 'There is still so much that is unknown but at least I am not alone in this. I am really truly lucky.'

Leo walks inside and heads back to the table. "Just you here Cindy?" He looks at the empty table a little surprised.

"Yes, Julie and Grant are preparing our lunches and Will said he had to go check out his emails." She stands up and walks over to him. "How is Kitty doing? Can I go see her?"

'Of course, Will needs to keep on top of the emails. At least I know he is doing his job.' He nods his head. "You already know where she is. Go ahead and say hi. She is awake and I am sure a bit sad, so seeing a friend should help cheer her up. I'm going to go see how the making lunch is going because it is almost time to leave." He waves and heads towards the kitchen. He pokes his head in. "Julie and Grant are you in here?"

Hearing her name she looks up. "Leo, welcome to the kitchen. We're just packing everything up right now. If you are here at the kitchen that must mean that, Kitty is well and that it is getting close to time."

"Indeed that is so. Cindy is heading out to see her now. Is there anything I can help with or are you guys all set?" He steps into the kitchen smiling.

Grant looks over and smiles. "Leo, I am almost done but if you want you can bring this to the vehicle." He holds up a plastic bag.

"Okay, I can do that." He takes the bag. "I will see you guys in a bit then." He turns and goes back to the van. 'I wonder what is in this bag. It smells sweet.'

Cindy goes out and knocks on the door. The door opens and she looks inside. "Kitty, how do you feel? I know this is hard on you but we all feel that you can get through this. You are the strongest person I have ever met." She sits down next to her.

"I feel fine for now. I am sure when the time comes I am going to need a lot of help. I am worried Leo will react negatively. He doesn't know everything yet. I am planning to explain on the way. The inner workings of our clan are complex but also fascinating." She sighs and looks at Cindy. "Thank you for everything Cindy. I am lucky to have a friend like you. I would like to introduce you to Sam and explain some things to her. She has yet to find out that I am actually a fox demon. How do you feel about this?" She smiles sweetly at Cindy.

"It is I who is the lucky one. Not every clan is as close as ours. Normally the lower members do not get to meet the clan head let alone befriend them. So to be able to be your best friend and midwife is like a dream come true. If you think she is trustworthy then I say do it. Sam and Will were texting earlier. I acquired her number. So, I think it would be nice to have a third person to be close to." She smiles and gives Kitty a hug. "I'm so glad I get to go with you and meet the baby."

Leo walks over to the van and goes to the closed door and opens it. "Here is the first bag of treats that they made for us. They are almost done so when they finish and bring the rest out then we shall head out." He put the bag down next to Kitty. "How is your chat going so far? Are you two ready to go?"

"I am ready to leave whenever you guys are." Cindy smiles and looks between the two.

Kitty looks at the bag and opens it up. "They really went all out. There are so many different little snacks to eat. We won't need to worry about food until dinner time." She smiles and closes the lid she had opened. She makes her ears and tail fade away. I need to go inside and I will be back so that we can leave." She moves the bag over and steps out beside Leo. "I love you, Darling." She stands on her tip toes and kisses his cheek. She walks inside and goes to the bathroom.

Leo watches her leave. 'Such a mystery sometimes but I really don't mind. We have the rest of our lives to figure out everything. Sooner would be better than later.' He closes the door and walks away from the van. He leans up against the wall and lights a cigar and starts smoking it. The oaky scent fills the air around him as he smokes. 'So much to do and so little time.' He pulls out his phone and messages Luke. ~Hey, I'm bringing someone to come live at the mansion within the next twenty-four hours. I will need you to help move the boxes. I will have work to attend to.~

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