Unknown Prey

Chapter 78 77

Cindy laughs at Kitty. "You have never been able to drink much. You should give it a try when you are able to again. It's not as bad as it smells."

"I don't see you drinking," Kitty says then sticks her tongue out at Cindy. "I'll have you know that I can drink but I prefer my drinks to be sweet and not to have that strong aftertaste that most alcohol beverages have. There was some sweet champagne that I really enjoyed."

Leo lets her go and looks at Cindy. "She has drunk champagne. It was at Will and Sam's engagement party. That is how we both met." He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer to himself. "It's an acquired taste. I have no issues with you not liking it but I will let you try some of the more expensive stuff. It's a lot smoother and doesn't have the same after taste. So you may be able to enjoy it."

The manager comes back with the food. He places the stir fry in front of each of the ladies, then he places Leo's steak and potato in front of him. "Enjoy your meal if you need anything, please do not hesitate to call me over." He bows and takes his leave.

Kitty looks down at the food and smiles. She picks up her fork and tries a little. "Mmmmm. This tastes so good." She happily continues to eat.

Cindy follows suit and starts to eat. "Wow, this is really good." She too eats her food.

Leo watches Kitty eat and then starts eating. 'She looks happy and less exhausted. I am glad she seems to be improving but the hardest part of this week has yet to come.' The meal was eaten quickly and the table was silent while they ate. Leo finished his food first. "If either of you wants dessert, please feel free to order it. As for me, I am done eating."

Kitty finished her meal and looked at the dessert menu. 'I'm still hungry. Dessert is a good idea.' She finishes her ginger ale. "I will take you up on that offer, darling." Her eyes are sparkling with happiness.

Cindy looked at Kitty and shakes her head. "I'm going to head back to my room if that is okay with you two. It has been a long day. Don't stay up too late we still have to drive in the morning." She gets up and leaves the restaurant.

"Of course we won't stay up too late." Leo waved the manager over and the manager came over.

What can I do for you, Sir?"

Kitty watched Cindy leave then looked at the manager. "May I please get the apple crumble with vanilla ice cream for dessert, please?" She hands him the menus. "Darling, is there anything that you want?"

Leo looks at Kitty and smiles mischievously, "not at the moment. I don't need anything else to drink for the evening."

The manager takes the menus and the dish in front of Kitty. "Very well. I will go place the dessert order and come back for the rest of the dishes. Please, excuse me." He walks away and goes to place the dessert order. He comes back and grabs the rest of the plates. He walks away thinking, 'this is the first time that I have seen him come here with a companion. I will keep this to myself.'

Kitty looks at him suspiciously. Accidentally she asked, "what are you planning?" quickly she covers her mouth with her hand. 'I didn't mean to ask that out loud. Oh well, it's too late now.'

He leans down and whispers seductively in her ear, "I am sure you already know what I have in mind. Do you really want me to say it here in the restaurant, where we could be heard by anyone?" His hand runs up her thigh under the table.

Kitty feels her cheeks heat up. She takes her hand and pinches the top of his hand while glaring at him. "Leo, this really isn't the place to do this." Her voice came out softly.

Leo lifts her chin up and kisses her deeply. When the kiss ends he whispers, "Kitty, you have nothing to worry about. I would never do anything to bring you harm. No one will question our actions. You have nothing to worry about my dear. You don't need to get embarrassed " He releases his hold on her.

Kitty catches her breath, "why do you tease me so?" She pouts and leans her head on his chest.

The manager comes back with the dessert then leaves quickly.

Leo smiles and rubs her head. "I love your reactions. You feed into what I desire most from your reactions. I am lucky to have you in my life. Before we go to our room lets make a stop at a store. Eat up."

"What kind of store?" She starts to eat the apple crumble and vanilla ice cream. "Mmmmm. I am glad that I ordered this. Here, try a bite, Darling." She takes a spoonful and holds it up to his lips.

He eats the bite, "you can eat the rest I am full already. We need some supplies that we don't already have at my place." He replies cryptically.

"Fine, play with your words. I will find out soon enough." She eats her dessert until it is finished. She stands up when she finishes. "Let's go to this store now."

Leo smirks and gets up. He leaves more than enough money at the table to pay the bill and the two leave. He holds her close around the waist and leads her to a baby store. "We may not know the gender but we can still buy some things. This will give you something else to do while I am away for work. Also, feel free to put Luke to work. That kid needs to do something." He chuckles and holds the door open.

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