Unknown Prey

Chapter 89 88 The Artists Plan a Project Together

"I, unfortunately, do not but I do enjoy looking at others work. Kitty is the one with the real talent. So if you have some work you don't mind sharing I would gladly like to admire it." She down at the two. "I too think that it is wise that you order what you missed right away. I will head to the dining room first and on my way ask the cook to prepare some snacks and drinks." She walks down the stairs and heads to the kitchen. She pops her head into the kitchen. "Hello, I was wondering if I could request some snacks and drinks in the dining room for three people."

The cook turns around and looks at the woman leaning in the doorway. "Of course you may. My name is Carlos. Do you have any snack requests that I could make someone as beautiful as yourself?"

Cindy's face goes beet red, "something sweet and safe for Kitty to eat as she is pregnant. My name is Cindy. Thank you for the compliment. We will be in the dining room for when everything is ready." She quickly leaves the kitchen and heads back to the dining room table. She sits down and tried to calm her heart that is now racing.

Carlos watches her sneak away. 'I wonder if she is a guest of the master's. She is my type but she looks rather innocent. I really should settle down but I do not think that the master of the household would take too kindly to me hitting on his guest. Cindy said that she needs snacks for Kitty I wonder who she is. Oh well, I should not be thinking about such things. I will attempt to woo her after I find out if the boss will allow it.' He starts to whistle and prepare some light sweet snacks and prepares tea that is caffeine free.

Kitty watched Cindy leave and then turns away. She starts to climb the stairs. "I do believe that your suggestion is a wonderful idea. I would likely to forget what it is that is still needed for the baby. Thank you for the suggestion, Luke."

Luke gets up quickly and follows Kitty up the stairs. 'I must protect Kitty.I didn't know that protecting the person that my alpha had chosen would hit me as hard as it has. I wonder how bad my instincts will be once the baby is born. That is a matter that will come to light in due time.' He makes sure she makes it up the stairs before replying, "there is nothing to thank me for. I honestly think that you wouldn't forget everything and even if you did you said the missing items out loud so both Cindy and I would be able to remember. So do not fret." He smiles at her. "Would you like to see the collection of art supplies that I have? That way you can pick out what you would like to use. I believe that it is better for the artist to pick out the supplies that they will use. Everything feels different to each individual."

"You make some great points Luke. I will come with you to pick out the art supplies but first, allow me to grab Leo's home laptop from the bedroom. I did not get to see what room is yours. So it would be easier if I go grab the laptop and we go to your room and grab the supplies." Kitty starts to walk towards her new bedroom. 'I can't wait to see what kind of supplies Luke has.'

Luke walks beside Kitty. "I will just come with you and keep you company. I am looking forward to getting more art supplies. I tend to lose track of time when I am drawing. I work on my studies and then I spend the rest of my time making different types of art pictures. If it is alright with you would you allow me to paint your portrait?"

"You want to paint my portrait? I am flattered. I will let you do it. If you want the two of us can work together to paint the nursery room. I will sketch the design so that the two of us can paint the design together. I have an idea about what I want to paint already. So I hope you don't mind. There is a paint line that doesn't have the harsh fumes and are completely safe for me to use." She opens the bedroom door. She walks to the nightstand and grabs the laptop. Then she walks back to Luke. "Okay lead the way to your room and then we can head back downstairs."

Luke smiled brightly up at her. "I would love to help you out. I can not wait for the baby to show up. I do not see why Leo and Cindy think that you are having a boy. You have to be having a girl. I do not know why I feel like that is the case. Also, I was thinking that the portrait should be of you holding the baby in the nursery. I would like to paint that the most. I am going to warn you now, I am starting to feel a bit territorial over you. Not in a possessive way but in a way that I have to do everything in my power to protect you, kind of way." The two reach his room. "Welcome to my sanctuary. Feel free to use anything in my room." He walks to the middle of his room and starts to grab different art books. "Do you think I should grab a variety of different books for Cindy to look at?"

"Do not worry as long as the baby is healthy that is all anyone really cares about. It is ingrained into your very soul so it is not much of a surprise that you feel protective or even possessive of me and even the baby. I am sure that Cindy will enjoy any type of scenery pictures or even ones of animals." She looks around the room in wonder. 'He really has quite a bit of artwork I am glad that I will have company when I draw or even when I paint.' She sees a set of pencils that are mostly unused. She picks them up and examines them. "Did you not like this set?"

"I, in fact, did not like that set. It felt strange in my hands but as Leo had bought it for me I could not bring myself to get rid of them. Have they captured your attention? If so, please go ahead and try them out and if you like them then you can keep them. That way you can use them whenever you feel like drawing. I will never be able to use them." He looks excited.

"You sure have a lot of energy Luke. I will try these pencils out I have a feeling that they will suit me rather well. Do you have a blank art book or even just a loose piece of paper?"

Luke pulls out asketchbook. "Here this one is one that I have yet to use." He picks up three other books after handing the empty book to Kitty. He grabs one more book and a different pencil set. "I have what I will need. Let us head back down and go and start sketching at the table with Cindy." He walks towards the door.

Kitty follows him. "Thank you for all your help, Luke. I am looking forward to sketching my ideas out. We will make a good team I do believe." She follows him out the door carrying all that she needed. "Is this a good time to ask you how far along you are on your transformation. You must be getting close to having a full transformation. If I remember correctly it will happen once you turn sixteen. The full change process is something that is a hard challenge to come by Lavatis

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