Unknown Prey

Chapter 93 93 Leo's Confession

"I will go in the car. I don't want to be in the cramped truck." Luke stood up and walked towards Carlos at the door, "since Kitty seems to know things work. I can go to her as well if I have any issues and I, of course, will come to you as well Carlos. I was just sitting in on the conversation because it is really fascinating. Kitty seems to know how to manipulate the system as well. Kitty, please be safe and we will come back with the rest of the mail shortly."

"Creating loopholes in a system just because you can Kitsune is a bad habit of yours." Carlos glares at Kitty and then sighs, "go ahead and get in the car. Cindy will be driving the car and I will drive the truck. I'll make sure Luke reaches my father safely. Be careful that you don't do anything stupid." He waves then leaves the house with Luke.

Leo watches everything and lets out a small sigh, "well one thing for sure is that it is going to be more lively around here. You have anything else that you are keeping from me that I should know about now, my love?"

"Darling, there is a lot that you don't know about me yet and we now have our entire lives to spend with each other. I would do anything to stay by your side for the rest of our lives." Kitty sat up, leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I will learn more about you as we go on then. It is exciting to think about what kind of information you will teach me." After she had kissed his cheek Leo slides his hand to the back of her head and he pulled her towards him. He slowly kisses her lips and gently licks them after their kiss. "Is there anything you want to do today?"

"I am excited to spend some alone time with you. It has only been a few days since you had to go back to my hometown but it felt like an eternity to me. I do want to work on the nursery a little bit. There should be some furniture that has come in so you could build that while you are home then we can set up the room how we would like it to look together." Kitty smiles at Leo gently.

Leo kisses her again and gently pries her mouth open with his tongue. He starts to explore her mouth, slowly he runs his tongue over hers and then he runs his hand from the back of her head down her back. He rests his hand in the middle of her back. He stops kissing her lips and looks into her eyes. "The look that you are giving me is a look of desire. If you want it I will have to hear it in your own words." Leo brought his mouth over to her ears and whispered in her ear. "I know that I desire you and that you desire me but until you tell me what you want, you will have to put up with my torturing of you." He kissed just below her ear and the trailed kisses down her neck stopping at her collarbone. He sat up and looked at her with a heated gaze. "I look forward to torturing you, my sweet."

Kitty could feel the burning desire of what she wanted him to do but could not bring herself to request it at this time. "You're going to tease me all day, aren't you. You already know what I want but you want me to say the words out loud but it is embarrassing to say out loud. I will try my best but don't actions speak louder than words?"

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"They do but I want to hear you say it. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing the one you love say what they want from you." Leo smiles and pulls her on his lap. He rests his head on her shoulder and whispered into her ear again. "I will help you set up the nursery. It is our little one who is on the way and I will help you in any way that I can while I still can. Also, I would like to cook you a special dinner so while I do that I would like to request that you stay upstairs until I come and get you when it is dinner time. I will cook you something special and if there is a desert you would like please let me know."

Kitty smiles and thinks what he has said, "is there something special about today that I should be aware of? Or is it because you have been away for so long that you now want to treat me to something fancy?" She sits in his lap and leans back against his chest. 'So comfy and safe. I am happy but slightly unsatisfied. I can not believe after everything we did together he is now going to request that I ask for what I want.'

Leo sensing her thoughts, "there is nothing special about today but I would like to make it special for you. I only have so much time to spend with you before they will send me back to work. I can't bare the thought of not doing something for you when you have given me a gift like no other. Keeping our baby and sticking by my side even after finding out I am one of the people you should be running away from. I trust you and I want to make every moment of our lives so memorable." Slowly he hugs her, "when I think about how I was in the past….I'm a little disgusted with some of the things that had happened but it was at least it was not for nothing. I gained you by my side and we are going to have a baby to fill the house with more happiness. Will you listen to my past?"

"Every moment will be memorable if I am with you each step of the way and with our baby, on the way, I wouldn't and couldn't think about leaving you. It was hard enough to be away from you these last few days let alone the six months we spent apart." Kitty could feel that something in his past had been bothering him. "Darling, if you want to talk about anything that happened in the past I won't hold it against you. There are some things that are going to be hard to talk about but I will listen to whatever you what to say to me."

"Remember when I said that I only took on hunts where killers were involved. There was a time when I was forced to kill someone who seemed innocent. It was a test to see if I was qualified as a hunter. The girl begged for her life and when no one helped her she quickly tried to kill me. I wasn't in a daze when it happened but it was over in a flash. I don't remember raising my sword but I killed her in a flash. It was when she fell to the ground that I realized that she was pregnant. The clothes she was wearing were baggy and you could not tell. I was told that I had to make sure that the child was dead as well. So I stabbed her in the stomach. It was the most heartless thing I had ever done and Will he was stuck watching me do this. It was truly heartbreaking and I did vow that I would never kill someone who was not a known killer at that point. If my parents knew of what I had done would they forgive me?" Leo buried his head in her hair.

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