Unknown Prey

Chapter 96 96 I Swear to You That my Future Belongs to You

After her hands are freed she sits up. She waits for Leo to lay down. She slowly moved towards him and grasps his penis in her hands. She slides her hand up and down. She heard Leo hiss. She took the tip into her mouth and circled around the head and then slowly began to move up and down over his penis. She could feel it throbbing in her mouth. She continues her movements until he ejaculated in her mouth. She sat up and swallowed the cum. "I hope that was satisfying."

Leo watched her swallow his cum and was pleasantly surprised. "It was very satisfactory." He sat up and hugged her. "Lay back down on the bed so that I can get the wax off your body." He watches her lay back down, then he takes a little pocket knife and gently scrapes off the wax that was dripped onto her body. "How do you feel?"

"I feel really good. I am very satisfied. I am not used to saying what I want but I will work on that so that we may continue to have the best communication. I want to spend more and more time getting to know all that you know and I will learn for you as I am inexperienced in this field. I am a little sad that you have experience but at the same time there was no reason for you to be pure and you lived a normalish life up until now. Besides, we do have our whole lives together to learn more about each other." Kitty looks into Leo's eyes.

"I will teach you everything that I have learned and I would also like to do new things as well. I may have more experience but that doesn't mean that the partners I had were ones that actually mattered to me. My past can't be changed but I swear to you that my future belongs to you." Leo looks down at Kitty.

"I can live with the fact that I own your future. I look forward to you showing me more things that you have done in the past and I look forward to trying new things with you as well." Kitty sits up after Leo finishes removing the wax. She grabs her clothes and gets dressed again. "Do you want to go and see the hunters that were hospitalized after the three go-to Carlos place?"

Leo thinks for a moment and gets dressed again. "Yeah, I would prefer that you didn't have to travel out into town but I know why you want to do it. It is a very wise choice to see some of the people I work with. I wonder which of the hunters were passing through the area?" He grabs his work laptop and logs in. "Hmmmmmm. I can't tell from the logs. What a pain in the ass."

"Please do not worry about me, Darling. This is something that we need to do anyway. It's better we go to them, then they come to us." Kitty finishes getting dressed and gets up out of bed. "Leo, I want to see if there is an area I can plant some flowers in and also, I have Carlos buying some planters with soil so that I can have some plants in the house. The flowers are the ones that each of my female clan members loved. It will ease the suffering in a way."

"Of course, anything that you want to do you are welcome to change as this will be your home and I want you to enjoy every moment you spend here. If the plants will help you then I am one hundred percent on board. I think there is a space outside that isn't in use so if you wanted to use it you can." Leo holds her hand and leads her down the hall, down the stairs and back to the living room. "Kitsune, what is your favorite flower?"

Kitty giggles and smiles, "my favorite flower is white and blue roses. The meaning behind them is unique and wonderful. White roses symbolize purity, innocence, sympathy, and spirituality. Blue roses symbolize mystery, the impossible, and the unattainable. When you give a blue rose to someone it is like you are saying you are extraordinarily wonderful and unique. My mother's favorite flower was white lilies. That is a plant that Carlos bought for me. I think he remembered from when my mother passed away."

"It is rather unfair that he knows so much about your past while I know what feels like nothing. I know that it can't be helped as you took over for your family and he was someone you grew up knowing but it irks me a little. I won't fire him as it is nice to have someone to be here to help Luke and good help that can keep a secret are hard to find." Leo sits down and pats his lap.

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Kitty sits down on his lap and wraps her arms around Leo's neck. "There is nothing to worry about, Darling. We have the rest of our lives together and I will tell you about my past and how it was taking over for my parents. If there is something you want to know from my past I will tell you all that you want to know. There is no reason to be jealous of Carlos."

Leo holds her close and kisses her neck. "I wouldn't be so jealous if I didn't love you as much as I do, my love. I can't help but feel protective of you but if I wasn't paying attention, I wouldn't have noticed that something is brewing between Cindy and Carlos."

"Yes, I think that the two clans will be connected between the two of them. I think they will make a wonderful couple that is if Carlos can get his work done. Jaxson is truly a scheming individual. He made it nearly impossible for Carlos to find a partner. Over the years I have heard both their complaints. How Carlos isn't trying hard enough or that Jaxson is a slave driver. I am glad that Luke is part of the clan. He will go back with Carlos every other full moon for the bi-monthly meetings. I don't have to go to those meetings unless I am free but that will not be the case for a while. Darling, are you still jealous?" She reaches up to his cheek and runs her hand down his cheek.

"Yes and no. I know there is nothing that can be done about your past but your future belongs to me. I am grateful that everyone is so concerned about you. I think that Carlos and Cindy will make an adorable couple. I do not know what is going to happen in the future but I know that werewolves only have one partner in their lifetime, even if their partner passes away before them." Leo snuggles her hand and holds her as close as he can.

"Yes, that is the truth for werewolves and it is common practice for most of my clan. The fox clan rarely moves on from their loved ones. Julie and Grant overcame the past and fell in love but is the first time that has happened in my clan since I became the head of the clan. There are some things I want to make certain that you can do for me. Darling, there is a chance that our little one may come earlier than planned and I want to make sure that if that happens you will be able to come home. I want you to be home for when the baby is born. My powers will go to you shortly after the baby has come into this world. You will go through a tough change and I want you home for when it happens. I do not want you to become the hunted." Kitty's voice goes a little quiet at the end.

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