Unknown Prey

Chapter 98 98 Babysitting Two Werewolves

"It is an old wives tale but that is not completely why I think the baby is a girl. My instincts are leaning towards a girl. Welcome back, Luke. The bonds you have is just as good and that makes you this little one's older brother. When you find a mate you will love them unconditionally and they will not be bound to you by blood but the bond you share. Was Scarlet working today?" Kitty smiles and then looks up at Luke.

Leo stands up and walks towards Luke. He pats him on the shoulder. "We have been together for so many years now and all I want is to spend more time as a family together. The baby will be your sibling. I know that it has been hard for you over the last little while but now I have more knowledge so I hope that I won't make my requests like a command and Kitty will help me with learning on what to say since she is so good at it."

Luke looks between the two and beams happily. "I am so lucky that I have such a loving and caring family and now I will get to meet my clan. I'm excited but also nervous at the same time. How will I know if they like me or not? Scarlet works around noon today I think she works until seven?" Luke looks at Kitty worriedly.

"What isn't there to like about you Luke you are a wonderful kid and anyone is lucky to have you in their family. Go help them bring in the rest of the boxes and let's leave the big boxes in the living room for now. When you guys come home you can help Leo build what is there unless he has to go back to work then you and Cindy will have to build it." Kitty walks to the door and pushes Luke gently towards the entrance of the house.

Leo kisses the top of Kitty's head and smiles. "I will go help them bring things inside that way we can all head out at the same time."

"Alright, I will open what is on the table and let you guys bring in the big things." Kitty grabbed a boxcutter and went to the table. She opened the first box and took out Luke's paint set. 'This is an amazing paint set I am glad that he got it for himself. He really is a sweet kid. I still have to show Leo my sketches as well.' She picks up the next box and opens it but the box cuts her finger. She put the knife down and looked at her finger then went to the kitchen and ran her finger under cold water and then washed the wound. She placed her hand over her finger and chanted a healing spell.

Cindy carried the last of the small packages to the kitchen table and then popped into the kitchen after she saw a little blood on the table. She heard the chant and waited until the spell was complete before she said anything. "Are you okay. I saw some blood on the table and decided to check up on you."

"It's just a small cut, nothing major. The blood must have dropped before I stopped the bleeding. How was the trip into town?" Kitty showed her finger to Cindy and grabbed a piece of paper towel then walked back to the table. She wiped up the blood then went and placed the paper towel in the garbage.

Cindy let out a sigh. "I know that you can use your magic to heal a small wound but you need to be careful you are going into town with Leo and it will take everything in you to hold your form for so long. Aren't you two going to see those hunters? It is worrisome for me as your midwife to watch you go through one stressful situation to the next."

"Do not fret. I have a car that has tinted windows no one will be able to see into the car and Kitty can transform at the last possible moment. That way her human form can be held longer. I will make sure that nothing happens to her and the baby, while you babysit the two werewolves." Leo smirked and looked down at Kitty. "If you want to hide the fact that you cut your finger you should get rid of the box that some blood got on. As I do not see a wound and that Cindy is not freaking out you must have healed the wound."

"Babysitting two werewolves…..pfffft hahaha. Leo that is great." Cindy bends over in a fit of laughter. "Oh, that is exactly how it feels. The trip into town was eventful and I wonder how the trip to the Wolf Clan will go? But it will be worth it." Cindy calms down and stands back up and looks at the two "You should be relaxing Leo, don't worry about bringing in the boxes and just look after Kitty."

"That is what Carlos yelled at me. I just wanted to speed up the process of getting you guys on the road so that I could finish preparing to take Kitty into town." Leo walked over to Kitty and kissed the top of her head. 'Also, I wanted to make sure that she didn't see the flowers I bought and also directed them on placing them in the shed in the backyard while Kitty wasn't paying attention.'

Luke and Carlos smiled and quickly moved the flowers to the shed so that Kitty couldn't smell the roses before it was time for her to notice them. Carlos looked at the kid carrying to bouquet of flowers and chuckled. "Surprisingly I could see you buying this amount of flowers for the girl you fall for and yes I would do the same. I hope that Leo has everything planned out for dinner."

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"Knowing Leo, he has everything planned out and will not let Kitty in the fridge. He is wise but to keep it so that Kitty won't notice that anything is off is the challenge. I don't know Kitty that well but what I have seen so far is that she is cunning, so I doubt that she wouldn't notice that something is going on. Maybe he will get everything prepared while she naps?" Luke placed the bouquet down on the shelf in the shed and then stood outside.

"Kitty will notice something is up. I wouldn't put it past her but she will let Leo do as he pleases as this is his house and they aren't legally married so she won't change much. They surprisingly have similar tastes in decor." Carlos placed the two boxes of flower petals in the shed and then closed the door. Let's get the rest of the big things brought in along with her flower planters and soil. I want to get out of here before it gets too late and I would like to get there within a reasonable time."

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