
With an exclamation, a super-beautiful woman opened her eyes wide and looked at her body stunned.

The huge front, the small waist, the upturned back, and the long light blue smooth beautiful hair behind the head door.

“I… What’s wrong with me, why is the front getting bigger, the hair getting longer, and the back…”

Looking everywhere on her body, ‘her’ body suddenly froze, thinking of a terrible possibility.

Then, carefully lifting the hem of his skirt, looking under him, he saw a very small and cute blue stripe in front of him.

The expression on his face shrunk, and it almost turned into a bad word:

“I… I’ve become a woman…”

This scene is believed to be familiar to most anime fans living on the earth.

This is the plot of the first time that the male protagonist in the Kemp Law becomes a Kemp Law warrior, but today, this plot happened to Yang Xiao, who is also a man.

“Give your brother a vacation…”

When Yang Xiao heard this sentence before, he only felt funny, but now when his younger brother really didn’t know where to travel, when there was suddenly a pair of big bulls in front of him, his heart collapsed.

“How did I become a woman, how could it be, yesterday I was obviously still reviewing that undisciplined anime, how did I wake up and become a woman, this can’t be… I’m going to calm down…”

Talking to himself, his eyes looked around, and Yang Xiao found that he was not in his home at all.

The place where you are is a very neatly furnished Japanese-style room, with a bed, TV, and various furniture buttons.

More importantly, in front of his eyes is a puppet tiger with open limbs, a knife inserted in his stomach, and his intestines exposed.

This is!! Seppuku !!!

At this moment, the puppet tiger seemed to be grinning and laughing at himself.

“You have become a Kempfa warrior, only women can become Kempfa, so the body has become a woman, since you have been chosen, you can only incarnate as a Kempfa warrior and go on the road to fighting!”

Seeing that Yang Xiao’s gaze had noticed its body, the seppuku tiger actually stood up and beckoned to Yang Xiao

“Do you understand?”

Yang Xiao took a deep breath, he naturally knew what was going on with the Keppu method, and he knew without this seppuku tiger explaining.

But in the distant universe or another world, there are two forces at war.

Maybe these two forces are gods and demons, maybe aliens, anyway, he didn’t pay attention to these.

In short, these two forces, under the mediation of the mediator, decided to throw the oath bracelet and let the earth women become Kemp warriors to fight in their place.

Whichever side wins, it will become the ruler.

However, what do these things have to do with him, because these things only happen in undisciplined anime.

As a person who watches anime, how can something like this happen?

The only explanation is – he crossed over and became the male protagonist in the Kemp Law….

“You didn’t become the male protagonist in Kempfari, you just replaced his existence!”

At this moment, a voice sounded in my head:

“It seems that you have accepted the fate of your own crossing, so as not to look annoying at first glance.”

Yang Xiao, as a senior comic fan, although he has not made up for a long time because of life and Jusaku, he still has the acceptance of this strange thing.

Crossing is crossing, let’s see the situation first.

I heard that those who can talk to people in the human brain can hear the voices of others, thinking of this, his brows frowned, and he thought in his heart:

“That loud guy, you are…”

“Don’t call me big guy, call me Lord Queen!”


“In short, I will only explain to you once, you listen, I am a god, in every sense, and then, the purpose of letting you cross into this world is to cultivate a male pet that meets my interests and loves, well, yes, male pet, so, listen to your task in this world, your task, is to make Shacang Feng fall in love with you, and willingly, that’s it, after completing this task, you can leave this world.”

“Male… Male pets…”

Yang Xiao was speechless for a while, is his opposite really a goddess? It won’t be some blood-sucking demon.

“If there are any other questions you want to ask, please ask them while I am in a good mood, otherwise, I will go to sleep later.”

The goddess and queen on the opposite side who claimed to be going to cultivate Yang Xiao into a male pet seemed to be a little impatient.

Yang Xiao could even feel that she was casually yawning and waving her hand at the moment, as if she was sending a flower child.

“After completing the mission, where did I leave this world? The next world is to return to the earth where I was before…”

Although the world is beautiful, there are still old fathers and mothers in their own family waiting for their daughters-in-law to hold their grandchildren, and they don’t want to become missing people and make them worry.

It’s not easy for parents to raise themselves, and you can’t leave them alone because you are in such a world.

“Don’t worry about what you think, after you completely meet my requirements, you can completely transcend space and time with your own strength, at that time, even if you return to your original world, you can return to the time you left open at any time.”

The voice on the other side explained.

Hearing that voice answer like this, Yang Xiao’s heart became even heavier, and he felt as if he would have to go back for a long time:

“Is the so-called substitution what I mean?”

“Yes, the so-called substitution is a complete substitution, his existence, replaced by you, the things he has done, are also done by you, you don’t have those relevant memories now, because you can’t digest so many memories at once, I turned your memories into triggers, only when you need them, these things will be remembered.”

The goddess on the opposite side seemed to yawn, and her voice was a little sleepy-eyed and fluffy:

“Okay, let’s stop here, Queen Ben is going to go to a beauty sleep, hurry up and let that woman in Shacang Feng fall in love with you!”

After speaking, there was no more sound on the other side.

“Hey, you haven’t said what xx means, pure people can’t understand ah!!!”

After shouting twice in his mind, but finding that no one answered, Yang Xiaocai sighed slightly, so, is he walking on the road of male pet?

“Hey, hey, do you understand? The Oath Bracelet in your hand, which allows you to transform into a Kemp Warrior, will glow before transforming! ”

Seppuku said to Yang Xiao, “By the way, I am a messenger sent by the mediator, that is, an angel-like existence!” ”

When Yang Xiao was talking to the goddess who didn’t know who it was, the seppuku tiger didn’t know what happened at all, and just said to him.


Yang Xiao had an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, walked towards the seppuku tiger, and lifted the intestines exposed at its stomach.


The seppuku tiger screamed, but Yang Xiao’s mouth hung a trace of coldness, and he turned the seppuku tiger in his hand a few times and threw it into the trash.

“Whew~ I’m feeling a lot more relaxed…”

A reflexive throwing himself on the bed, Yang Xiao found that he was a little tired, hey, from today onwards, he is a women’s clothing boss.


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