Sha Cang Feng didn’t know what she had been scolded into secretly, at this moment, she was just waiting for Yang Xiao’s answer with expectation, although she believed that Yang Xiao would definitely give her a satisfactory answer, but she didn’t have much confidence in her heart.

This kind of uneasy mood is not much worse than the first time the teenager confessed to the goddess in his heart.

“Actually, the red sound side is not the key…”

Saying words that made the beautiful red voice in the shadows crazy, Yang Xiao said with a smile:

“After all, just as I need to think about my parents and have a formal home, Hong Yin needs a home too, doesn’t she? However, even if she is a lily, she allows her object to be with other women, how can she be with other men? So…… I asked Hongyin to come with me and have sex with a boy… In addition to loving each other, the two of us also like the same boy~ (like yourself, it’s really no problem!) )”

“You guys… You guys…”

Sha Cang Feng felt that her head was a little big, and she really wanted to say that your circle was so messy.

“Isn’t it hard to accept? Well, this is also a matter of no way, but our relationship is like this, to tell you the truth, Feng, in fact, the man I like with Hongyin is the boys’ department you just said with the same name as me, Yang Xiao, so, Feng, if you really like me, in addition to accepting my relationship with Hongyin, you must also accept my relationship with Yang Xiao, even, I like Yang Xiao, you must also follow and like Yang Xiao, and you must also ask him for the matter of having children in the future… If you can do this, we will have a chance to be together, otherwise… I don’t want to delay your youth, you better like others, there are still many good girls in this world! ”

When Yang Xiao’s big call was finished, not only Shacang Feng was stunned, but even the Kemp Famei Red Voicer who was hiding in the shadows opened his mouth in amazement, although he didn’t know what he said, but why did he have a very reasonable look…


Suddenly, Shacang Feng shook his head repeatedly.

“Is it? I can’t accept it, yes, such a thing, except for Hong Yin, who else can accept it, only her love for me can reach such a level! ”

Seeing Sha Cang Feng shaking his head, Yang Xiao also sighed with some regret, and let out a coquettish moan-, cough, although it is very disappointed and regretful, but this is also expected, such conditions, a normal woman can not accept it.

“Nope!! I mean, I don’t want to be like this with Yang Xiao, I want to be with Yang Xiao, even if I pay a big price, I am willing, I believe, my heart for Yang Xiao will not be worse than that red sound, since she can accept Yang Xiao from the boys’ department for Yang Xiao, I can also do it, Yang Xiao, you trust me! ”

Clenching his fist, Sha Cang Feng said with a firm face.


Yang Xiao thought that he had misheard, looked at the girl in front of him stunned, and asked incredulously: “You you you, what did you just say?” ”

“I said, since Hongyin classmates are willing to associate with Yang Xiao who was studied by that boy for Yang Xiao, then I can also do it, Yang Xiao, I can promise you any conditions, can you associate with me?”

The more she talked about the back, the more determined the expression in Sha Cang Feng’s eyes became, and in the end, there was not even half a shame in her eyes.

“It’s all said to this point, if I’m still so unkind, then even God won’t be able to stand it, in that case, then I, Yang Xiao, are making noise here, you Shacang Feng…”

Sha Cang Feng’s eyes had already lit up, and his eyebrows opened and smiled, waiting for Yang Xiao to say the next words.

Just then, suddenly!


A gunshot rang out, and a smoking black hole appeared on the ground beside the two.

With the sound of footsteps, a red-haired girl walked out from between the corridors on the rooftop and said to Yang Xiao: “Bastard, you guy, what the hell are you going to go too far!” ”

“Ah, it’s her!”

Sha Cang Feng stood in front of Yang Xiao all of a sudden, his hands open, blocking her… He said: “Classmate Yang Xiao, don’t be afraid, last time it was you who protected me, and this time it is my turn to protect you!” ”

She also remembered what the Kemp Law of the Red Voice looked like.

“If it is a woman, she should obediently hide behind the man, instead of blocking the front without self-determination to cause chaos to the man!”

Yang Xiao pulled Sha Cang Feng behind him and said domineeringly. It’s just that this bit of domineering, if not for the fact that he is constantly begging for mercy at Mei Jiao Hongyin at the moment, it would be more perfect.

“Classmate Yang Xiao~!”

Behind Yang Xiao, Sha Cang Feng could not see her expression, just looked at her tall and beautiful body and strong in front of her, it was so perfect, such a beautiful and handsome woman, even if she gave everything for her.

At this moment, she looked at Yang Xiao’s eyes even more obsessed.

“Hmph, go to hell and show affection to the Buddha Lord!”

Before seeing Yang Xiao use despicable means to deceive Shacang Feng, she was already very dissatisfied, especially Yang Xiao still used her as a stepping stone, and she didn’t expect that such a clumsy means, Shacang Feng, this mean woman, actually believed it, now, looking at her almost obsessive eyes on Yang Xiao, even if Yang Xiao is a female body at this moment, she also found that she couldn’t stand it, and she must come out and teach this pair of dogs ~ men and women a hard lesson.

Saying that, the gun in his hand aimed at the two is a random shooting of biubiubiu, or her style as always, although she shot ~ a lot of guns, but there is no sign of hitting people, and I don’t know when her marksmanship will improve.

Anyway, it’s better not to be now.

Yang Xiao pulled Sha Cang Feng, and while flashing left and right, a powerful fireball condensed in his hand, which catapulted towards Mei Hongyin’s feet.

In the sound of the explosion, the entire rooftop was covered with smoke.

By the time Mei Hongyin came out of the smoke and dust with a frown, she was the only one left on the rooftop, and the place where the fireball hit before had now collapsed entirely, revealing a large hole on the rooftop.

“It’s really abominable, let them run away again, big ass ~ ass, slut, smelly Yang Xiao, rotten sand barn, steal cats!”

Saying some curse words in her mouth, Mei Jiao Hongyin stomped her foot hard, looked at the deep pit, and fell into deep thought. Somehow, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.


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