“Come in, you’re welcome, come in!”

Although the most anticipated in his heart was the girl’s version of Yang Xiao, Sha Cang Feng still greeted the three warmly. As a master, she can’t let herself lose etiquette and be looked down upon.

After letting everyone change into slippers and lead everyone into the living room, Shacang Feng wore slippers and went in the other direction: “You are welcome to drink it immediately!” ”

The three of them looked at the situation inside Shacang Feng’s house, and saw that in the living room of Nuoda, in addition to those that looked like luxurious furniture and valuable antiques and other things, the most left, I am afraid that the visceral series of dolls, what seppuku, hanging, burning, electric shock, everything, all pieces, I really don’t know what kind of childhood a girl has experienced to have such a curious hobby.

If it’s just a hobby, but she’s too obsessed with these things, it can be said that it’s crazy.

“Long wait!”

Sha Cang Feng brought the cold drink, the host and guest sat down, everyone took the drink, she greeted first: “Then, cheers!” ”


With the sound of cheers, under the sofa, three visceral animals also held a cup and drank up, don’t ask how the puppets drank, anyway, they were very comfortable after drinking, and said happily: “Infiltrated the internal organs!” ”

“But you have infiltrated too much!”

Yang Xiao turned around and said to the seppuku tiger, the seppuku black rabbit, and the electric shock bobcat. At this moment, the existence of these three pets, the ground under them has been wet a lot, after all, it is made of cloth, so drinking a drink, it is strange that it is not wet.


Looking at the time, Sha Cang Feng was a little depressed, why hadn’t Yang Xiao (female) come at this time? I made a very interesting preparation for today’s meeting, what a pity, since she didn’t come, the game can’t be played.

Sha Cang Feng was a little embarrassed, but she couldn’t let the guests come and sit down, after thinking about it, her eyes lit up, and she said to everyone: “Since everyone is here, I will show you something, originally it was to show Yang Xiao, now let’s go together!” ”

“Huh? How to skip the part of the game, it’s hateful, Shacang Feng, this woman, is really bent and helpless, in her eyes, I am afraid that there is only a girl’s version of herself, this is not okay, how can this woman succeed! ”

Although he thought in his heart, Yang Xiao could only follow the women now towards what Sha Cang Feng said to see.

This is a separate small room, the room is very small, it is full of all kinds of dolls, but they are all Shacang Feng’s favorite visceral series dolls, I saw that she seemed to be showing off her most precious treasures to her friends, her hands were wide open, and she turned around and said to everyone:

“Look, these are my children, and this is the most precious treasure in my life…”

Saying that, he leaned over and picked up two dolls, one was a gray unknown object with a mace on his head, and the other was several mice strung together: “This, it’s a black bear, this is a piercing mouse!” This is buried alive…”

Among those visceral animals, there are those that Yang Xiao is familiar with, such as the seppuku tiger, and there are also those he is not familiar with, such as the two introduced by Shacang Feng now, and many other strange animals, all of which are miserable deaths, really an animal slaughterhouse-like place. If a girl who is not familiar with these things sees such a scene, she is afraid that she will be scared and scream, but this woman Shacang Feng regards these things as her favorite.

“Na, Xiao Feng, among these dolls, which one do you like the most?”

After Shakura Kaede put away a doll in his hand, Migo Shizuku suddenly asked on the side.

Sha Cang Feng turned his head, looked at everyone, turned his back to his hand, and looked upwards, as if he was meditating on something, thought about it and said: “The words you say are very important, but to say your favorite words, it is really this!” ”

Saying that, a girl turned in place, and then threw herself to the side, grabbed a lion that looked miserable in the dark and burned by fire, and said:

“Burning at the stake!”

Holding the lion with its mouth wide open and looking like it was screaming by the fire, Sha Cang Feng said with a smile:

“This is the prototype of the visceral animal series~ When I was in junior high school, I accidentally went to a store, saw it at a glance, and bought it, because it is exactly the same, and the appearance of a lion I used to imagine!”

Yang Xiao…

Probably, the lions in Shacang Feng’s imagination are all burned, and is this lion sure that it is not some Rising antivirus software?

Shacang Feng continued: “When I was in the novel, I dreamed of being a painter and tried to paint a lot of things, one of which is it, it is exactly the same, this is fate! ”

Everyone was amazed by this experience, but Yang Xiao was no longer very curious about what he already knew more, so he said to Shacang Feng:

“So, Kaede, what about that puppet I gave you yesterday? Isn’t it because you don’t like non-visceral dolls that you turn around and throw them in the trash? ”

“How is it possible, that kind of thing… Yang Xiao’s (female) puppet, even if I lose my life, I will not lose it, moreover, I put her on my bed, she is her, and these children are not the same! ”

Speaking of that puppet, Sha Cang Feng was also a little strange, why did his luck be so good, just happened to see a puppet so similar to the image of Yang Xiao’s classmate? It can only be said that I still have to thank the boy Yang Xiao, if it weren’t for him, now this cute puppet doesn’t know which mean hand to ravage it, that kind of thing, think about it is terrible.

Thinking of this, Sha Cang Feng’s face was also red, and he bowed to Yang Xiao and said, “Thank you Yang Xiao, if it weren’t for this puppet you gave me, I would still be unable to sleep until now!” ”


Sanxiang Shizuku and Mei Ji Hongyin made a sound of dissatisfaction at the same time, which made Yang Xiao’s heart tighten.

These two women should be jealous.

That’s right, he even gave gifts to Shakura Kaede, who is still an enemy, but as a result, Shizuku Sango didn’t say anything, not even Mei Ji Hongyin, who was already officially a woman, and on this basis, it was really too derelict to be a man.

No, you have to find a way to make up for it.

Thinking like this in his heart, Yang Xiao did not forget the current matter, in the face of Sha Cang Feng’s thanks, he just shook his hand and said: “No thanks, by the way, look at the time, the girl Yang Xiao should also come, I’ll pick her up, you guys play first!” ”

After speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the women, he turned around and ran towards the door.

“Yang Xiao, she… Is she coming? That’s great! ”

Sha Cang Feng’s heart was secretly happy.


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