In the silent ancestral hall, what suddenly sounded was the chant from the mouth of the red-haired girl.

“——The sealer of the ancient holy sword, the noble elf!”

“——Mandate Ru to serve me as the Lord, and the contract is completed, then I am the sheath of Ru!”

Such a smooth chant, if you do not have a certain grasp of the elven language, you can’t do it. I saw the red lotus-like hair flying against the wind, constantly dancing under the wind vortex formed by the roar of divine power.

Yang Xiao also secretly recited the text of the contract, although it is better to read it out loud in order to show sincerity, but as a mantra, even if you meditate in your heart, the effect will not be bad, but this will make the other party’s elf feel that you are not sincere, and there may be a possibility of the contract failure…

In the end, the so-called contract is just a matter of what the two sides are willing to do, if you can make the other party willing, there is no need for any curse, even if you ask if you are willing? Then the other person replied that I would like to, and that would be it.

However, the most important thing is the lending of the power behind, and the elves must believe the words of the contractor, and generally give all their own to the contract elves, so that she can use all her power. But there is also a situation where the elf does not want to contract at all, but when the contract has to go on, the contract elf will first choose a part of himself to contract with it.

When the contract is completed, the contract elf becomes the envoy of the elven envoy and obeys the elven envoy.

The contract prayer had entered the final chapter, and at this time, the temple began to be fierce and terrifying, but Clair was unmoved and continued her calm contract chant. The Cyberion Holy Sword that she held in her hand began to shine brightly, making her face also show joy.

And Yang Xiao was also a little nervous, although he knew that her contract was doomed to fail, but what would happen after failure, which made him also very entangled. However, at most, the elves go crazy.

While resisting the fierce wind, Yang Xiao thought.

The holy sword inserted in the stone exuded a terrifying divine power, and if ordinary elves were under this coercion, I am afraid that they would have lost consciousness long ago.

“——I have ordered Ru three times, and made a contract with me!”

After that, Krell’s vows continued to echo in this shrine –

At that moment, there was a soft sound.


“Pull, pull out, pull out!”

Wielding the sword drawn from the stone, Claire cried out with joy, and at this moment, her smile was that heartfelt joy.

However, at this moment, those classical runes inscribed on the sword emitted a violent light!

Under the light of the light, Claire didn’t have time to think about it, so he could only let go of his hand, and the holy sword that fell in his hand had already turned into powder when it was still in the air, and the light scattered everywhere.


With a cry of pain, Claire couldn’t help but fall to the ground.

“Hey, it’s okay!”

Yang Xiao’s figure flashed and he had already appeared beside Krell.

“How, how? It hurts, what is this thing…”

Clair covered her forehead and stood up, her eyes looked around in panic, and when she saw Yang Xiao standing in front of her, her heart settled down a lot.

“Ah~ What about my sealing elf?”

Yang Xiao shook his head, looked in the direction of the sky and said, “Here!” ”

There was a sword floating in the sky, but it was not the broken sword that had been shattered just now, but a steel sword with a rough appearance, which looked very powerful and sharp.

“That is—the sealing spirit of the sword!?”

Clair asked stunned.

“Just by looking at it, it’s obvious!”

Yang Xiao said as he said that he had already silently recited the mantra of the contract in his heart.

“You’re not an elf, how do you know so much!”

Clair was a little puzzled, how can Yang Xiao say that he is also a man, a man, is it really necessary to understand so many things about elves? They won’t have any intersection with elves in their entire lives, right?

“If you haven’t eaten pork, have you never seen a pig run?”

Yang Xiao continued, but in his heart he was dedicated to two purposes, and he continued to recite the curse of the contract: “Moreover, that guy looks like he is swearing allegiance to his master!” ”

“…… Well, indeed, indeed, it is about the same. ”

Crane rarely expressed his inner approval.

Suddenly, the blade of the sword that was still floating quietly turned diagonally downward, aiming directly at Krell, stopping still, and then—


“…, get down!!”

Yang Xiao violently crushed Clair to the ground.

The sound of the sword roared and flew by, and in an instant it flew into the distance.

“Ah! You, you guy, wait for me, you touch me! Do you want to turn into charcoal! ”

Claire blushed, shy and excited to beat Yang Xiao’s chest.

“Stupid, stop messing around!”

Just now suddenly touched Kreel’s body, Yang Xiao was also sudden, and the mantra that had been recited for most of the time almost stuck, but fortunately he reluctantly took it, and then chanted the mantra in his heart.

But Claire pushed on Yang Xiao’s body, stood up, looked at the sword elf that had already stormed away in the sky, and said with a slight anger:

“Bad boys who love to rebel… I’ll tweak you well. ”

The girl’s red eyes burned with the flame of challenge, but her lines seemed to be a little wrong, and Claire lifted the hem of her skirt, pulled out the leather whip that was rolled around her thigh, and slammed the ground hard.

At that moment, Yang Xiao saw the white fat porcelain.

Although she has to be praised for being able to liberate this elf to this extent, the shortcomings of this girl are also obvious, that is, she is too arrogant.

The other party is the highest elf, just like her, whoever adjusts doesn’t have to think about it.

Ignoring the thoughts in Yang Xiao’s heart, Claire chanted a mantra in his mouth:

“—Guardian of the Crimson Flame, Guardian of the Sleepless Furnace!”

“-At this moment, follow the contract of blood, from my orders!”

It was her Flame Elf’s summoning technique. As the spell unfolded, the surrounding flames rolled like red lotuses, and violent waves of qi rushed towards the surroundings one after another.

“Come on, the hunt begins, my partner Scarlett!”

As soon as Kreel’s voice fell, a crimson flame cat instantly appeared at the end of her whip, although it was only a small cat, but the whole body was burning with flames that seemed to destroy everything.

Its hair is covered in flames, which makes people who want to hold such a kitten feel a chill in their hearts.

Yang Xiao stared at the flame cat, that one existed like a small pet, but he did not dare to underestimate her power in the slightest. Because, in terms of the level of the flame, the level of the Kempfa flame he transformed into in this state is only comparable to this kitten.

Therefore, obtaining a powerful elf is also an urgent matter for him now.


(Because some people say that Fanwai is too scary, I changed it again, and everyone can go and see it when they have time.) )

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