Things have come to this point, Yang Xiao can’t just watch. If he honestly lived with Claire and didn’t make trouble, maybe there would be no problem, but if something happened, and the people of the Knights of the Wind King knew that he didn’t honestly sleep in that stable, what would happen.

At this time, he couldn’t look any further. Although it is said that because of three years of decadence, the body is already very out of state, but if you have to deal with two girls who are still in the academy…

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao began to quickly chant the mantra in his mouth:

“——Leng Che forges the Queen of Steel, and the Holy Sword that slays the Demon God!”

“——At this moment, turn into a steel blade, give me power!”

As he chanted the spell, an invisible momentum burst out of the air, blowing everything around him, and under the summoning technique, the hand was held out of thin air, and the particle-like points of light in the hand slowly gathered, forming a sword-like shape.

However, it was only so, Yang Xiao could feel that at this time, the sword was about to condense, which was different from what he imagined. If the sword condenses at this time, I am afraid that it can only condense into a small sword, and the kind of small sword that can only be used to sell cute is of no use in stopping the battle between these two.

“No, how can there be only such a little power…”

Yang Xiao’s mind turned sharply, knowing that he couldn’t go on like this, if he really contracted that black silk loli, it should be more than just such a little power.

“My cute little loli elf! More, give me more of your power! ”

Yang Xiao shouted at the contract in his heart with his heart.

At this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from the left hand, where some power overflowed, as if to close the connection loop that he had just established with the sword elf.

Yang Xiao knew that it was the power of the contract signed between himself and the dark elf of Restia. Because if a person contracts with multiple elves at the same time, the power between them may affect each other, and finally the elves will not be able to use their power.

However, he is the successor of the Demon King, and he is the existence of the seventy-two pillar elves that can be signed in the legendary limit state, and now he is only two elves, even if they are both the highest elves, then what is the big deal.

Even though the connection circuit had been closed, Yang Xiao put on a posture and continued to inject divine power into the spirit engraving in his right hand. Because the strong divine power was overloaded in the right hand, the nerves in the arm were as sharp as burning.

But now, Yang Xiao doesn’t want to be in a hurry to transform, there is a saying called what comes, suffer in the bitter, Fang is a superior person, if he can’t even eat the suffering of the summoning, what kind of man, simply do a lifetime of Kemp Law.

“Although I don’t know if you can hear or not, but the current me is not the past me, so, Restia, apologize, I am no longer obsessed with only one elf, the current me needs strength!”

Saying to the contract in his left hand, Yang Xiao’s right hand, the arm that was imprinted, began to flash with violent thunder light, which belonged to the memory, the feeling three years ago, suddenly awakened.

Yang Xiao only felt that his body changed into an off-string arrow in an instant, his feet were a little on the ground, and he flew out, in the room in front of him, the two women who were about to fight together, their movements seemed to slow down at this moment, and he could even see the corners of their mouths rising confidently at that moment, as if defeating this old enemy in front of them was a breeze for them.

“As a woman, dare to do it in front of men, you two, give me enough time!!!”

A dazzling flash of light appeared in the palm of the hand, and the huge divine power flowing from the right hand oppressed the surrounding space, and in an instant, the connection of the sword sealing spirit was reopened.

The next moment, a one-handed sword, a one-handed giant sword, had appeared in Yang Xiao’s hand.

This is very huge for one hand —

“The Holy Sword of the Demon King ‘DemonSlayer’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Then, Yang Xiao’s figure accelerated again, and the speed changed at this moment to not be intuitive to the naked eye, even if it was an elf, it only felt that something was wrong, and the two women looked towards Yang Xiao in surprise, and they still had time to react.

I saw Yang Xiao’s figure flash, and under the blessing of the power of the elves, he was fast to an incredible degree in both speed and agility, which even the Kempfa transformation could not catch up.

If there was another transformation bonus at this time, Yang Xiao would have the urge to hack her to death even if it was a god himself.

However, this is enough, and he is not really going to cut people …

Therefore, he just slapped on the asses ~ buttocks of the two women in that flash, heavy, mercilessly. Although compared to Linslet’s plump ~ full body, Krell’s looks a little thin and dry, but the loli body was originally like this, so when Yang Xiao hit her, she still experienced the benefits of belonging to loli.



Two consecutive sounds, so that the original sword arrogance present was suddenly extinguished, the two of them tensed at the same time, their faces were slightly red, stunned, did not know whether to react.

“You you you… What did you do!!! ”

Looking at Yang Xiao, the two women were extremely tacit in understanding, and they were ashamed to say such words together: “It’s really … It’s really…”

Facing the angry looks of the two women, Yang Xiao could only shrug helplessly and said: “You two, even if you want to play, you should pay attention to the occasion, this is in the dormitory, if you break the dormitory, where to stay tonight?” ”

Listening to Yang Xiao’s words, the two women did not mean to calm down, but instead looked at Yang Xiao even more angrily.

Anyway, this was not a reason for Yang Xiao to beat them.

“If the movement is too big, maybe you will summon the people of the Knights, that group of people, you should not want to see it, right?”

Seeing that the two women still had to do something to themselves, Yang Xiao hurriedly said. During this period, he felt that the power of divine power in his body was constantly passing, and if he continued to maintain this state, he didn’t know if he could hold out for a few minutes, so when he said this, the elf giant sword had already been put away.

Although these two eldest ladies are a little willful and impulsive, but think about it, they should not be stupid. Fighting here, it is not a trivial matter that can be easily exposed by the instructor with two words, maybe it will be locked up, and moreover, it will be severely humiliated or something.

“Just… And even if it is, you can’t shoot … Slap our ass ~ ass ah ~ and, why do you shoot … Shoot her…”

Clair blushed, pressed her skirt down, and asked angrily to Yang Xiao.


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