"Even if it's intense, I..."

Hearing Yang Xiao say something fierce, Clair clenched her small fists and was about to say something, but when her eyes noticed that Yang Xiao was staring at her, Clair couldn't help but shrink her head weakly, Yang Xiao seemed to be very concerned about her own affairs, especially when she showed a strong desire for other elves.


Yang Xiao's face turned pale and said to Kreel.

"Yes, yes, what's the matter!"

Seeing Yang Xiao like this, Clair became even more nervous, I don't know why, Yang Xiao looked angry, which made her feel a little panicked in her heart, for fear that Yang Xiao would say something and ignore her again.

If it were before, she would have been accustomed to loneliness alone, and it was quite interesting to quarrel with Linsilette from time to time ~ interesting, but now, she who has felt the warmth from Yang Xiao, she never wants to lose it again. She believes that if she returns to the lonely life she used to have, she will definitely not be able to stand it.

"Although I have no objection to you chasing a powerful force, if this power is exchanged for great sacrifice, then I must not stop it, you understand!"

Yang Xiao said to Krell.

"But... However, if you join the military, it is not a sacrifice..."

Clair said with some reluctance. Although you will lose your freedom in the army, it is not a great thing, otherwise there would not be so many people who want to join the army.

"Although it is not a sacrifice for you, it is the greatest sacrifice for me, I will not watch my beloved girl be freely controlled by others, do you understand?"

Yang Xiao looked directly at Krell.

"Ah~ What, what, what beloved girl, what do you suddenly say ah..."

Claire blushed and said a little embarrassed.

"I'm serious, the military elves in the district, at most, are the upper elves, such elves, isn't Scarlet too?" Although she is still relatively weak now, as long as you cultivate it carefully, it is not a problem for her to grow up, even if she becomes the highest elf, and... Don't you think that with me, even if you want to contract the highest elf, or even a demon god-level elf, it is not a problem? "

Yang Xiao said to Krell.

"Demon god-level elves..."

Claire's eyes widened sharply, not only that, but the Lindelle and Alice beside her were all eyes changed, the demon god-level elves, which one is not an existence that cannot be defeated by a human body, that is the elf closest to the elf king, so it will be known as a god.

"Not bad, Demon God-level elf, although it is said... There are some such elves, but things are rare, if Claire can have a demon god-level elf, then it will also be a very good thing for me, after all, as my woman, Claire can't be too weak, right..."

Yang Xiao took a hard sip of the drink in his hand and said something that made Clair excited and shy.

"But... However, the words of the demon god-level elves, this is not a rare problem at all, such elves, once angered, are disaster-like existences, they are not mortals can provoke at all, how can they contract with them! "

Alice on the side said with wide eyes. If you want to talk about the highest level of the demon level elf, even if it is her, she is not without ideas, but if it is a demon god-level elf, she does not even dare to have a thought, or at least now, she does not have this idea.

"Although this is said, didn't Creel's sister also forcibly give the contract to the strongest Flame Elf under the Flame Elf Throne? Such a powerful elf can be contracted by her, why can't Claire do it, and still with my help... I believe that Krell's potential must not be under her sister! "

Yang Xiao's gaze, firmly fixed on Krell and met her gaze, infusing her with a strong flame of hope.

"But... Kreel's sister was originally the Flame Elf Ji! And Claire..."

Linslet said with some hesitation.

"How about me, you guy, don't you look down on me, have the ability to say what you are going to say next!"

As soon as she spoke, Claire put his face on her face with some anger, and stared at her and said.

"I just look down on you, you guy, but just a little girl, proud of what, can contract the highest elf is already burning high incense, and dare to hope for what demon god-level elf, I think you want to go crazy, even if you don't think about whether you can do it, shouldn't you think about Yang Xiao's life safety?" It's not that he wants to make a contract with a demon god-level elf, but he wants to help you get a contract, and this difficulty has increased by an unknown number of times!! "

Naturally, Linslet didn't really look down on Kreel, but what was the difference between using a human body to provoke a demon god-level elf and looking for death, unless Yang Xiao was that legendary powerhouse-like existence...

Huh wait...

Isn't Yang Xiao the legendary powerhouse? The strongest sword Maihime, Lian and Ashubel, isn't that him?


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