"Yang... Yang Xiao... lecherous..."

The face was like a fire, red and red, and this former royal highness looked a little shy, twisting and muttering.

"I'm sorry, I..."

Yang Xiao was about to say something, but Grevas on the side was cold-eyed and glared at Yang Xiao with a murderous gaze: "You two, don't flirt in front of me, it's very annoying!" "

"Well, there's nothing happier than showing affection in front of an older virgin, isn't it?"

Yang Xiao smiled at Grevas.


The temperature of the entire room dropped suddenly, until freezing, so that Yang Xiao and Fiana, who was still shy, couldn't help but feel cold behind their backs, and could only quickly say:

"So, you asked me to come here, is there something wrong?"

She can't really just introduce herself to the transfer student, in that case, as the head of the college, she is really too idle.

"Don't say anything about an older virgin in front of me in the future, otherwise, I will take away your virginity, I will do what I say!"

Grivas looked at Yang Xiao's body, his tongue ~ head gently licked on her delicate lips, and the words that came out made the girl of DeFiana blush, and the whole person shrank a lot, and I don't know what she thought.

And Yang Xiao was speechless for a while, this witch, really don't want to be temperate, but is what she said true? Do you want to try it yourself?

Well, forget it, and when you are in a man's state, you can also be better than her.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao apologized to Grivas: "Yes, I won't talk about older virgins in the future!" "


Grivas's face twitched for a while, but he still endured it and said, "I said that I asked you to come this time to prepare for a special mission." With a glowing light in her eyes, she returned to her previous appearance.

"Special mission?"

Yang Xiao was slightly stunned.

The mission system is an important part of the official competition between academy students as an important part of supporting the academy ranking system, and the tasks given are varied, from sword dance offering kagura to suppressing violent elves, or sealing elf investigations and even crusades against defecting elves.

Students who complete tasks can also receive points based on hazard levels, which can also lead to a higher ranking of teams as in official competitions.

"Your mission is that your team acts as a guard to protect Fiana to complete one thing, by the way, the difficulty of this mission is S-level."

Grivas continued.

"It doesn't matter what level it is, it's just, S, it should be the most difficult task, according to the ranking of our team, you can't take it if you want to, shouldn't it be that you witch used some tricks and feet?"

Yang Xiao asked maliciously.

Although the S-level task is difficult, and the ranking points promoted are also terrifyingly high, this kind of dangerous task that will even kill people according to the situation, with Yang Xiao's current platoon, can not be accepted.

"Don't say it so badly, you are not worthy of my special confrontation, but this mission is especially suitable for Fiana and you, if not, I will let the other teams~"

Grevas said with a casual smile, with a bit of teasing in his eyes.

This proposal, for Yang Xiao, Jane is really like a gift in the snow, not like in the official competition, he doesn't want to transform for the sake of face, when he goes outside, even if he wants all-weather women's clothing, there is no problem, in this world, there is no elf to stop him, even if it is a demon god-level, it is useless, what task can be rare for him?

If it was in the official competition, Yang Xiao would not have had time to lead the team to climb to the top three positions.

Grivas probably saw this and specially arranged such a task.

After all, even the head of the academy could not use his authority to force them to become representatives of the empire, so it was also necessary to let Sanshen participate in extreme S-class missions with a high degree of danger but high returns after success.

As for the safety of life, whether Grevas has considered it, then Yang Xiao can be sure that no.

She doesn't care if anyone dies. Don't look at the way this woman is in harmony with herself, if necessary, she will not be soft at all even if she kills herself.

However, compared to this, if he protects people, Yang Xiao is not inexperienced.

"I know, then tell me the specific content of the mission!"

Although Grevas was surprised by Yang Xiao's crispness, he still smiled and proudly said the content of the task.

This time the mission is to go to the abandoned mining city of Gade, which used to be a major mining site for elven ore, which was mined during the Second Rambar War and turned into a street for abandoned mines.

Now it seems that only ruins remain, a ghost land that has escaped from life.

According to Grivas, the recent earthquakes there are very frequent, and I hope Yang Xiao and others will come over to investigate.

Although it is said to be an investigation, the matter that can be entrusted to the academy is by no means the meaning of ordinary earthquakes, and it is very easy for the land spirits who dominate the land to cause earthquakes.

If an earthquake is caused by anger, it can be quelled by the ritual of sword dance, and of course, there are cases where elves send knights to fight according to the seriousness of the situation.

"So, don't joke, just the investigation, how can it be an S-level task, there should be a lot of things left unsaid later!"

Yang Xiao knew that this dusk witch liked to do such things the most, using concealment to achieve the greatest deception.

"Hmm... Well, it's sad that you don't believe me, don't trust me at all—but it's true..."

Grevas smiled and shrugged his shoulders resignedly, before saying:

"Inside that mine, it seems that a point-level military elf sealed by the old Austrian Knights is sleeping."

"You say, strategic-grade military elves?"

Fiana on the side couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

The so-called strategic-level military elves are elves that can determine the outcome of a war, and with their personal strength, there is no way to control them, and at least a group of elves of hundreds of people is required to perform ritual Kagura to control them.

In other words, it is an elf with a level of great destructive power.

Because what people needed after the end of the war on the continent was peace, and that level of military elves was no longer needed, so a treaty was exchanged between countries and all seven strategic military elves were sealed and abandoned.

"Could it be that the earthquake was caused by that strategic elf?"

"Whether it is or not, it is not clear yet, I entrusted you to investigate whether the military elves caused the earthquake, and the result of the investigation is that the seal has been unsealed——"

Grevas propped his chin and turned his eyes to Fiana's.

"Then I'm going to use 'ritual Kagura' to perform the resealing ceremony?"

Fiana asked with a bit of clarity in her eyes.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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