The mining city, because it has been abandoned for decades, is uninhabited.

Yang Xiao raised his hand and condensed into a ball of light with the divine power of the holy attribute, illuminating the path forward for everyone. In those dark depths, you only need to stare carefully for a while to see that between the ruined buildings, white-cyan ghost fires are flashing everywhere.

Those things are not real ghost fires, but floating low-level elves, and inside ruins like this, it is easy to gather such vicious elves, as if it is the forest of elves at night.

At the other end of the abandoned city, there are countless huge mountains filled with remnants of abandoned tunnels.

The Gard Mine, which used to produce a large amount of elven ore, was known as the largest mountain in the empire. However, because the war allowed the elven ore to be dug up, this place was turned into a carved ruins more than twenty years ago.

And under the ground of this mine, there are strategic-level military elves sealed by the previous Austrian Knights, the kind of destruction-level elves.

"I said, it's almost time for you to let go, this is not riding a horse!"

Looking at Fiana, who was still holding Yang Xiao's arm, Claire said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't want it, I want to be with Yang Xiao all the time!"

"Hmph, you royal daughter of pseudo-breasts!"

Clair snorted disdainfully, her eyes glanced towards Fiana's chest, with a thick unwillingness in her eyes, obviously she finally exposed her identity as a pseudo-breast, but she didn't expect that even if she dropped the chest pad, it was still so big, it was too infuriating!

"Even if it's fake, I'm better than you... But, Kleel, that chest pad of mine, do you want to borrow it for you... That's true, but your small body won't work! "

"Who is rare!!"

Although Claire's eyes were full of longing, she would not admit that she wanted to wear that kind of deceptive thing.

"Hey, isn't it time for you to call out your contract elves!"

To change the subject, Claire asked Fiana. At this time, whether it was Yang Xiao's sword or her whip, Bian Linslet's bow was ready, and the three of them were preparing elven magic suits in case of emergency.

But now Fiana has not summoned the contract elves.

"Shouldn't you have not regained contact with the contract elves? After withstanding such a huge amount of holy power, even an idiot can become an elf, is your talent really poor to this point? "

Clair asked with a bit of inexplicability in her eyes.

"How is it possible, it's just that the contract elves of the royal kingdom of Odysia can't be easily summoned, it's different from your kitten..."

Fiana looked away from her eyes and said, "The spirit is too dazzling, I am afraid that I will envy you if I summon it!" "

"However, since you want to see the contract elf so much, then I will see it!"

Having said this, Fiana was still a little apprehensive. With uneasiness in her heart, she was a little unhappy about whether she could summon her contract elf.

Although she had been in touch yesterday night, she had not yet tried to summon her elves. The power of the green-eyed white dragon makes her incomparably strong, but this power makes her have no sense of belonging, and if possible, she still wants to use her own power, so she is looking forward to her contract elf.

Because there is anticipation, there is panic.

Looking at Fiana's somewhat nervous look, Yang Xiao patted her lightly on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, if it's you, it will definitely be possible! Maybe we will need Fiana to protect it in the future..."

Looking at Yang Xiao's encouraging eyes, Fiana's heart touched slightly, her eyes turned to Claire and Linslet, and found that the two of them also cast the same gaze on herself, and her heart was even more moved.

Since four years ago, she has been spending time in loneliness, because of the loss of the power of the contract elf, whether it is the identity of the royal daughter or the identity of the witch, for her, it has become a thing of the past, and the eyes around her who originally admired her have gradually faded and become indifferent, although not as isolated as Kreel, but she also knows that the attitude of those people towards her has changed.

Coming here, in addition to wanting to make a wish to restore her strength, she wants to get companions, whether it is as the sister of Calamity Elf Ji, Crane, Elstein, or Yang Xiao, the male elf envoy, if she participates in the Sword Dance Festival, at least, there are some things that may make her a companion, because everyone is an outlier.

Three years ago, this man was a teenager and saved her powerless from the berserk elves. Since then, she has regarded Yang Xiao as the object of her first love.

And now, Yang Xiao has helped her gain more powerful power, restored her contract elf, and also took away her physical purity in a very fast way, so that she changed from a girl to a woman without much reaction time.

This man was her man, the man she liked, the one who pulled her out of the mud, and now, he said, he might need his own protection, and he must give him the protection he needed, at least so.

At this moment, Fiana found that her heart was wrapped in a passionate flame of thought.

"Even if he never needs it, but I want to protect him, to like him..."

Since that day she became alone, she has become a lost elf who needs nothing, not even entertainment, no one looks forward to it, and is abandoned by everyone.

But now, looking at Yang Xiao's eyes, she found that she was different. Not because of strength, but because, with the desire to fulfill, she found that she had changed long ago.

She wanted, together with Yang Xiao, to work hard with the goal of the 'Elf Sword Dance Festival'.

Even if, with Yang Xiao's current strength, she may be crushing all enemies in the Sword Dance Festival, and she doesn't even have to do it, but she also wants to be the one who shouts cheers on the side, so the power of the contract elf is also necessary.

"—O sword saint who serves the son of the emperor, O knight of mine!"

Under the gaze of the three, Fiana sang the spell she summoned the elves very solemnly:

"-Fulfill the blood contract here, become the guardian sword, come to me!"

As she chanted the spell, she could feel a feeling of great nostalgia being recalled from the depths of her heart, the feeling of success of her first contract as a child.

Since that day, she had wanted to call countless times but did not respond to the knight of the royal daughter, and now, finally-

"Show up! Paladin Elf 'Geokius' - I hereby make Ru the guardian sword! "

From Fiana's body, endless holy light power burst out, forming a faint human form, which gradually turned into substance.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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