"You guy, you dare to say that Lao Tzu is a dog who lost his family?!!

The boy who called himself the Demon King was furious, staring viciously at the man in front of him.

"Isn't it?"

Yang Xiao smiled lightly: "I just moved my hands casually before, and you were scared and fled, isn't it a dog who lost his family?" I've seen a lot of people like you, and I really can't find a little specialty except for being unforgiving..."

"Bastard, give Lao Tzu death!"

With an angry shout, Gio and Yingzaji summoned the sword spirit, flew up, and slashed down towards Yang Xiao.


Yang Xiao held Esther in his hand, his figure spun, and he slashed horizontally with a sword along the sky.


A sharp metal scream sounded, and the sword elf in the hands of Geo and Yingzaji was split into pieces, and between flying backwards behind them, he quickly summoned a sword elf, wanting to take Yang Xiao's successive attacks, but.

No matter what the sword spirit he took out looked like, in front of Yang Xiao's Esther was as brittle as foam, and as soon as it came into contact with Yang Xiao's sword, it immediately turned into fragments, turned back into a point of light, and dissipated in the air.

"These garbage elves, where did you pick them up?"

Stopping the sword in his hand, Yang Xiao looked at the young man in front of him and asked with a smile: "I'm starting to understand a little why you call yourself the Demon King, you... It's a garbage picker! "

Although he knew that many love words were mortal, but in the face of this young man, Yang Xiao found that he was inexplicably disgusted with him in his heart, and felt that even if he killed him, he could not relieve his hatred, and he must be ridiculed fiercely, which was the same as being able to relieve his hatred.

"Also, as an impostor, why do you have the courage to say that you are a demon king in front of me, the heir of the real demon king? Don't you know that even I, for a matter of claiming to be a demon king, is actually a very shame~shameful thing? "

Facing that young man, Yang Xiao's mouth was taunted mercilessly, making his face extremely gloomy, as if he had eaten poop, and glared at Yang Xiao viciously:

"You guy, you guy, dare to insult the name of the demon king, even if I am an imitation, but Uncle Ben is the only successful artificial demon king, as long as I kill you, I can become a real demon king!"

"It's all said, the word demon king, it's really too middle two, shame ~ shame burst ah."

Yang Xiao said indifferently, but something about the artificial demon king came to mind.

The teaching institute, the orphanage where Yang Xiao stayed at the beginning, was originally a place specially for training killers for nobles, gathering girls with elven potential in orphanages everywhere and educating them into an excellent assassin group. However, at some point, the hands of the teachings broke away and became their own fanatical doctrine -

The doctrine is to let the demon king come again.

Let the only male elf in history make the successor of the powerful demon king who almost brought the continent to extinction through artificial means.

Their methods are extremely simple, and they gather those teenagers who can barely have a sense with the elves to carry out experiments such as drug modification and hypnosis, of course, this is naturally impossible to succeed.

Yang Xiao's physique itself is the successor of the Demon King, not artificially conceived, so when Yang Xiao appeared, those people were very happy, for them, the Demon King seemed to be an existence like a sect master, a distorted world view.

In short, the artificial demon king is absolutely unsuccessful, because the so-called demon king is simply beyond people's cognition, even if there is a male luck to become an elf messenger, it is completely different from Yang Xiao.

Listening to Gio and Yingzaji say that he was the only successful case, the corners of Yang Xiao's mouth couldn't help but float a mocking color:

"The first and only successful example? You're bragging a lot, and you really think you're awesome! "

"Although I understand that you don't want to accept the feeling that your existence will be replaced by others, I am not bragging!"

Seeing Yang Xiao's look of disbelief, Gio and Ying Zaji said proudly, he only felt that he was so great at the moment, even the demon king could be replaced, and he would definitely be the one who came to the world in the future.

"I know you're not bragging..."

Yang Xiao shook his head at Gio with the look of looking at the poor man and said: "Because, you can't even recognize what kind of existence you are, you think you are a demon king, but you are not even an elf envoy... Have you forgotten this? "

As if some secret had been revealed, Geo's eyes widened, revealing a look of hatred.

However, Yang Xiao did not care about his face, and continued:

"Your so-called elves are simply the power of the elves that you use to seal something, and those engravings on your body are just decorations that use the sealing elves as contract elves, and they can't be used once again, right?"

"Moreover, the so-called sword spirits are originally known for their durability, even if the holy sword is powerful, it is impossible to smash it so easily, so those sword spirits are just sealed power... In other words, your contract elf is just a trick you use to deceive people, I really don't know where your face comes from to say that you are a demon king, if it is true, you are not even an elf messenger..."

With Yang Xiao's words, Jiou and Yingzaji's faces became more and more ugly, and finally, they suddenly laughed and said to Yang Xiao:

"Even if that's the case, so what? As long as I can kill you, the strongest sword Maiji, then I can prove that I am the Demon King!" "

"In other words, is killing me the same as being the Demon King? Sure enough, it's stupid thinking... I really regret that I actually tried to embarrass you, trying to make the fool realize that I am a fool, and I am also a little stupid! "

When Yang Xiao said this, Gio had already seized the opportunity and stabbed towards Yang Xiao's throat with a thunderous momentum.

Although the other party is a weak existence like an ant, Yang Xiao is also serious, his figure shook slightly, after avoiding his sword stab, his body spun around, and a reflexive kick kicked at Gio's chest ~ mouth, kicking him out, his figure suddenly jumped, and the holy sword in his hand broke through the air and slashed down towards Gio.

I saw the engraving on Gio's hand glowing with light, and in an instant, a burning fire tooth was formed towards Yang Xiao.

"Boring little tricks can only be used to scare children!"

Yang Xiao urged the power of divine power, and Esther was urged by divine power, and instantly became huge again, forming a giant sword several meters long, which was slashed down in Yang Xiao's hands, breaking the fire spirit that attacked, and the momentum did not decrease, but increased by a few points.


Gio was shocked, and seeing the sword in Yang Xiao's hand cut open the fire spirit he had just now, slashing at his head and face, his face changed in fright.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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