Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 12 Chapter 1139: Longevity

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[Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

"Hey, open the thirteenth world "fate/stay-", the seven players who passed the four tests and began to transfer to the world of the Holy Grail..."

"Oh, in order to guarantee the essence of the Holy Grail war, all the players remember all the memories of the Grail world related animation novel games, and at the same time seal the familiarity between the unlimited players, that is, even if the infinite players know each other, they are still strangers in the Grail world. ......"

"Oh, the Battle of the Holy Grail, the rules are as follows:

[1] Seven players and their respective needs and the original Holy Grail world seven [r,] combined into a double-edged team, seven sets of double-edged duel out of the strongest team of double-edged, the final double-edged combination can simultaneously Get rewards, the original Holy Grail world can achieve the desire through the Holy Grail, the infinite world players can get the characters to retain the power of the world (note that non-contractors can not bring into the infinite world outside the Holy Grail);

[2] When the 7 sets of [r\\] 羁绊 double-edged, the Holy Grail War will be opened until the last group will not end the war, and as long as the minimum rule is still obeyed. There is no means of prohibiting use in this war. All the traps of violence, wisdom, and despicableness are allowed;

[3] [r\\] 羁绊 double-edged in the combination regardless of attacking teammates.

[4] In addition to the normal return magic. Add the original "fate/stay-" 18-forbidden game to restore the magic setting, the magician exchanges the body to give the magic of the body for the other party to use, the most effective body fluid is the blood and the magic of the male magician ( Hua) liquid. The best way to restore the magic is to increase the magic through 18-forbidden relationships with men, and also to extend the magic by transplanting the magic loop;

[5] Only when a set of two r spells disappear at the same time, will lose control of the right, as long as there is a r spell, you can manage;

[6] The desire to complete through the Great Holy Grail is only suitable for the world of "fate" and is not suitable for other worlds. At the same time, it does not work for the non-fate animation world in the world of the moon. ”

"Oh, the rules are announced. Just enter the thirteenth world "fate/stay-", please prepare..."

"Hey, No. 007, began to arrange the world identity of the Holy Grail. The third grade students of the high school of Suiqunyuan Academy..."


With the hint of a section of the system, the storm was too late to come to the world of the Holy Grail. At this time, he forgot what the world is. He has no impression of the world of "fate/stay-" and should have never seen it. This world's novels, now he thinks like this.

At the same time, within the minds of the storm, I am not familiar with the things of other infinite people. I only know that he is an infinite person and has passed through twelve worlds. Now it is the thirteenth world.

The first thing he did was to look at the system records. At this time, I realized that he was not unfamiliar with the world, but was sealed by the system. At the same time, he also remembered the memory of other infinite people. That is to say, now he is ‘not knowing everyone. It is not in the state of being recognized by everyone, so there is no way to know who is infinite. Who is the holy world figure, only know that he is the infinite.


At this time, Athena confused the clothes of the wind and rain, said: "r, hungry..."


"Did you just eat a meal?"

The wind and rain had some helpless sighs. Sure enough, Athena was not only a drag bottle, but also a big stomach king. How many things to eat and a small belly would not be able to get up. Really, it seems that I need to work in this world. Earn money to feed this guy, oh...

However, one of the most important settings for the system is the ability to add magic through body fluid communication. It is really a full game atmosphere.


Athena licked her mouth and said, "If r doesn't let anything eat, then I have to **** the blood from my body."

"Don't... you vampire!..."

There was no place to spit in the wind and rain. A big man was actually said to be a fragrant look by a small loli, and could not look directly into life.


The head of Athena’s head trembled and said seriously: “It’s clear that you have to eat something to maintain your body’s magic. The more powerful the spirit, the more magic it consumes. People must always add magic. Only then, in order to avoid fighting at any time, if the magic is not enough, then it will... die..."

"This is an excuse... Absolutely an excuse!!" The storm did not believe that the little talk was a vow, she was definitely making excuses for eating, even if it was in a physical way, it was more expensive than the existence of stealth. Magic, but it is not said to be consumed in a flash, especially like the strong magic of Athena, the magic reserve is absolutely rich.


Athena's stunned, pointing her finger at the dessert shop, said: "So, let's start, eat from this store, today's mission is to eat the whole street!!"


The wind and rain said silently: "Only eat a shop, eat all over the street, do you want your r to sell?"


Athena hesitated a moment, and stood up in excitement and said: "It is okay to eat only one store, but you can eat this store right? It must be! r, understand what you mean. ......"

"Understand your sister! I only have 200,000 yuan given by the system. I only have to eat 10,000 yen. We still have to live next, but don't hang me! @"

The wind and rain hurriedly chased Athena and screamed. I hope that I don’t want to order too many cakes. After all, things like cakes are quite expensive...


Athena ran into the pastry shop very pleasantly. After waiting for the storm, she had already ordered 30 strawberry cakes! !

The waiter nodded a little surprised and said, "I will prepare for you right away, Miss..."

After entering the pastry shop, the wind and rain found that a table was full of pieces of cake, he can be sure that a small hair must be eating cakes behind the table, sad life, when is the end It’s true...

"In this case, I am welcome!"

At the time of the storm, I sat at the table~www.readwn.com~ and Athena rushed to eat the cake. She couldn’t let her eat it alone, and after the meal, the money would be spent, not to be hungry for the next meal. The belly is only open and big now!


Athena unpleasantly wiped the cream on her face and scorned the rain and said: "And grab the cake, you really have to be a 'good' r..."

"With her hungry stomach, I would rather be despised by you..." Faced with Athena's little hair, the storm decided to throw away the festival!


Athena swayed around, and put the milk fork on the table. He said with great pride: "Even if you are r, and I grab something to eat, I won't let you!"

"Oh, no, I don't believe it, I can't eat it..." The wind and rain don't want to give up the opportunity to fill the stomach. After all, this cake will definitely cost the money, but the meal is not settled. A meal is not hungry for three meals. In short, it is only today! (To be continued)


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