Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 12 Chapter 1147: Saber appeared

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[Thanks to the book friends 150201142340092, Xia Kuote Heatherink, dance with the maple, 13162211, comet silver, sleepy = _=, book friends 140909215210596 children's shoes, but also 12 tickets plus more, everyone work hard, Today, the first one is sent, and the monthly ticket is requested for subscription.

After the investigation came back, the boys who had fallen to the ground had disappeared after the storm, but the ground was left with the blood of the guy.

"We are going to disperse it... ice r and its r..."

The two ponytail girls suddenly said.

"what are you going to do?"

The wind and rain can not help but reach out and stop the two ponytail girls, coldly said, "Is not going to save the guy again? Hey, for the hero, it is a shame for the ordinary people to die from their own guns." Let's give up, he is already dead!"

"Take me with me..." The two ponytail girls ignored the words of the storm, insisting on saving the boy.

"I really want to find trouble for myself..."

Can not help but shake his head, holding a pair of ponytail girls running fast out...

"Trick or treat! @!" will be attacked by the action alone!! The wind and rain bite down, and the Athena, who is confused, squats on the shoulder and chases it out. Although the two ponytail girls are willful, but if they go out, It will definitely be attacked, and all of them must be combined with a double-edged combination. After all, it is a situation of two-two battles. Only one person can't deal with two opponents!


Gradually chasing, the wind and rain accompanied the two ponytail girls before coming to a courtyard. But at this time a new one appeared. From the approximate costume dressing, the rank should be saber. Although it is a petite and slender girl, the idea of ​​running into the sky seems to be beyond the doubt of anyone. With a 'shadowless sword', should it be called right?

It is indeed a sword that does not see the shape. This is a bit of a hassle. After all, not seeing the shape means that the length of the weapon is clear. Therefore, it is impossible to evade its attack. At the same time, the way of her shadowless sword is probably not to let others know her real name?

This saber in front of me. It’s probably the rainy day, the most beautiful female spirit, of course, except Athena, the state of Athena at the time of the show, the wind and rain is also very appreciated, but this guy is so cute and confused these days. With endless food intake, he has nothing to say.

Although it is comparable to the beauty of Athena, but from its expression, it is more mature. Its posture and style, all of which make the wind and rain awe-inspiring, although it is a girl. But this is definitely a knight.

"Responsible for observing the enemies around you, if you are a bow soldier, you should be able to detect very favorable intelligence. I have to fight this saber."

In the hands of the wind and rain, a sword of frost appeared, and I don’t know why. His heart suddenly burst into a war, in the world of the sword **** domain. He is the creator of coherent swordsmanship, a household name, facing such a positive and heroic female swordsman, as if he was meeting with Asuna, that admiration, that admiration, seems to reappear in In front of you.

"You are also saber?"

The girl holding the shadowless sword held the sword together in the hands, facing the wind and rain, this is the knight's duel.

"No, my grade is r, but I am suitable for saber, r, berserker and other ranks. Although I was summoned in the rank of r, it does not have to exist in the way of r. I can't help but think of the past. Some interesting things, so I feel that it is a real fight to use a sword to fight a duel. This is also a kind of respect for me..."

The wind and rain slowly stepped forward, and the frost sword and the girl's shadowless sword gently collided, the Knight's gift.

"Yes, but since you have appeared, you must fall here today. I will not lose to anyone in this war. I must have won the Great Holy Grail..."

The girl saber does not have any emotional fluctuations, but she is thinking about the origin and source of the opponent in her heart. Only when people can clearly understand the real name of the opponent can they fight better. The hidden sword that she hides is also one of them. The way to hide identity, so her sword is too special.

"Well, of course, we must be enemies and opponents in this battle, but isn't it a fun to enjoy such a battle?" Fengqin said with a smile.

"What about the fun of fighting, I will let you feel when you fall down!"

Sabert felt the coldness of the surrounding environment, and knew that its magical attribute should be the type of frost. The adaptability of r is probably the same. The longer the battle is delayed, the more her body is wrapped in frost, and There is an informal r, unable to provide her with enough magic, and there are injuries on the body, which is worse, but -

At this time, if you can solve a strong opponent, it is not bad. Obviously, the other party does not seem to kill her. This kind of knight's etiquette is his respect for himself, but this respect does not mean that they are friends. In fact, they are enemies!

"I hope you can let me fall. If you are a sword, I will not be inferior to anyone. I hope that you can show me my strongest sword skills..."

The wind and rain screamed and the right foot slammed on the ground. With this anti-shock force, the body instantly popped up -

So fast!


The next moment ~www.readwn.com~The wind and rain and the girl's saber's shadowless sword collided together, but what the wind and rain did not think was that the girl's body had that kind of powerful force, and even able to give it back...


The shadowless sword attacked the wind and rain in an instant. At the same time, the girl saber held the sword and slammed it out. After such a time change, even the wind and rain felt the horror, and even suppressed his huge force!

Dodging is also a loss. The girl is like a lion. It is constantly biting, and the shadowless sword in the hand is waving quickly. If it is not the swordsmanship of the wind and rain, I am afraid that it has already been pierced.


After taking a step back, the wind and rain sighed a deep breath, and it seemed that she really had to be serious. The girl in front had no swordsmanship, but she had the belief that she would win without a battle. The belief that must win, as if no one can knock her down, plus the strange shadowless sword in his hand, the combination of reality and reality, to control the enemy! (To be continued)


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