Unlimited Anime Works

: 1181 绝刃摩诃斩

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The peerless darkness that flows from the wind and rain is like a black mud that subverts the whole world into a dark image.

At this point, he closed his eyes and opened a vertical eye above his forehead. There was a golden flame in his eyes.

The darkest extreme is light, and it is thus the ultimate darkness, so there is light that has been destroyed!

When the darkness enveloped the whole world, a spell was read in the mouth of the storm.

"No loss... No loss of mind... Nothing to lose... Nothing to think about... Nothing to settle... Nothing to know, Nothing to be done... Nothing to die... Nothing to die... Nothing to die... Nothing to die ...... Freedom and annihilation... Freedom of knowledge and ignorance... Everything is done with wisdom... Everything is done with wisdom... All works are done with wisdom... Wisdom knows that the past is unimpeded... Wisdom knows the future Nothing... Wisdom knows that the world is not in the way - the inherent enchantment * 卐 * big dark days!"

With the chanting of the mantra, the inscriptions of the golden plaques emerged from the eyes on the forehead of the wind and rain. Gradually, the world in front of them was closed, the world of darkness, there was no light, the only thing that could be seen. It is the eyes of the golden flames in the rain.

The ground is an endless black fire, as if anyone who stepped into it would be burned. This horrible dark flame is not like the ordinary force can resist, as if to put people into the endless darkness and eternal.

"This is a bit of a meaning, good, very powerful inherent enchantment, good. Do you think this will be able to bind the king?"

The king of gold said coldly.

"In the darkness, for the endless black and white reincarnation, only those who can see the light can step out of this world. Do you know? The dark dark day is the chief of the Buddhist Tantric Buddhism, the lord of the three thousand worlds, and it is said that he has a forehead. Eyes, the devastating fire ejected in the eyes can burn everything that is encountered.

The Buddha was originally used to persuade people to be good, but there is a saying in the dark day, if it is weak and incompetent because of mercy and compassion. Use force to protect the law...

Those who are unable to pass the light will freeze it with darkness. You are already in the darkness of the king's reincarnation. There is only one way to go out and find the light of the world. So you can destroy this enchantment with power. But I can tell that it is not so simple. The mud of darkness that I have shown before has been rooted in the present world. That is to say, in drawing on the power of the world, you have to fight against this enchantment, that is, to confront the whole world. Let it annihilate in the cycle! ”

The sound of the rain and the rain was conveyed from all directions to the ears of the king of gold.

One by one, with a variety of treasures attacking the gold, while a pair of black giant hands grabbed his body from the sky. Want to tear his body in general...



The king of gold suddenly lifted the sword in his hand, and a strong storm would destroy everything that attacked him, but -

Between a moment. The existences that were eliminated by the king of gold gathered one by one and swallowed away.

Sitting on a dark throne, the wind and rain gazing at the king of gold in front of you, attack it, attack it with force!



The king of gold did not know how many times he slammed and had no effect. In the end, he seemed to have made a decision and raised the purple sword in his hand.

"enuma- heaven and earth leave * star!!"

A powerful force. The entire space will almost shatter the general energy, and the heavens and the earth seem to be shaken by the power of the wild. The ground cracked, the sky thunder and thunder, and the whole [big dark day] enchantment seemed to be destroyed...

Storms, thunder and lightning, earthquakes, and so on, trembled in the world, and the entire enchantment began to crack up—

"It’s really amazing. It’s much more powerful than the military treasures and the treasures of the city. Your confident cards are from this...”

The wind and rain are not sitting on the dark throne, although it is predicted that the king of gold is strong, but this powerful look is still some -


of course.

It is just a surprise. In addition, he does not have any expressions and expressions. The human skeleton has been closed. Now he is the devil of this world. Unwanted feelings are passively removed. This is the darkness of the world.

The king of gold who broke the enchantment did not have any joy at all. Looking at the posture of the storm, which was still unmoved, he thought of what he said before. The enchantment of this [big dark day] is only his strength. The overflow, then what is his real attack?

"Well, now is the punishment of the real king of darkness, sin and punishment, and the darkness of the world."

A trace of black energy flows into the solitude of the storm with the break of the enchantment, where the golden flame is more vigorous -

"the--of-the--(The silence of the darkness, the coldness of the bones)

Ly--vulgar, sad-dead, the--of-a- (very evil, sad voice, trembling soul)

-,the--of---(The Dark Body, the Blood of the Flames)

In--of----the--of-ss,-the---rule-the-ry (disintegrate the world with a dark vision ~www.readwn.com~ rule the country with the will of scarlet)! ! ! ”

Gradually, the wind and rain turned the magic sword in the hand into the eye of the flame on the forehead. When it was dialed out again, it became a magic sword burning with a black golden flame. The space shook with this power.

"The perfect blade!!"

Without any warning, the body of the king of gold was instantly split, but he immediately blocked his hand from the sword, but only one of his arms, but a lot of dark cursing from his The arm rushed in, and the body of the King of Gold gradually enveloped the darkness, as if it had become a king of darkness.


Without fighting or words, the king of gold gradually left. He could see that it was not only him who was going to kill the storm, but the will of the wind and rain seemed to destroy the entire winter wood market...

Indeed, the darkened weather, the goal is no longer just the king of gold alone, he will use countless blood to annihilate the darkness of the heart, this is the blood of sin and punishment, the body and the will have not been He controlled it... (to be continued)

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