Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 12 Chapter 1197: Home of the Fairy: Avalon (below)

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The ice horses rushed past the sky, and the wind and rain and Altolia opened their hands like a fairy, inciting the breeze of the day.

However, when passing through the hill of the sword, the **** moment of the dignified weather suddenly made the wind and rain and Altolia frowned.

"The war can't avoid casualties, the pain is born from it, the struggle, the embarrassment, the helplessness. The evil that was born in this era is really deep. Your own efforts are useless..." The wind and rain said slightly, "If You want to continue, I can accompany you to fight in this era. When you are satisfied, I will take you out of here. The purpose of my coming here is to find you and become your guardian knight. Your will is My will."


Altolia shook his head and hid in the arms of the storm. He said, "I don't want to be involved anymore. Although there are still people who support me in China, I have already experienced it. My Wang's journey is over. Now I am your sword. Too much nostalgia is worse than letting it go. When King Arthur is over, there will be a new king standing up to rule this time, and I really have some strengths..."

"No, you are doing very well, where are we going now?"

Asked the wind and rain, Altolia must have her nostalgia in this world?

"Go to the lakeside of the fairy, to reach the ideal hometown of the world, where, under the guidance of the elves of the lake, we form a companion, this is what I want, can I?" Altolia is like a newly married girl. Looking at the storm.

"Fantasy township? Yes. Then we will be a partner there. Please ask the spirit of the lake to be our witness..."

The wind and rain nodded happily. Manipulating the ice of the Pegasus crossed the **** battlefield, and gradually came to the lakeside of the fairy, this lakeside is the lake where the goblin is also the fairy, the vows of victory and the ideal hometown of the scabbard Avalon are from the lake In the hands of the fairies, including the indestructible lake light of Lancelot, and the sword of Gao Wen’s rotation victory are the treasures from here.

Avalon is surrounded by swamps and fog, and can only be reached by boat, which is guarded by elves. No time and years, everything will not grow old.

Because of the blessings of the lake's fairies, Altolia can act on the water, and the wind and rain naturally understand the skills of walking on the water. The 'treading water' ability of the ninja in the fire shadow is used on the water surface. Walking on.

The two men gradually took the road to the ideal township, and the flood of water surface fluctuated behind the two people. As they went, the undulating water surface gradually calmed down, as if there were no traces left.

The fog enveloped the sight of the moment, and the wind and rain and Altolia did not advance with any fear. Gradually, an elf in green clothes walked through the fog. Smiling and looking at Atollia, said: "It seems that you have let go of the king's identity, and your time is over, regret it? Will you look for the Holy Grail?"

"No, from now on, it will be the dream of the famous 'Altolia' girl, who has her knight guarding her in this dream. This time, I came, in addition to returning the sword of victory. I would like to ask you to host the wedding for us, let go of everything in the past and start a new life..." Altolia held the sword of victory in his hands and handed it to the fairy of the lake.

The fairy of the lake shook his head and smiled and said: "Your destiny has just begun. Your husband needs you to fight for him in the future. (Swearing the sword of victory) Only you are qualified to hold it. This is yours. thing……"

"Is it?" Altolia looked at the storm and revealed doubts.

The wind and rain shyly scratched his head and said: "Well, I didn't say it before. I came from the parallel world. In that world, I am also a king. I am facing a crisis and I am moving forward. Sorry, I can't You have been in this ideal town for life, I have my mission..."

"Is it? Then, I have the reason to pick up this sword again, fight for my lover." Altolia put away the sword of the vows in his hand.

The fairy of the lake looked at the wind and rain, and said with amazement: "Your body has the power of the legendary sea king Poseidon, and there is a special power of the holy mark. The power of the foundation of **** and the world is the power of the world. The elves are also considered to have some origins. After all, Poseidon ruled the entire waters. The elves in the lake are also the people and descendants of Poseidon. In this case, you can allow you to do fantasy township Avalon..."

"The sword that will win in my hands is made with the Trident of the Poseidon. It is not clear whether this is the true Poseidon trident?" The wind and rain show appeared with the sword of the winning gold.

"From the strength fluctuations, I can feel the power of Neptune, but it is not a complete artifact. It should be the artifact used by the avatar. Poseidon had many avatars in the past, and married beautiful women everywhere. This should be him. The fascination of the gods is very powerful, but this (the sword that will win the gold) has surpassed the original strength, use it well, you have a relationship with Poseidon..."

The fairy of the lake said, turning to the depths of the fog, indicating the wind and the two people of Altolia to keep up.

After the treasures were removed, the wind and rain and Aaltolia gradually followed the mist of the lake through the layers of fog and swamps, and finally came to a dreamy island where an elf played on the island~www.mtlnovel. Com~ No worries, no annoyance, a green tree covering the entire island, a red apple on top of an apple tree...

"The breath of life, the taste of freedom..." The wind and rain can not help but feel the power of this space.

"Of course, here is the ideal township, isolated from the world, there is no dispute in the world, come on..." said the fairy of the lake.

"Well, come here, you can put down all the troubles here..."

Altolia ran into the fantasy town with the wind and rain.

The elves on the island looked at the storm and Altolia suddenly hid behind the trees and looked at them, showing a curious expression.

Looking at these lively elves, there is no way to connect them with the elves in the Antarctic forest. After all, he and Essex often go to the Antarctic forest to kill these elves. (To be continued.)



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