Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 14 Chapter 1310: Nothing to mirror: mobilization

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At the meeting of the Three Leagues, the negotiations ended with a breakdown. In the end, the forces of the three parties only clashed with each other. -

However, this is only a superficial way of doing things. In fact, it is the fact that the three parties are observing each other. In the actions of the other side before the war, they can see that the other party’s purpose is to consider the next step.

"How, hoof, is it arranged?"

Sitting in front of the Star Li Li Temple, the wind and rain looked at the front half of the body on the ground wearing a shabby suit, with sharp corners, bat wings, hooked tail and a large machete. Middle-aged male with a polar demon gesture.

Although it seems to be a weak and weak guy, it is very powerful and a very trustworthy subordinate.

“Returning to the lord, you have already arranged your ‘transition’...”

‘岚hoof’, Feikeru said.

"Well, next, the Star Li Temple is handed over to you for management. When you are critical, you can withdraw from the main hall. Compared to victory, for my life, your life is the most precious. Compared to the battle, I am I love my subordinates even more." The wind and rain elegantly played with the finger on the finger, the white gloved hand gently stroking his side, lazy leaning on the arms of Heikki, enjoying her massage.


The Red Devils in the entire hall can't help but feel moved, and they are more happy than this because they pay more attention to their lives.


The wind and rain took a shot of Black Katie’s little hand and stood up from the throne, speaking in a high-pitched and powerful voice.

"My followers. This world... is really too rotten! We are noble beings but we must lower our attitudes to devour humans. Ah... this is really a sad thing. Small people have us worth What is the meaning of engulfing?"


All the Red Apostles could not help but be attracted by the words of the storm.

Even Belle Peoru and Xiu Denan couldn't help but look at the storm. They don't know what the lord wants to do now. Now I am afraid to start uncovering the truth.

Small humans? Is there any meaning of phagocytosis?

Perhaps this theory does exist.

Yes, they are powerful Red Apostles. Why do you want to let go of your body?

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were delivered, the wind and rain stretched out their arms, and they said that they could shine through the voice of the entire Star Li Temple.

"We are powerful Red Apostles, we have powerful power. We have the power to fight against our destiny, and we have a great world that no human being can see."

So, why should we cling to the small existence of human beings, a little bit of engulfing, when is the end, on this road, we even lost our past, present and future, and forgot our great destiny. It will completely sink into the power of existence.

The fire fog warrior is constantly killing our great body.

This state continues, one day. The world will collapse and twist, and everything will disappear. My followers, is this the world we want to advance? ”


The shocking and powerful voice penetrated everyone's chest. Yes, what they are pursuing is just a little bit of human existence?


Beilu Peolu and Xiu Denan did not agree with the storm, and even more wanted to understand the true meaning of the world he pursued.

In the rain and rain, only the light appeared on the hand, and the other hand appeared dark.

"There is light in the world, and the darkness is about to die. Next is the time for the light to come. My followers, the king has made a great brainstorm after thinking through his brains." And the shocking decision!!

Extract the origins of the Red World, extract the origins of the world, and create a great third world – nowhere!

It is a true big world, a law-complete world.

In that world, there is a lot of power in the space, as long as we cultivate, we can grow, and at the same time -

The king will create with the supreme power - World of Warcraft, Warcraft have a strong strength, defeat them not only can get a strong crystal of existence, but also get battle growth...

You don't have to devour a small human being. If you want to gain strength, you can take it from real battle.

At the same time, the king will establish a supreme empire, where human beings are only our servants. Of course, powerful and conscious humans can sign contracts with us...

Since then, the Red Apostles and the Firefighter Warriors have been the common presence of their comrades-in-arms friends, and the small human beings are our servants.

Those who have no power will humble, and those who have power will be proud.

Those who have no power are afraid of us, and those who have power follow us! ”


The ruling disciple, Belle Peorou, can't help but feel that the storm is too ambitious. Creating a real big world is not something that ordinary power can do, but also extracting the origins of the Red World and the world. This really has to be done. Where are you?

Thousands of changes to Denan can not help but feel that the practice of the wind and rain is interesting. Indeed, the small human beings, he is really too lazy to swallow, so it is too inferior, and there is no meaning to fight with the fire fog warrior, constantly circulating, really...

The creation of Warcraft, which is opposed to the Apostles of the Red World, is really an opportunity to neutralize this hate cycle. The snake of sacrifice is originally a creation god. It is not easy to create some existence, let alone create a big world. Can you create a class of species?

"The lord is wise!"

"The lord is wise!"

"The lord is wise!"


All the Red Apostles couldn't help but reveal a sense of excitement. I really have to look at the birth of the third world. www.readwn.com~ They are boring and dead on such a boring day.

The wind and rain nodded and said with a magnetic voice: "So for the sake of our great future, my followers, in this battle, I hope that each of you can survive because It is my duty to let you see that the world that truly belongs to us is established.

What I can say is not to let you fight for the king, but to hope that you can survive and join us in the future world.

We are faced with 'the gate of the Hades and the 'fire fog alliance', so we have an unimaginable burden, so we are on the cliff, playing all the power, fighting, taking care of life, as long as Thinking of the beauty of the future, we can do everything.

Believe me, there is a king, the masquerade will win! ”

"It must win!"

"It must win!"

"It must win!"

"..." (to be continued..)

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