Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 14 Chapter 1314: Unblocking the ritual snake

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Zero-time fans, determined to be a rare treasure, its existence subverts the 'rational' in the power of the world. (

Before, when the imperial summoned ritual snake was used, the wind and rain melted with Heikki, and poured a lot of power into her endless body. This was the result of her power being introduced into the will of the ritual snake. Chen acquired, thanks to the assistance of Black Katie, he successfully controlled this power.

But after all, there is an exhaustion, what should the energy of the ritual snake do?

Zero time fans.

With the existence of a zero-hour ecstasy, everything will be solved, because the previous fusion of the wind and rain has merged the will and power of the ritual snake, the will is not the origin, the origin is swallowed by the ‘dark’.

As long as the zero-hour fans exist, the wind and rain can achieve perfect power at zero every day.

This is tantamount to the power of the existence of an endless ritual snake.

With the operation of the permanent device [Zero Time Fan], it immediately supplements the power of consumption. The ritual snake* black and white law-abiding can release all the power and show the miracle of creating God.

Of course, to some extent, the storm has surpassed the ritual snake, bloodline - the gift of the unknown truth is the switch of all this, although this pedigree is only the initial stage, it can already control the ritual The power of the snake.


In the gap between the two worlds of the present and the Red World, the deepest part of the passage opened by the aurora column of the wind and rain.

Although the passageway of the previous rainy days was sealed by the Firefighting Alliance and the Firefighting Alliance, the passage was not blocked, and the Storm and Black Katie were not lost in the endless tunnel.

The shadows of even people here are not illuminated. This is the equivalent of the end point for the wind and rain that came along the road and Black Katie. There is also an incredible scene on the way – and it is by far the most spectacular sight.

Presented in front of their eyes. It is a myriad of high-rise buildings that protrude from the tubular earth into the air.

Whether you look around or look up, you can only see a large piece of concrete and glass structures. You can't see the world of clouds and sky, like a labyrinth that extends upwards, or a tooth that is gradually closing your mouth. same.

At the end of such a world, there is a wall that does not match the surrounding high-rise buildings and blocks the way.

It is not a form of vertical erection on the curved ground, but the diameter of the pipe begins to narrow rapidly here. The barrier is like a circular cover with a pipe. It is indeed a kind of The final form of the world is matched.

In the middle of the wall. Open this wide square entrance.

There are no steps around the ground that can be taken from the ground. Only those with flying ability can pass.

Although its internal structure is only a simple structure of "a spacious corridor with columns arranged on both sides and extending deep," the structures that make up the corridor are blackened bronze blocks, just like delicate wooden crafts. Wrapped around each other, while presenting a simple form as a whole, each of its components appears sharp and angular, and numerous vortexes are engraved on the surface. The sacred sacred curtains hanging around the place further set off the solemn atmosphere of the scene.

"I finally arrived here - the temple..."

Black Katie said openly.

"Hey, that idiot, closed the entrance. It just stopped us from interfering..."

The corner of the rain and the moon showed a smile, and the seal of the entrance was already in his calculations. Although the Fire and Foul Alliance is thinking of blocking the stormy weather in the endless space, the storm is also considering the fact that the closed entrance is not obstructed by anyone to obtain the snake of the ritual.

Hekti couldn't help but take a deep look at the man around him. Sure enough, all the creatures in the whole world were played in his hands!

At the moment, in front of the wind and rain, there is a black wall made of black bronze, as if it is the end of the picture, but it is not the same, the surface of the wall is a large star-like map, hundreds of heavy concentric The ring, on its surface, can be seen as a black flame like a shadow, and a pattern of creatures that are twisted and long.

At the same time, there is a presence in the center of the ring that is not carved, but a living eye. There are also heads and tails that extend over a portion of the ring, and a huge black snake bone that is faintly visible to some of the body, fixed like a statue.

This seems to be in the sky, and it is raging everywhere. It is also like a statue that is still struggling by the sky, but it has been from the "Red World" since the ancient times, and it has been exiled by the fire and fog soldiers to the "every trap" of the secret law. Create God - "The Snake of the Sacrifice."

It is only now that it has no source and will, and it has only a hollow body, and the only thing that can manipulate it is the storm of the power of the ritual snake.

In the center of the concentric circle, that eyeball is the right eye that Bello Peorou entrusted to the "Snake of the Sacrifice" when the "Forever Trap" was launched in the past. What should have existed under the eye mask~www.mtlnovel. The right eye of com~Belu Peoru is actually here!

It is the right eye that has this "flag", and Belle Peorou and Black Kati can communicate with the ritual snake, and the sacred poem can be imparted to Hector.

The wind and rain stretched out, and the eyes of Bello Peorou fell into his palm, and a bit of power from Belu Peorou was injected into the eye, and then -

The center ring, which was originally embedded in the eyeball, began to turn. As if the brakes were finally lifted, they were extremely fast and extremely fierce. The ring seemed to splatter a black flame with a sparking spark. After a few turns, it suddenly stopped. Then, the other ring on the outside turned a few turns in the opposite direction and stopped. Then, the outer ring is also rotated in the opposite direction, and then stops and turns to the outer ring... This intertwined rotation and rest gradually spread from the inner ring to the outer ring.

The black flame that splattered also increased with the expansion of the rotating ring, and the entire large disc that pressed the huge snake bone began to tremble slightly. Unknowingly, the faint tremor has spread to the entire "sacred temple", with black bronze floors, columns, ceilings, dark cloth curtains... even the dim and clear air does not enhance the prelude Trembling, ready to meet the moment of complete liberation. (To be continued.)

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