Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 15 Chapter 1368: Blood Night, Shana, Louise (below)

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Louise, who walked out of the stairway, saw Shana flying into the stormy arms, which made her greatly dissatisfied. She was fed all the time, and she came out to find a soft sister to **** the blood.

"You...what are you doing...what!"

Louise came to the side of the storm and Shana with high speed, and stretched out the white arm to push the two people.


The wind and rain reluctantly looked at Louise and said, "How come you, isn't it for you to sleep?"

"Sleep your sister! Sleep again, you ran with others, I tell you, my first kiss is for you, and you sucked my blood, you don't want to disappear from my eyes, you can only be Valley El family three women, I am Louise's magic!" Louise is in the middle of the storm and Shana, the reaction is quite strong.

"That is... that is, at night, actually disturbing people's dating, take care of your demon, Louise..." The blond teenager, known as Ke Xiu, was ready to regroup and once again hooked Shana.

"you shut up!"

The wind and rain looked coldly at Keyu, and the sword of frost was condensed behind him. The blade was aimed at Ji Xiu. He had not found anything about him. He dared to seduce his soft sister. Life is not enough for him!


Seeing the icy frosty sword, Kee's face suddenly ugly, and scornfully said: "Being a nobleman will not be able to see you in general... Ah, what a beautiful night, it is the best time to fall asleep now. Up..."


Shana looked at the girl with cherry blossoms and pink hair who was not much worse than herself. Said coldly: "I am hugging my husband. What is it about you..."

"Ha? Are you in the first grade? It's not harmful. Black deacon is my demon, what is your husband, do you want to eat more medicine?" Louise said with no anger.

"Hey? You, you want to be Yuchen, do you have more narcissistic pharmacy?"

Shana gasped her head and stood upside down.


The wind and rain looked at the two girls quarreling, and suddenly they were very big. The personality of the two people was the same. The fear was the tip of the eye. Really, even quarreled together, what should he do?

"You, tell her, you are my husband..."

"You, tell her, you are my magic..."

Then Shana and Louise turned their eyes to the wind and rain, waiting for him to let the other side know.


The wind and rain shyly touched his head and said: "I am the husband of Shana, and the magic of Louise..."

"H. You say it again... How could you be the enchantment of this zero Louise (a very famous "great" magician at Torrestin Academy..."

"Well? I didn't hear it clearly... you just got a girl in the first grade!"

Shana and Louise looked at the wind and rain with incredible eyes.

"The truth is that..."

The wind and rain sighed and said.

Really. At this time, the two guys met.

"Don't learn to speak in my tone, you are a magic idiot!" Shana felt that Louise's voice was exactly the same as her, and it was no wonder that her eyes were not strange, and it was too shameful to imitate her voice.

"What do you say, you must know how to respect your sister in the first grade! Also, you are learning my tone!" Where did Louise imitate Shana, her voice was like this, she was thinking about it. Xia is imitating her voice to seduce the wind and rain and her embarrassing...

"Zero's Louise, is it worthy of respect? Cut, although I just came to Torrestin, but you don't bully me ignorance..." Although Shana gradually understood that Louise's voice was not imitation, she would not Respect this famous magical idiot of Torrestin.

"Hey, I am not the one of the previous ones, I have been able to summon the strongest demon, oh huh..." Louise smugly patted her little chest, her demon is the best.

"Cut, it’s a shame for me to see you as a partner."

Xia Na felt that this Louise was also arrogant, and it was unfortunate that Yuchen had such a thing.

"What! You say it again? The black deacon has admitted that I am his partner. I don't believe you ask her. I just personally fed him to eat (vampire)..." Louise said, touching the hickey on his neck. .

"Stare... stare... stare..."

Xia Na suddenly squinted at the wind and rain, and her mouth was full of dissatisfaction. If she wants to **** blood, why not look for her.

"Xana... You listen to me, although she (Louise) is a fool, but the magic spell on my hand is true, and now my relationship with her is a loss and a glory..."

The wind and rain stretched out his left hand, which revealed the mark of Gang Dalufu.

"Listen clearly... let's respect, black deacon is the magic of others..."

Louise’s body was proud to say in the arms of the storm.

"You give me aside..."

Xia Yan pushed Louise away and put herself into the embrace of the storm. She said: "If this is the case, let me admit that she also said that you must go to sleep in my room at night, I can feed your blood..."

"No!" How could Louise agree?

"No road, no road, no road!"

Xia Na was stubbornly holding on to the wind and rain and refused to release her hand.

"Black deacon, what do you say, you drink my blood, pat the **** and leave, don't give me this master face?" Louise looked at the wind and rain, said aggrieved.


The wind and rain caressed Shana’s forehead and said: “Xana~www.readwn.com~ This world is the enchantment of Louise, the fact that I can’t change it. I want to guard her, so that the guardian should be Obligation, after all, if she has something, I will disappear."

"That... I want to look at you..."

Xia Yan released the rain and said, "I want to move my bed into your room, you sleep with me..."

"It’s just natural to make the devil and sleep together. I will never give in this!" Louise said persistently, took out the magic wand and prepared a disagreement with Shana. She did not believe in herself. Even the first grade can not beat.

"He can only sleep with me, hold me, and I will never give in on this!"

Shana also took out a magic wand. Although she just learned magic, she believes that Zero is still a hope of victory. (To be continued.)



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