Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 15 Chapter 1375: Blood of Nothingness: Louise's Determination

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Although it is a dragon, but the strength of the rain and the wind is only the order of the line magician, this is the system's limit, although it seems to be a powerful attack, but there is a table, in the eyes of the real magician, this is nothing. the power of.

After the battle of the coffin, the coffin was blocked, and it was clear that the wind and rain was only the ancient dragon of the 'young dragon' level. The strength was not as strong as the adult dragon, but even so, the physical strength of the dragon Waiting is far from her deficiency, the dragon's magic is more than her magic, and the dragon's physical defense is also stronger than her, the most critical is -

Now the seal room with the "Destruction Staff" has a very tenacious magic seal, even if the power of her rectangular magician can not be broken, this is the most important, in case everyone has noticed here, she wants It’s not an easy task to leave...

After seeing that the dragon's interest is useless, the wind and rain will land on the tower. Although it can only use the power of the magic, but he still has swordsmanship -

"(Winning the sword of gold)!!"

In the rain and the right hand, a golden light powder gradually gathered and formed, and a slender gold sword appeared.

"Louise, you support me at the rear, I am close to him to attack..."

Behind the storm, the vampire demon wings stretched out and flew toward the front...


Louise suddenly felt embarrassed. She has not yet demonstrated a magical success. How to cover the storm?

"Hey... want a melee?"

The coffin of the clods snorted. Manipulating a huge earthworm to attack. The huge dirt of the earth seems awkward. In fact, it is quite agile. Before the blink of an eye, the hill-sized fist will reach the front of the storm.

"Don't underestimate my intuition!"

The battle of the wind and rain was straightforward, and the feet violently stepped on the fist of the earth. The whole body was raised and raised. Although it was impossible to use any force other than the magic, it has been used countless times. The moon has been remembered by the body. You can complete the moon step of one of the Navy's six styles without system assistance. The body is like climbing a ladder in the sky.

"I didn't look down on you... you looked at me a little..."

Fukai sneered and said, a bunch of huge guns of geotechnical condensed in the space, impacting the past.


Unbelievable magic casting speed, even no singing, the magic will condense out, the wind and rain in that moment, the battle straight sense all show, avoiding the guns of the earth. However, the shoulder was still penetrated by a rock gun, but the power of the holy dragon and the holy dragon flowed. His wound healed quickly, as if there were no injuries...

"Oh... it’s amazing, it’s an ancient dragon. Even a young dragon has a strong place. The speed of this cure is incredible, and it’s a god...”

After seeing the healing ability of the wind and rain, Fukai affirmed the abacus in the heart and must end the battle earlier. Otherwise, she would not be able to use the wind and rain. With magic, the physical injury can be instantly restored. Obviously this is basically The monster is fighting, but how to break the seal of the secret room?

At this time, Louise launched her attack -


An explosion suddenly rang in the body of the soil, but the power was very small, and the armor of the soil did not hurt.

"I said... Miss Louise, can your attack be more accurate? Now, the enemy is prepared!"

The wind and rain can not help but look at Louise's attack, the accuracy of magic is too low, right?

"No road, no road, no road... I want you to!!"

Louise blushes and says, she is also paying attention seriously, but magic does not listen to her call...

"If Tabasa assisted me, it would be much better..." The wind and rain can't help but feel helpless. Similarly, how is the difference so big?

"Tabasa...Tabasa, you are looking for her!"

Louise bit her lip and said, who is despised, but she does not want to be looked down upon by the storm. She has been able to understand her since she has been able to understand her. She also said that she is very hard.

"It turned out to be like this... Zero of Louise, it’s easy to do..."

Fu Kayton transferred the target of the attack to Louise's body, the magic wand in his hand aimed at Louise, and a strong storm hit the past -


The wind and rain noticed Fu Kai's gaze, and immediately rushed to Louise to push her to the side, and she was blown by the storm and hit a tower.

Louise couldn't help but look at the storm, why? Why did you want to block the attack for her?

"Stupid, find me a good place to cast spells, so exposed to the enemy, your brain is teasing? What is your look? When I am? I am your magic, I promised you before, will protect you Yes, it’s true that it’s a mistake!

The wind and rain sighed and wiped the blood from the mouth. Sure enough, the rectangular level magician was not so easy to defeat. Unlimited skills could not be used. I must think of a good way, but his vampire ability has not yet Awakening, is it really the reason for the number of bloodsucking?


Louise listened to the blame of the wind and rain~www.readwn.com~ I was a little happy in my heart, and suddenly ran to his side, revealing the white jade neck, and said -

"This is just... special case... allows you to **** my blood so that you can grow your strength?"

The wind and rain couldn't help but look at Louise's pink skin. There was a craving in the throat. The feeling of hunger and thirst made him unable to hold up Louise. The sharp teeth pierced her pink skin. Among them...

"Although I am indeed 'Zero Louise', but I have to fight, no matter what kind of battle, the mood of drinking this lady's blood, and then defeat that woman!" Louise hugged The body of the wind and rain, she is indeed weak, but she must be strong, she is definitely not tossing back and forth, she will not lose to Tabasa!

With the infusion of Louise's blood, the body of the wind and rain gradually emerged with incomparably powerful power. On the right hand, the syllabus made the magic mark begin to shine, and the power was raised in an instant! ! ! ! (To be continued.)



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