Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 16 Chapter 1495: Wings of the double wing? Wake up?/a>

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The moon was clean, the night was cold, and the water-like night washed the room, and the wind came with the moist air...


"Do not worry... it won't hurt..."

"Nonsense, can you pierce your body without pain?"

"No pain... you will fall in love with this feeling..."


Xiaoli Xiang and the young real two little loli squatted on the wall, listening to the sound of the sound coming from the next door, could not help but the small face pink and tender red. "Vertical novels,..

“What are the big brothers and Dong Xiang’s sister doing?” Chen asked the little day.

"In the making of a baby, the baby of Asuna's sister is made in this way..." Xiaori recalled and said, interested in the wall and listening.

"how come?"

The chick still understands what is ‘Little Baby’.


The nose of the wind and rain touches the neck of Kirishima Dongxiang, and feels the blood fragrance in the nose, like the blue iris flower. The flower language of the iris is passionate, adaptable and love messenger. The blue iris is representative. The elegant and secretly admiration represents the free and broken passion of the fate, the exquisite beauty, but the fragile and perishable, monolithic angel, and never expressed himself, always adapting to everything and trying to respond to everything. .

"Dong Xiang, you are a very easy-to-understand person, buy a bunch of blue irises together tomorrow..."

"To **** and suck, really, my patience is limited, maybe when I will regret it..."

Dong Xiang turned his head. I exposed my white neck. The afterglow of the corner of the eye is no longer facing the wind and rain.

"I am a demon. Are you willing to trade with the devil?"

"My life is originally made up of hell. It doesn't matter if it is a demon..."


The rain and rain stopped the action and sat up. Sure enough, the easily broken angels really couldn't bear it. The vampire's hunger and thirst is not much lower than that of the cockroach. Although it can be suppressed, it is very uncomfortable. Moreover, the vampire's lineage gradually loses its sense with the transmission of generations. In fact, the vampires under the ancestor and the true ancestry have been unable to restrain themselves.

To put it simply, the wind and rain now does not **** blood or even feel pain, just hunger and thirst.

The vampires under him, I am afraid, are inseparable from blood, need regular blood-sucking, can not control the vampires they want to even **** the blood of people!

The sin of this species will enter the vampire's sin.

Although the vampire is slightly better than the cockroach, it does not get rid of sin.


It is much more elegant than eating meat, but after all, it is not a beautiful angel, but a demon.

"Do you think I still have a choice?" Kirishima Dong Xiang grabbed the sheets with both hands and said: "I want to get rid of that sinful cycle. Although only a little!"

"You probably want to compensate me? Don't want to see my sullen look? Really, my physical strength and energy are overdraft. I have reached the point where I can't recover naturally. I need to have a guide, just like fast. Like a dry well, only water can be poured into it to extract more water.

Vampires also lose their senses because of hunger. Before I really lose control, you put on your clothes..."

The wind and rain did not want to let this blue iris flower dye his color.

"Stupid... You are a man, as disgusting as Yueshan. Is your pretentious elegance pity me?"

Kirishima Dong Xiang hit a fist on the chest of the wind.

"It’s not painful...hehe, because I’m so angry that I’m doing something desperate for my sake? So I’m going to vote for Li, and I’m going to use it as a peach, instead of letting me **** your blood to restore my life? So you It’s a fool... Your thoughts are written on the face, I’m a man, then you’re also a woman, aren’t you?”

The wind and rain covered the clothes on the bedside to the body of Kirishima Dongxiang, indicating that she was leaving. He wanted to be quiet and slowly recover his strength and energy.

"So... do you still have to endure?"

Kirishima Dongxiang’s nails marked a blood mark on his smooth neck, and the blood slowly leaked out...

The pupil of the wind and rain once again floated the color of blush, his body was a little trembling, sucking... sucking... sucking...

"Don't regret it..."

The wind and rain caught the shoulders of Kirishima Dong Xiang and bite down on her neck. The blood slipped down from the skin of the jade, and the red sheets were scattered like a piece of plum blossoms, stirring, leaping and floating. ......


A snoring of the nasal sound, Kirishima Dong Xiang did not feel the pain, replaced by the bone-like comfort, what is the power of the body in the body, let her such nostalgia, is the distortion of the world's breathing Doesn't it make her forget the pain?

The turbidity of the air and the fragrance of his body are like the sea of ​​flowers, elegant, aware, quiet, and full of money. As the blood gradually drains from the body, she suddenly realizes that the world has been distorted. When did she have it? What is this feeling?

Probably only now is it clearer?

As the blood flowed into the body, the color of the wind and rain gradually began to smooth up. After smoking to a certain extent, he stopped sucking, and a force gradually condensed in his physical strength, as if the egg was generally swirling along his limbs. Baimai, then entered the body of Kirishima Dongxiang at the vampire's fangs...


A soul-like vibration, a burst of power like the explosion of the universe in the body exploded, the body's genes changed rapidly in the process of reorganization...

The first is her eyes~www.readwn.com~ The left eye is still the cockroach of the eye, then the right eye becomes the vampire's blush, followed by a demon wing from her right shoulder Come out, it corresponds to the feather of the left shoulder!

The single-winged angel is now promoted to a double-winged angel!

The beauty of the incompleteness is gradually being filled!

Her body gradually resembles the body of the wind and rain, exudes a diamond-like crystal, and it seems to illuminate the room in the night, and the white skin becomes more transparent...

A pair of small fangs came out from the mouth of Kirishima’s Dong Xiang...

The hunger of blood made her desire to replace the hunger and thirst. At this moment, she changed, and the strong bloodline dominated the weak blood.

"Okay... It consumes a lot of power, but it’s good to sleep..."

The wind and rain felt the body faintly fell in the arms of Kirishima Dongxiang. Really, the force was too strong. Did the blood of the first time give too much? (To be continued.)

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