Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 4 Chapter 149: Darkness and light

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"Then how do you say how to kiss?"

Ice Butterfly suddenly blushes and asks, she doesn't understand how to do it. After all, she is doing this for the first time. Anyway, she can only endure it. Really, if it is not for the king of killing. Title...

"I really want to show you to you? This can't be done. If I do it, it doesn't make sense. Just tell you a little, let's go over the ear, I tell you how to do it..." said the wind and rain.

Ice Butterfly can only nod helplessly, and the ears stick together.


The wind and rain gently said a few words.

After listening to it, the ice butterfly suddenly rosy a small face, actually wants to... like that, how can it be too shameful.

"What? You don't want to? Then even if it is, the deal is exempted..."

The wind and rain smiled and said.

"Hey, it's cheaper for you, I can't do it..."

Ice Butterfly suddenly put her mouth up again, this time it was not so good, kissed, and then she extended her small tongue and squeezed into the mouth of the rainy...

at last……

The wind and rain suddenly put out the tongue and the small fragrant tongue is lingering together, and at the same time "u" her fragrant, full of fragrance and the fragrance of the girl, suddenly filled with overflowing mouth in the rain.


This kind of deep communication, where the ice butterfly has been, the body suddenly soft in the arms of the storm, and then a powerful woman will lose all strength when it comes into contact with this kind of thing, especially the first experience like ice butterfly The girl of this kind of thing can't bear the feeling of this heartbeat.

For a moment, the head of Ice Butterfly suddenly became blank, and suddenly I felt that this guy was not very annoying, and my heart was beating. She doesn't like whether she likes it or not. In short, she doesn't hate it. Why don't she hate it? It is clearly against this kind of thing, but why she doesn't hate it, why. She doesn't know...

Ice Butterfly felt this kind of thing for a moment, squatting in a man's arms and feeling his warmth. It was really quiet and unusually quiet, which was very different from her tight mental state. After free entry into the assassination world, her spirit has not been relaxed for a day. No, it is a state of half-sleeping and half-sleeping, because there is a possibility that a guy with a weapon can have his own life at any time...

This time, the ice butterfly tasted the only calm. The heart is like a water stop. I feel that the world is suddenly not so dark. This calm moment even hopes that it will continue forever. Until then, she wants to stay in this calm world without worrying about everything, without fear. Don't have to rush...

The darker the people, the stronger the demand for the light, because they know the horror and loneliness of the dark, but they are a group of people who are not redeemed, and they are in the dark forever. In the horror, the action in the darkness, the killing in the darkness, the **** redness in the dark...

But once you touch this light, they will be full of yearning for this light and don't want to leave. Because the warmth of the light made them shocked, and after experiencing the warmth of this light, they did not want to go back to the darkness of the past.

The wind and rain was very clever. He did not take the initiative to ask for the kiss of the ice butterfly, but let her come. If the wind and rain come, the feeling of Ice Butterfly must not be so strong, because it is forced, reluctant, resisting, and resisting this feeling, nothing can be experienced.

And Ice Butterfly actively kisses the wind and rain, it is not the same, her mood will be subtle to the extreme, she will remember each process, she will rest assured that all experience this strong impact, when she feels the kiss is When she was gentle, she was indulged in this world and could not break free.

It was because the ice butterfly was dark to the extreme, and the coldness reached the extreme. When she touched the gentleness, she felt the strong breath and made her whole soul shudder.

After tasting this feeling, she will never forget this feeling in her life.

At this moment, the wind and rain is equal to planting a seed in the heart of Ice Butterfly. As time goes by, he believes that this seed will slowly sprout and mature, and then thrive. At that time, he is deeply rooted in her heart. She can't get rid of his **** in her life!

The more this dark little loli is, the easier it is to develop, because they are single in nature, too dark, and they will shine brightly.

After a long time, the ice butterfly blurred her eyes, her hands raised her body, biting her lips, she knew that she might not be able to forget what happened tonight, and could not lose him, as if she had been counted by him, now she In my heart, I couldn’t afford a killing, and I didn’t kill him. This kind of thing...

"How do you still have your hands still?" Ice Butterfly asked a little shyly. He felt like he was cheated. If he didn't want to move, he wouldn't move naturally. He said that he was tempted and he kept his senses. Never moving...

The wind and rain smiled and reversed the body, and pressed the ice butterfly to the bed with both hands, then actively kissed her...


After the ice butterfly struggled, he gave up, and his hands couldn't help but hug the back of the storm. This feeling can't be said to be annoying. Instead, being hugged in his arms, she feels that she is really warm and calm, and she has been silent. In the dark world, she longs for this gentleness...

Why don't you refuse ~www.readwn.com~ Why don't you resist, why do you hold his body with both hands? At this time, Ice Butterfly can't imagine these strange moves, maybe understand, but don't want to admit it...

That's fine, he started, and the transaction was successful. After the transaction was completed, she had nothing to do with him. It was just like this, yes, that's it...

However, is it really so simple?

After kissing for a while, the wind and rain loosened the ice butterfly. Sometimes it was too bad to do it. His seeds have been planted in the heart of the ice butterfly. She never wants to get rid of herself in this life!

The wind and rain know that today's things are not over, the ice butterfly this guy will kiss him, because she likes this feeling, isn't it?

"The deal is reached, this is the resor of the sapphire, then I will hand you a few red players, then contact me, I hope you will abide by the agreement, help me reach the king of killing, my first kiss has been given to you You have to dare to violate the agreement, and I will let you suffer when I die!" The ice butterfly threw a crystal stone to the wind and rain, and the body leaped lightly, jumping out of the window of the room and disappearing... (Dingtian novels are your support Is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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