Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 21 Chapter 1909: Once again, the lacquer and the magic bow are changed.

If Vatola's fit beast is shocking, then the storm is even more shocking.

To use the sacred ritual that only the top-level sacred priests can use in the identity of the Mozu, no, it is not only the category of sacredness, it should be a god-like power.

The enchantment that directly interferes with space through rules is astounding.

"Is this guy a holy teacher or a vampire?!..."

The 坂 坂 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢Certainly!

"Now is not obsessed with this, you see..."

In the rain and rain, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Narakwara, who was smashed by the slashing stalks.

The mechanical arm that was knocked down was instantly restored, and the limbs were plasticized.

“The transformation of elements has reshaped, and I have not thought that the intelligence of the weapons of the gods has reached this level.”

"Cut, fear what, can break once, you can cut off the second time, see me!"

Sawahwa did not notice the light shining on the body of Narakwara, waving the wide-blade sword in his hand, and slamming the past again - ∫∮


A sound like the sound of a sound hitting the wall of the air.

The sword of the Sawah Warri is unable to attack the body of Narakwara again. The surface of the Narakwara armor seems to have an impenetrable wall.

Some of the yarns are too slow to respond, and they continue to display snipers. But still can not penetrate the inexplicable enchantment.

The armor of Narakwara has a wonderful texture. Then the faint magic light enveloped the whole body.

"This is a repulsive field enchantment? How is it possible?"

The snow dish on the side is clear.

The blade of "Huang Hualin" can open the link of space =. But that was limited to the space touched by the blade, but the armor of Narakwara evolved to be able to bounce the sword of the sway before the blade touched by covering the surface of the repulsive field. ”

"It is the weapon that can evolve through self-learning, which is the power corresponding to the weapons of the gods."

Furious and frowning said.

"Not good, Yarn is sang, be careful!"

Just for a moment, the face of the snow dish was pale.

The tentacles of Narakwala came from the head of the yarn. However, it was too late for the yarn to detect this. The front end of the tentacle hit a true red flash, and the yarn with a slower half-shooting speed could not defend the attack.

The destruction of Nalakwala has already fully demonstrated the kind of laser power, the burning flash that can burn a thick steel plate in a flash. If you take a blow, the yarn will instantly become shattered, possibly with slag. There is no point left.


Are you going to die? Is everything going to end here?

At this moment, the yarn can not help but desperately close his eyes.


"Running in the sky, tearing the silent wheel of the night, echoing in the sparkling fire. This is dim, with lacquer. The-wheel-of-, x, wheel of fortune, the-,, star King, order!"

Quickly use the magic to outline the Latin song in the void, while the mouth is moving in the rhythm, the sound is refined by the magic into a strong mantra, and the two spells are quickly combined in the void, followed by the feet of the wind and rain. On the lightning, like two lightning, instantly came to the side of the yarn Yaohua, took her away from the place.

At the same time, the sky was darkened in an instant, even though Narakwala’s reaction was slow, and the laser gun slowly shot after the rain and the yarn left.

"I... isn't it dead?"

The sound of Yawa's mind echoed only the sound of the wind and the bright slang, tearing the desperate moments, and once again opened her eyes, she found herself in the arms of the Princess of the Storm, and she may be because of this moment After a moment of life and death, I held the body of the wind and rain.

The soft and full-bodied squeezing from the girl in the arms made the wind and rain sway.


A light and crisp sound, Xuecai hit the handle of the snow sleigh wolf on the ground, "When are you going to hold!!"

"The lion god, the sword of the high god, the prayer of sincerity, the dawn of the devil, the wolf of the snow, the **** of the steel, help me to crusade the evil spirits!"

Although the snow dish is mindful of the yarn swaying and the wind and rain, the snowballs in the hand are flying out of the laser wheel.

"Haha... The sword and witch of the Lion King's organs and the dance of Weiyuan and the extreme demon ancestors, you three are completely destroyed here today, but today is my kindness, let you three together buried in the endless ocean In the middle!!"

One by one, Narakwala began to act under the control of the Queen's machine. Christopher Gardochu sat in the Queen's machine and revealed an inexplicable smile. Well, according to the plan of the storm, the acting is also realistic. Since he said that he should let himself go all out, then he will try his best, otherwise how can he deceive the eyes and ears of some people on the scene with Vatola.

This is a contest of minds. I am afraid that everyone is not clear. The super-east demon who guards the string of God Island is actually the biggest behind-the-scenes villain~www.readwn.com~ planning the act of alarming the world, soon The world will no longer be calm.

"I am going to fight for time... I can't let them look down on the dance of the Lion King's body! Since the other party can resolve our attack and complete the evolution, then the opportunity is only once, I and Xuecai are fully attacking, and the back is handed over. I am giving you...I don’t believe in you...just...stubborn...just...”

Sai Yaohua blushes from the arms of the wind and rain, and will hold the sword's left hand forward -

The silver blade suddenly separated, and it was separated forward and backward. The part of the sword (the intersection of the blade and the hilt) was used as a fulcrum. One half of the separated blade was rotated 180 degrees, and the silver tough bowstring was opened. , transformed into a new weapon shape.

The sword of Sawahwa changed into a silver bow with beautiful lines. She took up her own skirt and took out the metal darts from the leather buckle that was rolled on the thigh. She flashed her right hand. The darts stretched out to a silver arrow.

"The six-style reloading deaflysyuttu (deaflysyuttu), this is the real gesture of "Huang Hualin" -" (to be continued.)


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