Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 21 Chapter 1915: Princess and Sims

"This sign is the Megas Kraft company, sure enough!"

The wind and rain looked at a cruise ship next to the landing yacht, with a pile of containers, the logo printed on it is the logo of the Megaslav company that he was inquiring about intelligence.

At this point, several searchlights placed on the deck are lit, automatically illuminating the uninhabited island at night, but there is no breath on it, it seems to have landed on the island, and the gunshots are inside the forest. produced.

"Their landing yachts are military, naturally faster than our tour yachts. They don't know who is fighting, teachers, our battles!..."

"Follow me, really!"

It has become clear that the storm has deliberately led him over and seems to have a purpose.

However, he can't be like those people, deliberately close to Ye Xia Xia Yin, that would be meaningless. For such an inorganic girl, he must wait for the most appropriate time, but this timing must be a very bad time for him.

The white eye passed through a layer of forest and saw the battle inside.

Short distance -

≦◇ "Running in the sky, tearing the silent wheel of the night, echoing in the sparkling fire, this is dim, with the paint, the-wheel-of-, x, the wheel of fortune, the-,, King of Stars, order!"

Quickly use the magic to outline the Latin song in the void, and the rhythm is moving at the same time. The sound is magically refined through the throat into a strong spell. The two spells are quickly combined in the void. Then, on the feet of the wind and rain, they stepped on the thunder and lightning, grabbed the hand of the snow dish, and tore the night, the electric light and the fire, and the light and shadow of the road passed by.

"Haha, fearless struggle!"

An orc commanded a soldier in black armor to attack a girl in the bunker.

The girl has long silver hair and a blouse from a team of ceremonial clothes. There are also long-legged boots, which are held in her hand and are beautifully decorated with huge pistols like gold instruments.

As the trigger is pressed, a silver-shining bullet flies out. However, the pistol is single-shot and needs to be filled with bullets. However, for young girls, it is very skilled. Filling the golden bullets into the back, he did not hesitate to shoot at the impending black armor.

In terms of power. The pistol was still very good, and the golden bullets flew the black-skinned soldiers.

The girl’s shooting method is also quite prepared.

Being able to show her calm in this situation. Not a girl of ordinary people.


At some stage, the bullets in the girl’s hands are exhausted.

"Is the royal family's proud curse gun no bullets, Princess Royal Highness?"

The orc with black fur sneered and waved more black armor soldiers behind him.

"God Luo Tianzheng!!"

The wind and rain and the 柊 柊 柊 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此 此


Centered around his body, all the black armored soldiers, along with the orcs, were also flew out.

"You...and the swordsman of the Lion King, I didn't expect you to come here too..."

After the crisis was lifted, the silver-haired girl came out of the bunker behind her.

"You are? What is your relationship with Ye Xia Xia Yin?"

Looking at the same silver hair and the same good face, I was puzzled. I haven’t heard that Ye Hao Xia Yin will have sisters?

"I am La Fleiya Lihwain, the eldest daughter of the Nordic Altigia King Lucas Lihwain, who has the status of a king in the Kingdom of Arutikia...

Mikas Kraft, the purpose of my body, that is, the blood of the king of Arutichia, the girls born in the king of Arutichia are almost all powerful coals.

The true father of Ye Xia Xiayin is my grandfather. Fifteen years ago, my grandfather gave birth to a child with a Japanese woman living in Altikia. She is Ye Xia, and after that, I think you probably Understand... Ye Hao Xia Yin’s mother returned to China after she had given birth to prevent her grandfather from being troubled...

Probably this relationship, I am sorry to have you involved, the Royal Highness, call me La Velia..."

The girl lifted the skirt of the short skirt and elegantly applied aristocratic etiquette to the wind and rain.

"Well, is that the case?"

The wind and rain gently nodded, seems to understand what, she has the same bloodline as Xia Yin, she should also be regarded as a target?

"As expected, I didn't think that the true ancestors of the demon king had really come straight. Is it too confident about their own strength? However, all the targets are all gathered together, and the best one is done."

A tall woman came out of the jungle, her eyes were as bright as the deep red as the blood was soaked. The pure white teeth that protruded from the gaps in the lips symbolized her identity - the vampire !

The woman's body was wrapped in a crimson suit, and the leather-made crimson suit outlined her plump lines. The right hand was holding a long gun, and the deep red gun tip cut the armor of the ship's surface, releasing it. Sharp metal tones and sparks.

"Your knees look very good... I haven't seen it for about seven years. You have become more beautiful."

At the same time, a middle-aged man in a white research suit came out, and two black armored soldiers behind him carried a one-large box.

"Ye Yuxian, the daring of my kinship as a tribute to my ritual?"

La Felia said coldly.

"Where is Xia Yin? Are you her guardian? I have read that you are the brother of Xia Yin's mother. As a close relative, you can do this kind of thing, you are enough..."

The wind and rain saw the box behind Ye Yuxian’s birth~www.readwn.com~ probably-

"I treated her as a new daughter, and there is nothing wrong with it..."

Ye Xixian said calmly, "I turned her into a real angel!! Angels who can ascend to heaven!"

"Do you really use that kind of power?"

La Frya said with a frown. "Is the power of the court mages who once served in the royal family to touch the alchemy and magic to the extreme?"

"There is nothing wrong with this. There are a total of seven models of simulated angels that we have prepared. Summery has defeated three of them. Together with the defeat of the middle, we have collected six spiritual centers, plus human beings and birth. There are seven spiritual centers, so there are thirteen, and there are a total of thirty paths connecting them. This is the minimum amount necessary for humans to improve their own spirituality."

It seems that I am proud to introduce my own products. In general, the process of Ye Yuxian’s birth is described. (To be continued.)


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