Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 21 Chapter 1927: Nurse's temptation plan

After absorbing a certain source, the strength of the wind and rain has dropped a bit, because the forced extraction of all the power of existence has resulted in wasted too much power, and the demon **** is the man who built the thunder, but through the spiritual sea. The force of the kaleidoscope that was forcibly opened up is naturally impossible to use for a long time.

Therefore, he temporarily revoked the power of the demon god, and the source still has the last little amount collected. As he expected, the power of the source is not limited to the vampire, as long as it is the Mozu, that is, the orc, the witch, and the like. Included in it.

"His Royal Highness, let the witch serve you to rest, and immediately yours will be finished..."

Xiandumu night looked at the stormy night, and she was able to walk out of the world with the wind and rain, and then, as long as it was subtly influenced, this man would become the real devil!

"Well, let's go..."

The wind and rain nodded, and disappeared with the fairy wood in the sky above the prison island. The next moment came to the teaching building of Caihai College.

"His Royal Highness, you should go to rest first, let me arrange the enchantment, you don't want to be disturbed when we have fun?"

Xiandumu A night feels that Nangong will not stop there in that month, so you can use the power of the next.

The walls of the school building of Caihai College and the ground are engraved with a large number of text magic arrays, which are ancient magical words, which are blooming with soft golden light. That is to lead the world to the darkness of the night. Twilight glory!

It is not others who have engraved this ancient magical text. It is the night of Xiandumu.

However, at the time of completion, there were several blockers.

"So far, A night!"

Nangong that month and Ji Yun Xue Cai came to the top of the house, their blushing shackles, so that they are not excluded by the storm, so the battle with Xiandumu night can also be carried out, even without memory. The contract of blood is the closest connection.

"Oh, you really still came... I stopped my experiment like I did... I took the vow from me, the only ally I used to trust.

Nangong that month.

But now, I have regained the affidavit that originally belonged to me, and the demon king who is in the middle of it will be possessed by me! ”

There is no surprise in the night of Xiandumu. In this enchantment, everything will be for her.

"Stop that kind of reverie, A night... Ji Yun, break her enchantment!"

The Nangong month naturally clears the power of the affidavit. At this moment, only the seven-style assault rifle machine gun that invalidates the magic can work.

"The lion of the gods. The sword of the high gods, sincere prayers. The dawn of the devil, the snow wolf, the **** of the steel, help me to crusade the evil spirits!"


The 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 祷 祷 祷 祷 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊 柊

"The sword of the Lion King, so it is only you... but..."

The stormy day, which is modulating the coffee, looks at the sky, and the face shows a serene look. The calm temperament is not allowed to come out.

Even the crepe of Yahua and Lavelia entered the room and did not make him move.

"My Majesty the Devil, we are sent to serve you, Miss Anight, do you need to restore strength? The quickest way..."

Lavelia wearing a nurse's suit came to the side of the storm, and the soft little hand touched his chest.

"Why do I have a familiar feeling? Your body..."

It was only after the storm that I turned my eyes to Lavelia.

"Because I was sucked by you before, but you forgot the memory..."

Lavelia listened to her maid and said that men liked the temptation of some uniforms, so she and Yoshiwa specially put on the nurse's outfit.

The soft body sits in his arms, and the silver hair radiates a sacred atmosphere.

The instinct of the wind and rain has a special feeling for some holy Lavelia, and the images of deja vu are driving him to soothe the girl in her arms.


Seeing Lavelia winking, Sawahwa couldn’t help but blush and walk over, then -

"Come on, come on! As long as you **** the blood, you can return to the original state..."

The first button on the bow tie and shirt of the uniform was said, and her delicate neck shone with white light under the moonlight shining into the window.

"Not enough, the yam yam sauce, serving the deity of the devil is more daring... time is very precious (do not waste snow and the sauce of that month)..."

Lavelia sings, the soft little hand provokes the belly of the wind and rain, the wind and rain is just the use of her familiarity, and the Nangong also said that the demon king will be stronger, should not It will be as serious as before.

"I got it!"

Yau Yahua responded with a crying tone, like a fateful bite on his lips, then gently picked up the sides of the skirt and raised it slightly -

"This, this is ok."

Yarn Yahua was blushing and blushing, asking with wet eyes, revealing the lavender fat inside.


The wind and rain can not help but turn a blind eye, this temptation is still...somewhat special, but the sashimi, a girl with a high standard of appearance, is such a thing, and it is also attractive because of shame. The appearance can also give a very high score. In addition to the underwear worn by Yoshiya, it is surprising that the rope pants are knotted with a string on the side.

The nurse's outfit is also considered, the pure and simple look plus the flies and fat times, the way of tenderness and weeping, can't be stimulated.

Lavelia secretly gave a thumbs up to the yam, and did not expect that the iceberg woman of the Lion King organ could actually do this step~www.readwn.com~ very good.

“Is there an impulse to **** blood?”

Sawa Yataka bit his lip and look at the wind and rain, the poor and innocent look of innocence.

"Amount...this...sucking blood when you come up..."

Even the wind and rain of the devil's mind felt that there was something wrong.

"You... are you not enough to know that the underwear is not enough??"

She said to reach out to the side of the knot. She had completely lost the correct direction because she was forced to do so. The slender fingers gradually pulled the fat knots out, revealing the girl's blush.


Have you made a mistake!

Even the wind and rain, I feel that the woman in front of me is too off-line... (to be continued.)


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