Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 22 Chapter 1970: 5 seals: Xiaozhi base

After Kakashi recovered and awake, the whirlpool Naruto recovered after the tentacle was eliminated. It is worthy of the nine-tailed force, and the resilience is much stronger than Kakashi. The recovery speed is faster than Kakashi, and a pair Full of energy.

"Yu Chen teacher... I love Luo! How about I love Luo?!~"

The Naruto who just woke up suddenly rushed up, and even ignited the nine-tailed Chakra's clothes. Obviously the previous battle still hovered in his mind and could not be wiped out.

"Calm down, Naruto, we are so hard to be saved, and if you are impulsive, you will be caught again!" Kakashiton reached out and put his hand on the shoulders of his disciples, let him calm down.

"Well, Kakashi is not wrong... Naruto, if you still can't control your emotions, if you continue to do this, you will sooner or later let you stay in the village... Impulsive can't save anything, I Know your inner anxiety, but now it is obvious that our strength is not enough, we must make a good plan.

You take a break and then act, I am going to find Sakura, Kay seniors? Is it with Sakura? ”

Asked the wind and rain.

"I don't know, Kay also came? They should be shaken, and we are not on the same road. It seems that it is also fierce and less, but now it can't be too much. I am singing ◎ long ◎ wind ◎ text ◎ learning , ww → ● x people first meet with the poisonous island, Sakura should be with the thousand generations of mother-in-law..."

Kakashi moved his protective gear a little, revealing the covered three-legged jade writing wheel.

"Well, this is the bitterness of my engraving of the thunder magic. Kakashi's predecessors put it on the road. I will chase after it..."

The wind and rain left a lot of special hardships. Then walked out of the cave.


There was a fog in the valley, but this did not have any obstacles for the white-eyed eyes. The wind and rain soon found Sakura and the old woman, the danger of their location was actually hanging on the cliff.

"Yu Chen teacher... first save the mother-in-law, be careful, the spider will make the energy invalid..."

Haruno Sakura, which was suspended by a spider web on the cliff, saw the arrival of the storm. Suddenly understand that their support has arrived, that is to say, Kakashi and Naruto have been saved.

"Spider? It seems to be the summoning beast of the tentacle demon king. Should that guy be a summoner?"

The wind and rain thought about the giant spider that climbed quickly from the cliff wall. The huge tail was agitated, and a white mucus was sprayed. These mucus were in a leap and turned into huge white spider webs. Shocked toward the wind and rain.

Hail Wolf Avalanche!

In the wind and rain, the hands were printed, and an ice wolf emerged from his side, and the spiders bite into the ice.

Since Chakra is invalid. Just don't let it get close to your body.

Hazelnut whale! !

Then, a huge ice whale emerged from the river in the cliff. The giant spider hanging on the cliff hit the river.

After the clean and satisfactorily solved the summoned beast, the wind and rain cloths were all out of the sword, and the spider silk hanging on the cliff was cut off, and the daughter-in-law of the thousand generations was brought up.

"Thank you..."

The Chiyoda mother-in-law has already been paralyzed at this time. After all, the age is a lot. The fierce battle and the long time hanging on this cliff, the heart is definitely not good.


Nodded in the rain and then saved Sakura.

"Well, this place is not suitable for a long time. Although the guards of the valley have solved it, it is not 100% safe. I will take you away..."

In the wind and rain, holding a thousand generations of mother-in-law holding the spring wild cherry, the body disappeared into the valley, and once again landed in the forest, in front of Kakashi and the whirlpool Naruto.


Naruto was surprised to see Sakura appearing behind and was excited.

"Naruto, you stupid!! If you are impulsive..."

Speaking of Sakura, a punch broke the giant tree beside him.

"Is this... four generations of Naruto... Space Ninjutsu?"

Qiandai mother-in-law looked at the surrounding scenery with shock, and did not think that the wind and rain would actually have this s-class ninjutsu.

"Well, when I was working in the dark department, I learned it casually, and it will be... Well, let's move on, it doesn't matter, I was attacked by members of the Xiao organization when I was in the cloud, and the whole cloud was almost hidden. And annihilation, an unknown opponent who uses poisonous cockroaches similar to oily females to send bad insects.

I used the poisonous insects to almost destroy the entire cloud hidden village. Fortunately, I was present, but their purpose was to stop me from going to the support. After receiving the letter from the master, I kept on the road day and night, and now I have been supplementing with the soldiers. With.

Listen, everyone is mentally prepared, and the tail guard in the four generations of wind and shadow is likely to be pumped out, so...

Do a good job of enlightenment, members of the Xiao organization are evacuating one after another, which is already indicating that their withdrawal is nearing completion.

One of the purposes of my trip, in addition to investigating relevant information, is more of a member of the Xiaoxiao organization. ”

The wind and rain explained calmly, and then rushed out.

"No, I will never let my love Luo be the guy!!"

Naruto showed his teeth, the fox on his face was elongated, and the pupil became blood red...

"Stupid! Naruto, calm me down."

Haruno Sakura suddenly caught up.

"It seems that the worst plan is to be done, mother-in-law..."

Kakashi could not help but pout, but also chased up, rescue is one side, the success of the rescue is another.

"Old age to this age, what big winds and waves have not met... I was already enlightened when I came!"

The Qiandai mother-in-law smiled and followed.


In the end, they met with the poisonous island scorpion and other people at the wind and rain. ~www.readwn.com~ The poisonous island scorpion saved the members of Kaiban on the road, and also delayed the time.

As a result, everyone just happened to be together.

"Oh, Kakashi, this time we really have failed completely!"

At this moment, Kai is also a gray-faced look. I must have encountered an infinite player on the street.

"If you talk about the old, you can start to invade... Parker, is this position?"

Kakashi asked the psychic dog on the shoulder of the poisonous island scorpion.

"Well, I love Luo just behind this rock..." Parker said.

"This is five enchantments, which are connected to the shackles of Chakra, which are attached to the five locations centered on the strongholds. The banned spaces are transformed into annihilation space."

Kakashi looked at the ban on the rock and said frowning. (To be continued...)


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