Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 22 Chapter 2023: Self-consciousness

The wind and rain from the leaves of the wood first solved the six-chamber chakra thing, and now the organization has changed, so delaying time will only cause trouble for itself.

In the middle of the night, after finding the position of the six-tailed human bubble, the wind and rain used a remote hypnosis illusion, which made him faint in a thousand miles, and smoothly extracted the six-tailed Chakra.

Early extraction, so as not to have a long night dream.

The rest are eight-tailed, seven-tailed, and five-tailed. They can only be captured in the final battle of the world of forbearance. Although there is risk, there is no way.

After completing the six-tailed Chakra extraction, the storm came straight to a small town in the country of the water, and the agreed place was here.

Zhao Mei put on a kimono and appeared in front of him.

"looks good?"

"Well, not bad..."

/No / wrong / wind and rain casually said.

"What kind of tone do you have? Isn't I still attractive to those girls? Loli-controlled ninja?"

According to the United States, dissatisfied.

"What tone do you want?"

Asked the wind and rain.

"I don't want to be more eager to do it. You look at the dress that I work so hard, I want to be surprised. Some people have spent a lot of thoughts..."

Zhaomei leaned on the arms of the storm and embraced his arm.

"Today seems to be a temple fair, what day?"

The wind and rain looked at the town in front of him, and it was brightly lit at night, and most of the female men were wearing kimonos.

The casual clothes worn on the wind and rain are somewhat out of place.

“Today is a unique Thanksgiving festival in this small town. People gather together in this period of winter to be grateful for the good weather of the gods. This is a good holiday for the coming year. At the same time, in the day, the men and women will fall in love. Be blessed, have the seed of love..."

The sound of beauty is gradually weakened.


The wind and rain are also blushing. He also understands the idea of ​​beauty and beauty. What can ‘the seed of love’ be...

"You...you...what's blushing, people...and didn't say it's going to be..."

Water mist appeared in the eyes of the beautiful eyes.

"This... kind of thing, it’s all about chance..."

The wind and rain passed his face, Nima. I talked about this kind of thing when I came up. Really, how much do you want to be a man...

"This... this is not... Hey, your kid is also there, this is where the beautiful girl is... haha!!"

When I was squatting, I was on the face and came up with two young girls.

"Before you are a senior!!? How come you are here..."

The wind and rain was shocked. Did this guy take it here?

"Ah, haha, I heard the hilarious voice and ran over, just, drink the bar together..."

I also used the alcohol to send away the two girls around me. The hand holding the wind and rain went to a hotel.

According to Mei Ming’s elaborate dressing today, she was not recognized by herself. Plus late night, she lowered her head and was not found to be real.

"Well... you haven't returned to the village during this time, but the master is very angry..."

The wind and rain rushed to the hotel and took the photo to the hotel.


"Boss, come two cups... No, three glasses of good wine... a few more dishes..."

While greeting the store, I also sat down and chatted with the wind and rain.

"I heard that you have been very active recently. Sha Yin, Yun Yin and even Yanyin Village have your news... Yes, it has already officially entered, ready to take over the six generations of destinations, the outline, ah, this The age is still not stopping, and sure enough, it is still done by young people...

In this life, I always think that my vision is good, the long door...the water gate...is a good disciple, but... now Naruto is growing, you...it looks like the second generation of the year. The character of Watergate, if you sit on the position of Huo Ying, will you implement some policies to change the tolerance of the world like the second generation? ”

"Where, the predecessors are too praised for me. Why are you here today?"

Asked by the storm, some people don’t understand why they have to say these things.

"Haha, just relax before you desperately. I was prepared to say goodbye to Konoha and Tsuna. Now that you meet, then you will pass it on. If I go back, she might also teach me how to teach me, woman. Ah is trouble..."

I also sipped the wine in my hand and showed the look of memories.


The wind and rain seems to be clear about what is general, whispered: "Do you want to go to the base of the dawn? Sure enough..."

"Well, you have already known it for a long time? The leader of Xiao... is one of the three disciples I adopted outside the year. Many clues of things are gathered together, and I probably understand the truth... I still have to stay with you. Some of the information in the dark part, ...... don’t show such a bitter look, I’m just talking to a disciple I haven’t seen for years...”

I also smiled and smiled.

"I am blunt, I have had a fight with Changmen, and I have seen his deity, and your disciple Xiaonan is also with him. When he rescued the five generations of Shayin, he fought with him. The field, with the legendary reincarnation of the eyelids, the same eyes as the six immortals...

Although I am confident that I will not lose to him, but you are not his opponent..."

The wind and rain is very straightforward. If it is dead, it will be too worthless. The last legendary three-bearing in the original World of Wars will only die.

"Haha, your boy's tone is too big! I am the legendary 蛤蟆仙人人也也, how can I lose to my disciples..."

I also laughed and patted the shoulders of the wind and rain, and then said in a deep voice, "Some things have to be done, the world of causal circulation, the fault of the disciples, it must be corrected by the master, even if...

In short ~www.readwn.com~ Muye is entrusted to you and Naruto, rest assured, I will collect some information and then act.

Ok, don't bother you and the date of the water shadow, leave a good memory, tonight..."

"You know me?!!"

Shinmei sighed, and was it still found?

"You don't have to send me, you have a date, young people will enjoy the time, haha..."

After I had a few bottles of wine with my boss, I drunk and went out.


Shou, the wind and rain found that Nima, this is the account is counted on his head, the money bag on his body was taken away, special, no wonder, patted his body, it was stealing Money... (to be continued...)

The enlightenment of the second thousand and twenty-three chapters:


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