Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 24 Chapter 2204: White star princess

The smoky fish appeared in Noah’s Ark and found a place that had not been discovered before. This special space is precisely because of his appearance as a mermaid. All the areas above the Noah’s boat seem to present at the moment. Like in his mind.

Some kind of power is guiding him into this place.

"His Royal Highness Poseidon, this is my daughter, Princess Bai Xing. When she was a child, she did have the experience of summoning the sea king class. Is it the mermaid princess who inherited the Poseidon will?"

Neptune looked at the storm with respect and respect, and there was one behind him -

Petite and lovely mermaid, of course, in terms of the size of the wind and rain, the white star princess is indeed petite and cute, if it is from a human point of view, it is quite huge.

White star wears fish-shaped hair accessories, with wavy and flowing pink long hair, shiny blue eyes, beautiful appearance, rich upper circumference, and pink fishtails in depth...

"Like, it really looks like..."

The wind and rain stretched out and stroking the white star princess, the same breath as the last generation mermaid princess he saw, and made his blood have a boiling feeling.

"Poseidon adults... Where are you going to take us?"

Although the white star was told by the father that the gods of the mermaids had come down, they still looked at the wind and rain, although she felt that the body had a strange feeling of wanting to get close to the breath. But she has been locked up in the tower, no, she was originally a sly mermaid.

"Take you to the real mermaid country. Do you have any wishes? I can achieve..."

The wind and rain whispered, passing the power to Bai Xing, he did not know how to do it. What the so-called guidance of the mermaid princess of the previous generation is, he is not clear. So he can only say that he meets some wishes of the white star.

"I am going to the sea of ​​the forest... there is a mother behind..."

White Star said with both hands together.

"Yes... maybe it’s time to say goodbye to your mother..."

The wind and rain suddenly realized what was common, and then the small hand of Bai Xing instantly swam to a position.

Gradually, close to the sea of ​​the forest.

Bai Xing came to the mother's tomb to pray and bid farewell.


"Sorry, let you waste time with me..."

White star apologetically watching the storm, she knows from the father that the Poseidon adults are in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter, what dreams are there?"

Asked the wind and rain.


White Star feels that if the residents of Mermaid Island can migrate to the mainland under real sunshine, then it is already the best wish.

"So let's move forward together..."

The wind and rain pulled the white star back to the gold ship. With the guidance of Noah's Ark, I came to the hidden area I found before. The storm was to inherit the Noah's Ark to the White Star as a continuation of the Sea God.

But one thing is impossible to accomplish. The power of Poseidon, which belongs to White Star, is not synchronized with him. Although it is also the power from the ocean, it is different.

However, he has a hunch that he will certainly find something in this hidden central room.

When I first broke into the golden ship with the gods, there was no discovery. It was better to say that there was no attention at the time. Or--

another reason.

At that time, the body of the wind and rain had the power of Poseidon, and the body of the **** had the power of the mermaid, but at the moment. Both the wind and rain and the white star have the power of Poseidon. Perhaps this is the real institution.

After all, Noah's Ark is a descendant of Poseidon, so his descendants must have the power of Poseidon, but the power of the split is only the mermaid, not Poseidon.

Maybe this is the farewell.

After entering this hidden central room, the wind and rain clearly felt the strange feeling, and the blood in the body boiled.


White Star also feels that some kind of power in the body seems to be running, and the whole body is like a flame burning.

Inexplicable, the fishtail of the wind and rain involuntarily overlapped with the pink fish tail of the white star, and the two were generally close to each other by some kind of guidance.

this is?

The wind and rain received the will from Noah. Blindly blushing, understand what this place is for.

When Poseidon took into account the catastrophe, his children would drop sharply. Then there is the existence of this hidden central room, when the men and women who have the power of Poseidon appear. Will be introduced to this place for the continuation of the blood, in simple terms, this is -

Aphrodisiac room, and will better integrate the blood of Poseidon.

It is the same as the power of the basement that was previously swaying.

Cooperating with Poseidon this guy...

I really like to do this kind of thing.

But now, how do they want to be in the state of the mermaid?

I heard that the mermaid is only 30 years old after the fish tail can become a pair of legs...

But now he doesn't understand a bit, as if the state of the fishtail is awkward.

"Poseidon adults..."

The white star looks at the wind and rain, and there is an unspeakable feeling.

"This is the inheritance of Poseidon, and you will breed a real son of the sea who can bring mermaids and fishermen to a brilliant empire..."

The wind and rain can only be said with a thick face, the key is Nima, he is a little urgent to push down the white star ~ www.readwn.com ~ **** Poseidon, is a reminder room.

However, in the case of his mermaid status, the white star is like a small loli. Although the body of the white star is quite huge in the normal state, at this moment, the wind and rain is also a state of great mermaid.

"Growing the son of the sea that leads the hope of the people?"

The small face of Bai Xing is more red, gestating, gestating...

"You can be a dream, you can imagine that you can trust in the sea gods in your dreams..."

The wind and rain said that the white star was pressed, and the palm of the hand was pressed against her softness. The skin full of amazing elasticity made his palms tremble. Gradually, the fishtail of the two people began to become human legs, and it was naked. Look like...

"Oh... it’s a dream..."

The white star is stunned and closed his eyes. If it is a dream, it will be accepted a little. The Poseidon Poseidon’s entrustment to her allows her to nurture the true son of the sea. (To be continued)


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