Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 5 Chapter 218: Loli VS player [BUG]

[Thanks for being sleepy = _= reward for children's shoes]

The man in the suit looked at the screaming Taro and Yuki Yuki, who jumped up and said, "The player? Is it necessary for players to fight for a forced battle that requires a battle to fight for 1,000 yuan?"

"so what?"

Yukiro Taro said coldly: "I am here to fight with you, although the system is stipulated that players can not fight, but there is no rule that the initiator can not be started, the system still has bugs, no Absolute security protection, just kill your starter!"

"Oh, have you discovered this vulnerability? Nothing wrong, is it true? But are you sure that your starter can beat my starter? And why are you fighting? Just entering Is that player your companion? So what a pity, but there is a scorpion in the shadow of this guy, the guy is very strong in the early days of the game, let go, leave, I can ignore your impulses..." The boy said with a smile, apparently not expecting anything from the wind and rain.

"Haha... haha... laughing at me..."

Yukiro Taro suddenly laughed, the devil, the world who can destroy him is absolutely impossible, it is a non-human existence, perhaps this world ip rank no.1 and ip rank no.2 guys have this possibility But definitely not a blind man to influence this guy.

"What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny?" The suit man suddenly looked puzzled at Tsukyu Taro, what made him so rude?

Yukiro Taro took a smile and said with a sneer: "Oh, I laugh at you too much. You think he is there. I told you, if you watched his battle, if you can still be calm, then I will call You are a grandfather. Scorpion Shadow, indeed, in the anime he is indeed a powerful and unpredictable opponent. But it depends on who.

No. 007 is definitely an opponent of the nightmare level. If you are on him, you will die in an instant. No, you may not die. He will torture you. He is like you. He is the most tortured. What is your confidence? The guy also dares to force it. Install your sister, Xue Nai, start! ! ”

"Yes, brother!!"

The snow in the city broke out with a strong bounce, and the body disappeared in the same place. Everyone looked at the sky, and the height of the takeoff of the snowy city of Yuki was more than tens of meters. When the body fell again, it immediately attacked the little Lori, who was black.

So fast……

The eyes of the little black Lolita became blood red, and the fists of the hands suddenly found a sharp sword and a weapon.


For a moment, the knife and the fist edge collided together, giving a light and crisp sound...


The black hair Lori was drafted and the snow was suppressed. But the little black Loli's eyes are more deep red, and the two fists are a fierce staggering sniper!


Yuki Seki was instantly bounced out, but her mouth suddenly smirked, the petite body was spinning at a hundred and eighty degrees in the void, and the little feet of the little boots borrowed from the side of the black-haired loli’s boxing edge. The force is moving, and then the body is backflushed and goes out. And her goal is...


For a moment, the suit boy suddenly became surprised. Yuki Snow attacked his starter just by a sham shot. Her real goal is herself!

When it was said that it was too late, the attack of Yuki Yuki was attacking the suit man, and the knife was aimed at his heart. At this time, the little black loli obviously has no time to react...


The man in the suit suddenly made the most wise decision. Although the body could not make too much action, it was still possible to kill him. In a flash, he put his arm in front of him...


A trace of blood, the knives of the city of Xue Nai suddenly penetrated the man's arm of the suit, and the purpose of stabbing the heart was suspended.

"Fist like a meteor eye like electricity!!"

The man in the suit endured a great pain, and his right hand gripped the fist into a fist against the snow. He did not expect his attack to hit the city, but felt that at least she could be forced to retreat...

Yucheng Xue Nai, really feet on the suit man's chest, pulled out his own knife, the speed of the retreat, not back, and then hesitate, the black hair Loli will attack.


Yukiro Taro smiled and patted his hand and said to Yukie Seiyu: "Snow is doing well..."

"Brother, you have nothing to do, I am going to kill her!!" Brunette Lori suddenly looked at the suit man, her eyes blinking more and more bloody, she felt guilty for her not protecting the suit man. .

"Don't be excited, the moon, the other is an explosive type of intestinal factor, although your speed is very fast, but the explosive power is insufficient, you are the endurance type of the original intestinal factor, the short-term explosive power is not as good as the other side, and... ”

The suit boy looked at the city Taro deeply and said: "And, the other's strategy is also perfect, can not lose the square inch, which will make the other party occupy a more favorable point..."


Yukiro Taro sneered and said: "The player can't attack the player. Maybe everyone can think of Loli to attack Lori, but if you think about it again, can Loli be a player? Can the player attack Loli? The answer is yes - yes! This is the huge ug of the system. Although the player and the player can't fight, there are still two choices that can be battled without system determination. One is Lolly vs Loli. The other is Lolly vs. Players. The average person can only think of the first point. The smart person will want the second point~www.readwn.com~ and the fastest way to end the battle is to make it powerful. Loli starters attack the players who have not grown up. The strength of Lolita's sisters is very powerful. The average player can't resist it, so you can gain an advantage, although you don't know your ability. What is it, but you are not my sister's opponent.

I am different from you. Oh, I am a special day, I am being tempted by a strong demon-like demon king. How can I survive without learning a little life-saving way? I also accidentally discovered that Xue Nai can compete with metamorphosis one or two. After that, I realized that the initiator can also attack the player. Forced, you are more funny, you continue to install cool, oh, our battle has just begun..."


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