Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 25 Chapter 2236: Night chase

Poorly chasing, this kind of common-sense problem, Alice does not know, the wind and rain is really not knowing what kind of environment these big school ladies are growing up in a real environment, really, people worry.

"Helping Alice carry them into the room, need urgent treatment..."

The wind and rain will put Alice's arm on her body, and then slowly move in the direction of the girls' dormitory.


Claire, Lindsay, Carol, Fiona and Esther helped to bring the rest of the fallen members of the Knights of the Wind King into the dormitory.

Only the wind and the gods alone stood alone in the same place. The person he was looking for was Ristia, but she clearly found her, why didn’t she come back, because of what, what was missing him, she refused to What about his side?

For some reason, on the day of the victory of the Sword Dance Festival, the wish to the Elf King and the memory in the Temple of the Elf King.

This memory must be a clue to open all the bottom.

However, if you want to know all of this, he must go to the sword dance festival.

"Well, Restia, you won, I will get ← my own real strength, the power of the strongest sword dance, Ji Lian* Ashubai, at that time, you must return to me again. Around me, in order to gain strength, I have already broken the oath that I have not contracted with other elves. Since then, I have not contracted with any elves, and now I have contracted the elves again.

So I can't fail anymore! ~"

The wind gods gradually clenched their hands, and must make Restia return to the side. Then find your true strength before the sword dance festival.

It seems necessary to find the witch. Let her train herself again!

Because of certain things. At the age of thirteen, he assassinated Grevez, the twilight witch, but failed!

But Grevas did not dispose of him, but instead traded with him and became her servant, responsible for doing housework and repelling the assassins who wanted to capture Grevas's life, but in order not to be discovered as a sprite. The person was forced to be put on the maid's clothes, and the habit of wearing women's clothes began from that time. And learned from her to the sword skills, which gave birth to the strongest sword dance Ji Lian * Ashubai.

After Alice had been cured, regardless of the opposition of the storm, she again assembled the members of the Knights to recover the confidential information obtained by the red-eyed man.

In the stormy days of the task, they also began to rush to the mine to investigate the cause of the earthquake and strengthen the seal.

Because the college is still some distance away from the mine, they have to ride on horseback.

The wind and rain and Astor took a horse and sat in the arms of the storm, but Fiiana actually sat behind him.


Claire and Lindsay looked at Fiiana quite dissatisfied, and could even tell the story of the saint. It’s too embarrassing (the place you are awkward is a bit strange).

"Hey, even if I can stand it. The horse can't stand it~!"

The wind and rain have smiled bitterly. Is this considered to be being clipped before and after?

"I don't want to ride a horse, so I am troubled by the lord of the Virgin. A powerful man like a saint is sure to protect me. I believe you more than the other two."

Fiana smelled the smell of the wind and rain, and she felt that the connection with her contract elves gradually became clear.

The method of re-contracting is actually very simple, that is, it is enough to contact the saint of the wind and rain.

To some extent, the storm is the world of the elves, so he wants to get in touch with the lost elves. He is the most convenient, even if the clothes he wears have magical power, which can enhance the mastery of the power of the gods.

Recently, Claire and Lindsay have prepared a new purchase to let the wind and rain try first, and the dress worn by the saints will be worn again. This is called 'Blessing of the Virgin' (Blessing yourself to be attacked as early as possible? ).

Therefore, there is no need for any troublesome procedures at all. If Fiiana smells the breath of the wind and rain, or just pulls down the small hand, she can achieve a return to the elf engraving, but in the words of the wind and rain, the most important thing is missing. One thing, even if she got in touch with the contract elf, Fiiana would have to overcome her inner obstacles, otherwise the contract elf would not return to her side.

It is clear that the weather of Fiana's purpose is not multilingual.

"Everyone, it's not good! I just caught the light attribute elf in the forest and used it as a light source in the tunnel. I met the head of Alice, they are also capturing the light source, the purpose is the same as ours, their intelligence, last night The man who attacked us is in the mine."

The wind-eared goddess dressed in women’s clothing rushed over on a horse.

"So, is it possible that the earthquake was made by him?"

Nodded in the rain and rain, he said, "Then let's go, the ability of Alice's head to deal with that guy is also unknown."

"It’s really a worrying head, Yuchen said this, I will help her, and Lauren Frost’s will to freeze the evil.”

Lin Silet said to her face, in fact, she wanted to show her presence in front of the storm.

"It should be the one who burns the coke!"

Claire said with a glimpse of Lynce.

(In any case, it’s ruining people, you are arguing for a girl)


Along along Alice's relics, they have been chasing a day, no stop, which means Alice is the same, although a little reckless, but can also see the persistence of Alice, desperately guarding the Knights Duties.

After entering the entrance of the mine, there was no rest, and they began to explore inside.

The mining city of Gade has become a waste mine. For decades, no humans lived in it, so it looks like a ghost town~www.readwn.com~ staring at the depths of the darkness, between the buildings that have become ruins, flashing blue and white everywhere WISP.

It is actually a floating low elf, and it is easy to gather such a bad elf like this ruin.

There are elves in the world everywhere. There are a lot of elves in the elves, so it is impossible for ordinary humans to walk alone in the elf forest without being hurt. The wind gods can walk through the elf forest and walk to College, this is also an amazing thing.

"It is under the ground of this mine, sleeping with the strategic-grade military elves sealed by the Knights of the Old Aldesia."

Astor said.

"Do you know, Esther?"

The wind and rain can not help but ask in surprise.

“Well, there are several experiences in this place in memory.”

Astor said. (To be continued.)


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