Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 25 Chapter 2259: The opening of the Virgin and the sword dance

The wind and rain have a dream, that is the scene of the encounter between the previous generation of the Virgin and Astor -

The nameless shepherdess exchanged contracts with the legendary holy sword. In the **** world, when the demon king led the elves to invade the world, the people used the 14-year-old girl as the savior, and the elf-free girl. The fact that it is a contract with the legendary elf - as a reason why a girl is considered a saint, is quite adequate.

In an age when elves are extremely rare, people are suffering from the pain of wild elves.

The girl used the power of a powerful sword elf to suppress the elves around, or to crusade.

People praise her and call the girl -

The holy daughter of salvation.

Ariania Idolism, this is her name, born and raised in the unknown village on the border, with dazzling blonde hair and a pretty cute shepherdess.

She should have lived ordinary, ordinary love, and ordinary happiness, but found a sword in the ancient ancestral hall. For hundreds of years, no one can pull it up, the holy sword.

Without knowing that there was a powerful elf inside, she reached out to the sword.

Since then, a girl named Alessia has formed a contract with a sword elf called Este. Two people are the closest companions. Ester, who does not eat, is tempted to become a foodie, only to complete the order. The sword elves have some of the human emotions, although they still exhibit inorganic qualities...


After eating breakfast in the morning, they arrived at the Great Sacrifice Hall where the sword dance festival was located. They basically had a ready-to-go state, but only the mood of the early gods had some indifference. And did not wear women's clothing, holding a black sword in his hand, seems to have a special power.

The wind and rain looked at the wind and the gods. At the very least, they are still teammates, so they greet: "How about the rest? Sword dance festival. I don't care if you don't wear women's clothes, just do your best."

"Not bad feeling."

The eyes of the early morning gods are much more intense, and the curvature of the mouth is a confident smile.

"It seems that you have touched something. The sword is Restia? Congratulations on finding your own contract elf. There must have been a lot of things happening recently. Now that you have the results, you can do it yourself. Stick to the road."

The wind and rain nodded and said that he experienced a lot of things these days? Be able to break through yourself. No matter what kind of process, he has nothing to do with him. He is only carrying out his goal. The wind gods are also carrying out their own affairs. If the purpose of the two coincides, then it does not matter.

"This time will not fail, if the saints stop me..."

The wind gods clenched the sword in their hands.

"Oh? You want to send a sword to me, then you will die in an instant. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. I have never used real power."

The mouth of the wind and rain showed a sarcasm. "That sentence should be for me, all those who block me will become history."


The wind is early and the gods naturally understand the strength of the wind and rain. Restia is also convinced that he is not an enemy, but he is not a friend. After all, the Virgin and the Devil are natural opponents. No matter how you choose, the Solomon Solomon is defeated in the hands of the previous saints. This time, the only thing that can stop him is only This generation of saints.

"What are you talking about, is it that the gods finally have to extend their claws to the Virgin?"

Fianna suddenly turned and looked at the wind and the wind and the early gods.

stare! !

All the girls have looked at the wind gods with murderous eyes and dared to move their saints. Oh...


The wind is early and the gods have no choice but to smile and want to live. Still can't move the saint, say. Even if he wants to use it, the power of the saint is not so simple, otherwise, the Solomon Solomon will not be killed by the Ariesia.

As the elves who participated in the Sword Dance Festival entered the Great Sacrifice Hall.

The audience from all over the mainland are heart-wrenching. Every time they arrive at this moment, it is the most prestigious event on the mainland. Only at this time will it be open to the general public.

Of course, the audience here is not all ordinary people. The royal family with the power of fame and fortune, the elves of the countries, the sorcerers of the cultivating institutions, the teams participating in the sword dance have their original colleges and national colleagues.

This is also the contest between the state and the state, the elf makes the organ and the elf make the organ, and the victory of the team of any country or the elf of the elf agency will bring an extraordinary reputation to the power.

This is the epitome of competition.

However, only two people here are special. One is the last champion Lian Axibel. It does not mean that any country and the power has won the championship. This time, although it represents the country of Alphas, the attention is still very many.

In fact, it is the wind and rain, this saint, inherited the position of the previous generation of the saint, and is expected to become the half-elves of the Elf King, it can be said that the pride of the sky generally jumps into the sight of everyone, it can be said that everyone is looking forward to The battle between the saint and the lotus * Asibel, the other people were automatically ignored.

"Let me hide... shame..."

Lin Silet wraps around behind the wind and rain, no way, Carol and Mi Lei excellent exaggeration in the audience, so she is ashamed, really, can't be quiet?

"Right, last night, what did you eat for Mi Lei? Today she told me how it looks good..."

"Amount, nothing..."

The face of the wind and rain is suddenly red, and the special, Mi Lei will not be promoted everywhere?

Oh, I hope that I won’t reveal anything, or I’ll be sure that it’s a change-state.

"I eat lollipops and sweet milk~www.readwn.com~ Astor explained.

"It turned out to be like this. It really makes the saints worry. I will discipline the guy. Really, I will attack at night."

Lindsay is just asking, and she doesn't want to know anything deeply. Anyway, she can't think of anything special, like lollipops and sweet milk. It's normal for young girls to like it.

"Amount...haha...where, where..."

The wind and rain are laughing and laughing, especially, don't ask again, then ask him to see Lin Si Laite without face, that kind of thing is still forgotten, oh, really, the exercises are broken.


Gradually, all the teams participating in the sword dance festival were gathered in the hall, a total of 24 teams.

The most concerned of the nature is the team where the storm is and - (to be continued)


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