Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 25 Chapter 2261: Destroy the elf

"you are……"

Claire looked at Restia and reacted in an instant. Isn't this the dark elf encountered in the mine? It turns out that...

"Yes, I am the contractor of the gods. I saw my magical form. Haven't you seen anything yet? That special black lightning -

God man, the champion in the sword dance made by the elf three years ago, Lian* Ashubai! What are the younger sisters' fakes, are you surprised? Princess Fiiana should be very clear? ”

Restia caressed the face of the early goddess and smiled at Cree, Lindsay, Fiiana and a saint.

"how come?"

Claire and Linslet laughed bitterly and couldn't believe it.

"Why do you want to reveal your identity now? What is the anti-water now? What are you thinking about!~"

Fiana looked at the wind and the gods in a complicated way. She was different from Claire and Lindsay. It was not as simple as them. She understood everything and said nothing. For the saint, she only used it. Relationship, the only thing that can't be put down is the wind and the gods.

"Fiana, abstain, this is not the battlefield you should be involved in."

The wind and the gods are grateful that Fiyana has always concealed all this. "The contract that is hard to recover can't disappear anymore. You still go back to where you should be."

"I don't understand, I don't understand what you really want to do! But my life is saved by you, so I can't leave you alone, you are going! It is definitely not that simple to take this thing to the Virgin. The end, even if you want to shoot, it is wise. At this time, will it be a little late?"

Fiiana blocked the storm and prevented him from attacking the wind gods.

"This time. It is the best time, right? The successor of the devil!! And the devil of the devil, Lestia. I was dreaming of the memory of the previous generation of the saints last night, Restia You are the opponent of Astor!"

The wind and rain looked at the sounds of the surrounding voices. "I am afraid that I have united other people and attacked me? Since you are ready, then I don't have to worry about it. I thought you would be smarter." After waiting for the victory of the sword dance festival, I did not expect that you left the most stupid move, the successor of the Dark Elf King Power, and the Wind God."

"Wait, the rule is not to say that as long as there is a person in the team, will it be eligible for the race if you get enough magic stones?"

Fiiana realized the most critical part.

"So he wants to take the magic stone in our hands, and then hand over his own magic stone, then we lose the qualification, and then he can enter other teams. After all, there is no member in the sword dance festival. Replace, not to mention that even if there is such a rule, just find the reason. For example, one of the team is seriously injured and can not play, so the introduction of foreign aid, the focus is on the team rather than the individual."

Claire explained calmly.

"And if the deal is secretly done, all the teams will besiege us. After all, the saint is the biggest threat, to deal with the saints, to reduce the strong opponents, to bring honors to the country and the college, even if there are some abuses. The means are not impossible."

Lin Silet echoed.

"So you escaped from here. Claire, Lindsay, I have found a safe place for you. I will solve them and I will join you."

The wind and rain said, let Kere and Lindsay leave in an order.

As for Fiiana. He can never see through this prince. She has always been imaginary and arrogant, but in her own position, it is impossible to make treason. Of course, it cannot be completely negated. If Fiana and the wind are early Gods are old, so it is worthwhile for a girl to make some enlightenment for her favorite man.

"Oh? Who are you looking at!! I will not give up my companion, but I will run away."

Claire summoned the flame whip.

"We are not the little princess protected in the greenhouse!"

Lindelet swayed the long blond hair of the white gold and held the magic ice bow in her hand.

"Is it? Then do it well, these two bottles of medicine, you drink it, for a short time, it will enhance the power of the gods, please you block some enemies..."

The wind and rain took out the bottle of blush liquid and gave it to Claire and Linde, and then looked at Fiana. "Which side does the princess want to stand on? Your strength is the weakest, if you stand up On my side, follow my ice rabbit to take refuge. If you stand on the other side, then I will take your magic stone and do it well..."

"God man, why do you want to do this? What purpose do you have?"

Fianna looked at the wind god, she did not understand why it was.

"Sorry, Fiiana, I am worried about you... but I have a mission that I have to accomplish, I have to do it, and the Virgin is the biggest obstacle. Although she shows her position, it may be deceptive. , so you must terminate the steps of the Virgin!"

The wind gods have already made a sense of consciousness, and after solving the saints, they joined the purgatory apostles and completed the last ‘wish’ that was not realized three years ago.

The Virgin is destined to be the opponent of the Devil.

"Brother and grandfather, you will stand on your side!"

Just as Fiiana made a choice, a petite figure came into view, but -

Then, the **** monster looks like it, and the surrounding forest is overwhelmed on the ground!

"This is the annihilation of the elf Tiamat ()! The saint ~www.readwn.com~ I want to tear you, for the elder brother!"

Fiana couldn’t help but take a breath, this military elf is simply —

The huge wings obscured the sky, the claws fell deep into the ground, and the center had five heads, as if each was there.

Not waiting for Fiana to imagine, one of the dragons spit out a hot breath, the fierce fire smashed the earth, and instantly burned out the trees of the forest -

"Yu Ya, can't just attack..."

Feng Xianshen looked at the first Finan, and suddenly looked at the young girl named Yuya.

"Everyone except the older brother can kill it, go, Tiamat, destroy everything!"

Yuya innocently sat on the back of the huge dragon and smiled. Under the innocent smile, what is hidden is the incomparable sinister abyss, almost devour all the madness! (To be continued)


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