Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 5 Chapter 228: Left and right

[Thanks to the monthly ticket of 157747860 children's shoes, there are still 12 monthly tickets plus more, everyone works hard]

The sudden surprise attack of Lanyuan Yanzhu and Putian in the future, suddenly let the wind and rain and Tiantong wood more people have no words, they are enjoying it, suddenly interrupted, who is going to talk about it.

In addition to anger, Tiantongmu was also shy and angry. It was so shameful to be seen in such a way. He quickly pulled up the quilt and covered it, and then opened the storm.


The rain and rain are helplessly watching Tiantongmu, and it’s so cool, don’t you recognize people?

However, now is not the time to worry about this, Xiaotian Xiang is crying sad...

The wind and rain did not say anything, and quickly came to the side of Xiaorixiang, and hugged her in her arms and said: "Don't cry, don't cry, how can Chen brother not be a small day, Xiaori is the baby of Chen's brother, Chen brother swears, never Will abandon the small day..."

"Really?" Xiaori looked at the wind and rain.

"Really, really!" The wind and rain quickly nodded and said, really...

"It’s good to drive the wood out of the cows. Otherwise, your brother will definitely abandon you one day!" Lan Yuan Yan Zhu took a small waist and gave Xiao Xiao an idea.

Xiaori looked at Lanyuan Yanzhu, and then looked at the rain and Tiantongmu, hesitated and said: "But my brother also likes wood and cows. If the wood is more cattle, Chen brother will be sad..."

Really a good boy... The storm suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no way, because unless your brother is smashed with you, Mu Niu Niu will definitely be your wife's wife, you can't fall behind, but you decide to be the wife of Liantaro. Oh..." Lanyuan Yanzhu suggested.

"Oh ~ Xiaorixiang also wants to be the wife of Chen's brother..." Xiaori said quickly and nodded.

"As a wife, I have to serve my husband. I want to take off my light, and I want to take off my light. I love your wood and my brother. I am so happy. I am gone... I have to go with Lian Tailang’s love..." Lan Yuan Yan Zhu suddenly patted the shoulders of the small day, finally taught a sentence, and then went out.


Two people, Fengqingchen and Tiantongmu, were suddenly stunned by the bold speech of Lanyuan Yanzhu, and they were broken.

"If it's Chen's brother. It doesn't matter, Xiaoye always wants to love! Oh!"

Xiaori decisively listened to Lanyuan Yanzhu’s words, began to take off his clothes, his hands and feet were very numb, and he took off his chubby for a moment. The small loli’s exquisite body suddenly showed up, but the softness of his chest was only a little drum. Look, but very cute, sprouting...


The wind and rain quickly retreated and reached out and grabbed his eyes. But the eyes couldn't help but peek through the fingers to the cute and cute jade body. Oh, it's too loving, and it's light and easy to push down, though small. But the victory is cute and exquisite.

"Go to hell, you have a loli control!!!"

Tiantongmu couldn't stand any more. He kicked out the wind and rain, and then took a small day and entered the bed. He learned from the lesson: "The girl's body can't be seen by men casually, don't you know?"

"Chen brother, everything is fine!" Xiaori said vowed.

"That's not OK. Xiaori has a favorite person to the long meeting..." Tiantongmu said helplessly.

"As long as the family is a brother, other people do not want to, the people to be the wife of Chen brother, to the brother of the baby to give birth to a baby!" Xiaori said to the righteous words.


Tian Tongmu lost his face to the small day, and covered the quilt with a sigh of relief. He said, "No matter what. Anyway!"

"Chen brother, hug and sleep..." Xiaori rushed into the arms of the wind and rain in a hurry, and tightly held the body of the wind and rain, refused to let go.

"Ah, oh. Sleep..."

The weather suddenly felt so tired, and came to the bed with a small day. Although Tiantongmu said it casually, can he just do whatever he wants? If he really loves Xiaoyi, Tiantongmu will definitely use him too much.

Then, the wind and rain hugged into the bed with a small day, and the other hand said Tiantongmu in his arms and said: "Well, don't be angry, sleep, get up early tomorrow, the small day is like this, don't The dutiful son is generally acquainted, I know that we are more Ms. Mu, the most understanding is not."

"Even if you praise me, I will not allow you to eat small days now, want to eat a little bigger and say..." Tian Tongmu turned his mouth and said, "The special relationship between the initiator and the promoter, I recognize Small day, but outside of us, if you shoot another girl, I will never sleep with you again!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, 'Is this world' only love you two people?" The storm suddenly nodded and said that Tiantongmu was a big concession. He accepted the life with Xiaoyi. It is really understanding. It is.

However, because Tiantongmu really likes the wind and rain, he agrees that Xiaori is coming together.

Soon three people entered the dreamland. In the middle of the night, they were all tired. But the three people didn’t have a piece of clothing at the moment. I thought there would be some ‘fun’ the next morning...


"Change-state mad, you get out of me!"

Tian Tongmu punched the rain and went out, and the clothes were thrown over his head. The reason...

Tiantongmu didn’t wear clothes even if he didn’t wear clothes, but he didn’t wear clothes in the small day. He didn’t wear chubby times. The wind and rain was really a night, and he was holding a little night, and he was young and very angry. And she also saw with her own eyes that the wind and rain was actually in the small chest of the confused little day, simply... too people can’t stand it, why not eat her, is she bigger?

Sure enough, it is Lori control! Tiantongmu feels like a small day to go down, no, you must let the guys in the stormy season change their hobbies, do not eat big eat small, this guy is definitely a problem, you must adjust - teach!

"Well, I’m playing my brother, I’m a cow, you’re violent!” Xiaori looked angry at Tiantongmu~www.readwn.com~ You also gave me a little convergence, don’t be fooled by Yanzhu’s guy, you It has also changed badly recently. I can't learn from Yanzhu in a small day. You have to be a good child, know what! "Tiantong Mu was even more educated when he was wearing clothes for Xiaori. It is true. Yanzhu has turned Xiaori to education, and Xiaotian is in trouble if he becomes the second Yanzhu..."


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