Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 26 Chapter 2351: Brother and sister's exchange of hearts

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[Yesterday is the experimental chapter, officially updated today, get news from the editor, "Unlimited Anime Record" officially unsealed, but no longer have full attendance and half-year awards, that is, 600 soft full monthly and semi-annual The bonus is gone, so although it is unsealed, it is very miserable. I hope that everyone can subscribe to the genuine version of the lamb, and there is no guarantee that the full-time representative will be completely written.

Inoue Weijing did not think that the real brother turned out to be the devil who wanted to eat her. The original brother was not like this...

"Hurry up and do what I said. Otherwise, your beloved sister will take this sin instead of you!"

Inoue Hao’s imaginary look at the storm, he is his real goal, can swallow this death, he can become the competent man of the adult...

"No... no! O'Neill..."

Inoue woven a bite on her lips and gradually awake. She had long understood that the wind and rain was not her brother, but she was still taken care of by the wind and rain, taking care of meticulously, thinking about every day before, since he appeared From that moment on, the world has become colorful...

"Nothing can't, weaving Ji, I have no compromise, I just want you to understand that this pain is insignificant compared to my love for you, I am real when you are my sister, indeed, I admit, I This person has his own selfishness, and at first he realized the desire of Inoue to guard his sister with the goal of survival...

But in fact, I was fooled. The desire to guard my sister is forever. To be honest, I should regret it at that moment, but I don’t have...

Because as a sister-in-law gentleman with a lovely sister around, I will be very happy...

I really want to take care of your life, weaving Ji...

Blood is not representative of anything, my mood is stronger than anyone!

and so……"

The wind and rain has just completed the curse of the intrinsic world, and the right eye has changed into a kaleidoscope white wheel, and then he has decisively broken his right arm!


The sound of the cracked bone completely awake Inoue, and it’s not her real brother, Inoue, who is next to her. If her brother doesn’t hurt her sister, her brother is squandered and confused. Lost, and the wind and rain, this righteous brother, is really guarding her...

The pain of breaking the arm, there is no movement in his expression, his eyes are tenderly watching her, the gentleness can not be described in words...

Yes, her righteous brother is truly loving her, not only her brother’s love for her sister, but also the love of men and women, the double love, the time they spend is real, if Betrayed her, if she wants to use her, she has already had a clue...

"Haha! What a powerful death... It’s ridiculous, that adult has turned you into a powerful opponent, but if I beat you, I can become a capable man of the adult, and if I swallow up your words, I will be strong. Extraordinary!

Go ahead and start breaking your left hand, then your legs, and throw the sickle away! ”

Inoue is very proud, human beings are stupid, and what is the most disgusting of feelings...

"Don't... Brother, Yuchen, he is not wrong! You are my brother, you must have memories of humanity, you will not bring me pain... I beg you!"

Inoue Yoshihiko looked at her inauguration, her brother is not like this. Even if Yuchen started to think carefully, she is also a hundred times care for her, and she gradually takes care of her as a really cute sister. Not only her sister, she also wants to be with Yuchen forever, a closer relationship than her sister...

"Weaving Ji... You are really embarrassed, have you ever been played by that guy? Also, it’s no wonder that you are so attached to your good body... Brother, I watched you grow up, I Haven't played you yet, I really want to see how you are slutty...

You are a monk, you have already forgotten me, right, you only think about your happiness, your brother is just your item, used to achieve happiness, no me, then you find a new one, you are not my sister My sister will never call other brothers! ! ! ”

The negative state of Inoue is getting worse.

"No... not like this... my brother is not like this! I have not forgotten you, no..."

Inoue woven a painful tears.

"I care what your mood is, well... this righteous brother, to prove how deep your sister is, as long as I bite it, I will become a piece of debris, if you let I swallowed, I let her live, it is more delicious than her!"

The virtual mask revealed by Inoue Hao reveals a long tongue...

"Well, as you wish, let go of weaving, devour me..."

The temper of the wind and rain, the sneer, the scythe was thrown aside, and then all the limbs were broken...

"No, Yuchen brother! You can't... Weaving Ji, You Ji can't live without you..."

Inoue woven is desperate, and the person who really guards her is there, and should not be questioned at the beginning...

"Haha... I will be right now, you are useless!"

Inoue will throw the geek out and fly, then he pierces the body of the storm with his virtual claws...


Inoue woven into a sorrow, blood has shrouded her world, has lost a brother, do not want to lose, no wind and rain, she will become a lonely person, no home warmth, no delicious meals, more There is no comfortable bed and the girlish incitement...

"Inherent world control * Kaleidoscope white wheel eye -

Izanah! ”

The right speed of the wind and rain turned, and the action of Inoue Hao stopped at this moment...


Although it consumes a considerable amount of spiritual power, the consumption of scorpion using a kaleidoscope is very large...


Inoue Yuki climbed up from the ground and ran to the front of the storm and hugged his body.

"Okay, isn't it a perfect ending? Don't underestimate your brother. I don't care if I have such a lovely sister, we can easily die. I have to spend more and more with Zhiji. Time..."

The smile of the stormy heart~www.readwn.com~ Looking at the clouds in the sky, the pain in the body turned into happiness, because weaving Ji did not hate him, but lost the square inch at a time, she also really loves him. What...

"Stupid, stupid...Ou Ni, is it worthwhile to weave? Your fate is not just weaving, you have no obligation..."

Inoue woven on his hand and began to treat the wind and rain -

"Two days return to the shield -

I reject!

Sakura, Xiaoyan..."

"My destiny in this world is not the guardian of my sister. If my sister can't guard it, I still want to do what fate is, and it is very good now. I have already understood the mood of Zhiji, and my mood is also communicated. We I have completed the heart of each other."

The wind and rain stretched out and hugged Ji Zhi in her arms, her fingers touching her soft face. "Sure enough, it is great to protect you..." (To be continued.)

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