Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 26 Chapter 2357: Hsiatsu's **** day

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Under the treatment of Inoue Kiku, the wind and rain did not consume the stigma energy and returned to the original state.

The virtual circle is not the same as the corpse world. It is a ridiculous scenery. The only decoration is the dry trees and hills that appear in every desert...

From time to time, I can meet some ordinary imaginary, and they have been cleaned up by the storm, but soon their breath has attracted new enemies.

There are a lot of black bugs swimming in the sand. Although they reveal a sinful atmosphere, they should not be ordinary imaginary. They appear in groups, swim in the sand, and watch them with white eyes. The energy fluctuations that are emitted.


A black bug crawled out of the ground and swallowed toward three people.

"Bloom, fly plum!"

The young Mori peach first completed the initial solution of the sickle. The sickle in her hand changed from the ordinary form into a knife divided into three branches, and a large number of blush petals were scattered from the blade, and then a huge flame storm gathered. Assaulting toward the front, the entire existence will be leveled off in a flash, and the black sand worm will evaporate when it encounters the flame...

However, at this time, the strong poisonous gas emanating from the evaporating came to the three people in the storm.

"You act like a reckless fool!"

The cold and cold looked at the young Mori peach, and then, with the hand of the young Mori peach, hand-in-hand with Inoue woven, moving at high speed, the force of frost was built in the space, stepping on the frosty ladder, flying to the distance .

Just as they left, the poison gas eroded the frost behind it into white gas, not only that, even the sand on the ground was corrupted!

Although these sand worms seem to have weak fighting power, since they are used for peripheral patrols of the virtual circle, they certainly have the power to display them without hands-on, and it is undoubtedly a suicide attack.

There are countless sand bugs buried under the sand, and a batch of round-trip patrols, they want to enter the interior of the virtual circle is not that simple.

Of course, there is no idea to enter the inside of the storm. He just wants to strengthen his soul and strengthen the spiritual pressure by swallowing the power of the dead. The world of death is a rare spiritual cultivation holy place. He wants to raise the soul to a new height here.

The six fun and death rounds will accumulate functions through his smothering to enhance the "quality" of his soul, while the cloth sacred soul sword will devour the power of the imaginary to increase the energy of his soul.

So killing the virtual is the easiest way for him to become stronger.

And he himself has the rules of the soul. Although he cannot be used because of the limitations of the realm, his soul is unusual. The soul and destiny (blood), space, time, and particles (attributes) are the five elements of the infinite master. It is his ultimate goal that the soul can achieve rapid advancement in this world.

Although killing a stronger imaginary can improve the quality of the soul, but first of all, start from the periphery, and the inside of the virtual circle, in addition to the blue-stained local BOSS troops, there are unlimited players, become virtual players. Most of them can be around the blue dye, and the big BOSS can always pass easily...

Therefore, the wind and rain can not rush to the inside, the beginning of the use of the sickle in the moment, the younger peach is eager to move forward, want to find blue dye, but this has nothing to do with him, he brought the younger peaches only Give her a thought, the main obedience is himself.

"Let me die!"

The young Sentao feels the murderous and indifferent eyes of the wind and rain, just like when she is quiet and towering, the blue dye looks at her eyes. The real blue dyed adult is gentle, absolutely not... ...

Once again, I saw the indifferent eyes. Under her consciousness, she realized that even if she could reach the virtual circle, she could not approach the center...

"I am willing to kill you! But when you die, I will be in trouble, let alone, as your future captain, how can I let my subordinates die, if you want to find death, then give me upright The battle is dead!

Do you feel powerless? Then trade with my demon. If you want to get close to the blue dye, you can make yourself stronger, powerful and dazzling, powerful to blue dye can not ignore your existence. ”

In the storm, throw the young Mori peach into a cave in the hills, put down the woven geek, and lift the knife to point to the young Sentao. "Despair is your strength, I will let you know the true despair."

"Become stronger……"

Hsiao Sen peach bites her lips. Impossible. How could she touch the blue-stained adult's clothes? She was abandoned, but even if she knew this, the beautiful impression left by Blue Dye could not be erased!

"I hope that my adjutant can become stronger. Like the situation just now, you should not wait for my rescue, but you must handle it yourself. Hsiao Sen, pick up the knife and fight. The world, there is no hypocrisy in the beginning. Fantasy, only the sickle in your hand is the most real existence.

Speaking of it, your posture is not bad. If you don't fight me, I will... oh..."

The tip of the sword of the wind and rain quickly swept through the void, and the clothes of the young Mori were broken into pieces.

Explosive sword skills!

"What are you doing..."

Hsien Sen peach bites her lips and licks her pink body.

"What do you think your value is? If you feel that the value of the battle does not exist, then you are left as a woman. Come, challenge me, or I will not suppress my temperament, knock down you."

The rain and the moon licked his lips.


Inoue woven by the eyes, the young Mori peach is unable to awaken the will in the usual way, so Yuchen chose this method of trampling her dignity to let her grow up quickly~www.readwn.com~ Set it as a wicked person to help the younger peach, it really is a gentle person, although the means is extremely...

"I can't beat you..."

The young Sen peach trembled back.

"But it, then I will continue to challenge me, Hsiao Sen, I will fight with Blue Dye one day, so I need help from reaching his side. I am afraid it is difficult to get a helper in the soul world, but you Not the same, you want to be close to blue dye, this mood supports you to survive to the present, so...

Before you see blue dye, do you want to clear up his watchdog with me?

Time is set for 30 seconds, thirty seconds If you lose your sickle in your hand, I will let you taste the taste of men. ”

The wind and rain did not have any mercy to the younger sister, but the speed of the sword was not fast enough, but it pointed to her key...

"I, I... ah!"

Hsien Mori sorrows and holds the sword to challenge the storm. (To be continued.)

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