Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 26 Chapter 2382: The second initial solution: the mirror stop water

The storm had never thought that the power he had had turned out to be all the knives and even relieved. He would not believe it, but since the general vice captain said that the founder of the sickle said, then Enough to believe.

And who is the founder of this sickle should be secret in the secret?

After completing the ceremony of the captain of the Wufan team, the wind and rain Chen received the shallow hit from the founder of Sakamoto from the country.

Shallow play is the prototype of all the sickles. The state of uninitialization can only show its unique form after the user wears the spirit and the will into it.

"This is your sickle. Try to inject your will, so that your current captain's strength should be able to complete the initial solution."

Yamamoto Yuki, a heavy country, handed over an ordinary light to the storm.

"A real sickle?"

The wind and rain will hold this knife in his hand, and then inject his own spirit and will. Slowly, closing his eyes can feel the power contained in it is beyond imagination. Some kind of power in the soul is guided. come out……

"Days and menstrual days, the battle moves to the stars, forget it, the mirror stops the water!"

There is no fluctuation, but the wind and rain can clearly feel that the power in the body is unprecedentedly powerful.

If a person's soul quality is high, then the amount of spiritual pressure will not be much weaker, and the accumulation of Fuxi in the field of the soul can not be only a little bit of the original, and now it can finally be released!

However, such a strong and powerful spirit should be exuded to be felt by all, but now it is so calm, there is no wave, and the wind and rain feel that you should have such strength.


In addition to the shock of the wind and rain, Yamamoto’s Liu Yan and other countries are also shocked because –

"Disappeared! Instant step?"

The floating bamboo fourteen Lang can not help but wonder.

"No, still here, floating bamboo, you will not be weak and you can't feel the pressure of the momentary step?"

Jingle Chunshui smiled with his hands.

"I can actually pass the feelings of the old man at the same time... It seems that it is the scythe of the ghost system, the ability of illusion?"

The wind and rain in front of the heavy country of Yamamoto Yuki, disappeared.


"You won't laugh, are you here?"

The wind and rain with a sickle looked at everyone in the room, revealing doubts.

"Yu Chen, is your initial solution the power of illusion?"

"The flower is similar to the blue-stained mirror," he asked.

"I started the initial solution, but I didn't do anything. The blue-stained mirror flower water month should be the initial solution that requires the opponent to see the sickle, and then the process of launching the illusion..."

The wind and rain does not think that this is the ability of the mirror and the water, and the meaning of the mirror water and the mirror is different.

The mirror-stopping water symbolizes a realm, and the flat mirror of the calmness of the heart is generally quoted in "Zhuangzi* De Chong Fu" -

In view of the flow of water, people can only stop the public because of the water stop.

This is a state of mind.

The mirror flower water moon refers to the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water is illusory, is a kind of representation of things, illusory mirror...

The mirror water is the state of mind, and the mirror flower is the object.

One is the inner one is the appearance.

"The sound can be heard, but the spiritual pressure is not felt. It should be applied to itself. The mirror flower water is acting on foreign objects.

Mirrors and waters are for people outside of themselves to see things clearly.

The mirror stop water is to let yourself not be noticed by others.

There is a fundamental difference. The mirrors and waters play with the five senses of the opponent, visual, auditory, tactile, taste, and sense of smell. These five senses are the necessary perceptions of people to try to figure things around.

The mirror stop water is to completely erase its existence from the space or the realm. In this world, we can't see the wind captain who stops the mirror. It is only possible to grasp the moment in the middle of the move. .

Sure enough, this is also related to power. ”

Yamamoto Yuki's heavy country analysis said that the wind and rain is the Lord of Hell possessing power, and his sickle is not a hallucination. If it is classified, it can be classified into the ghost system.

This sickle is a state of mind or realm.

"So can you attack it?"

Niely is very interested.

"Yes, but unless you can find him, if the sickle of a wide range of attacks does exist, there is a flaw, this wide range of attacks can be evaded, and maybe when you launch an attack Just behind your back, if you hit a kill, you can penetrate the heart.

The words used for assassination are simply unbeatable charm. ”

The bamboo spring water is then analyzed.

"This way, then just..."

The wind and rain will take off the beginning of the sickle, so that everyone can see where he is -

"The captain, I want to save a person in a virtual circle. If you have such a sickle, there should be no problem."

"So in a hurry? Who is going to save? In the virtual circle, there are only betrayers and vain in the corpse world?"

The day of the valley, the winter lion Lang feels that the wind and rain is the most unskilled captain.

"Well, I am going to save a big imaginary ~ www.readwn.com~ Look at her is good, I want to catch my appointment."

The rain and the rain grinned.

"Haha!!! Interesting, it’s interesting. From the time I was born to the present, I still listen to the first person who dares to put it in front of the old man. It’s very interesting, I don’t think there is any problem.”

Jingle Chunshui laughed happily.

Other captain-level deaths also have their own expressions, some are full of murderous slaps, some are calm, some have already pressed the sickle...

“Can you guarantee her loyalty?”

Yamamoto Yuki, a heavy country, asked the tiger.

"I used [power] to fill her virtual hole. The blue dye seems to break a group of big virtual masks with the collapse of jade. After breaking the mask, these big imaginary have a sickle-like sickle and fight with me in this world. The vain of the Wastod level was filled with a special ability to fill the virtual hole, so there should be no such murderous killing, and she is also a rational person.

The virtual circle has always been outside the rule of the corpse, and if you can control some of the powerful Vastolds and manage the virtual circle instead, you will have less pressure. ”

The wind and rain did not say that he and Nelly Ai Lu were stunned.

"Human, virtual, death? Interesting, but I will not give you any strength, only your team can be freely requisitioned."

Yamamoto-Yu-Yu-Yu’s heavy country agreed, and if the storm is the Lord of Hell, then humanity or imaginary or death is the same in his eyes.

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