Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 27 Chapter 2412: Dating battle: AdamKadmon

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Finally, the ship's mothers played an expedition, but the resources of the wind and rain are not enough. I feel that I have to consider mining. Well, though, the miners are not good at doing it, but he has already studied the nano-materials and holy materials of the sea fog. The combination of blood and blood is used to repair the durability of the ship's mothers. Ammunition and the like can also be supplemented with nano-materials, but the production of nano-materials is limited.く

Therefore, if the ship's mother series is used, then the sea fog series will not be available.

Although it is a loli control, but the wind and rain is still looking forward to salvaging a large warship, before I imagined that Yamato will appear in the form of Loli, Loli will at least be better than Yu sister.

The curse from the Loli ship, in addition to the island wind and Xi Li, he used the commonly used excellent Loli ship, before he also salvaged the moon (ship), such as the moon (ship), blowing snow (ship), Xiao (ship), ringing (ship), mine (ship), electricity (ship)...

This series of Loli destroyers are all soy sauce in the harbor. Anyway, if you don’t go to the sea, you will not waste your energy. Naturally, you will eat less...

Is it a bit embarrassing to say this?

However, this expenditure must be prepaid. Although it is the chairman of the school city, there are many places where resources are needed. However, the situation of the shipwrecked by the warships made him decide to take care of the school. The government has grown stronger.

However, at present, the battleships only have long doors (ships), and the regular aircraft carriers are only Chicheng (ships). The rest are all Lori ships, and the more practical ones are the island winds and the Xi Li, and then the four frigates of the Xiaoyin Thunder. .

If you want to fight really, you need a large warship. There must be at least three battleships and two aircraft carriers. Of course, this is only a ship-fighting ship, because the ship-ship is easy to carry, and the sea fog system needs to carry the whole ship. Act together.

The sea fog is a match between the mental model and the hull, and the ship mother is turning the hull into a reduced-type equipment. This is different. If the two fleets can complement each other, it is good, but the wind and rain are not. The sea fog and the ship maiden are almost opposite each other. After all, they do not recognize each other...

There are a lot of headaches, but you can enjoy it in the world of dating.

In order to avoid the blessings of Bo Li Ling’s dreams, the wind and rain began to align with the world of dating battles just after returning, and could not be blessed by Bo Liling’s dreams as before...

The result of a mess of blessings is that when a woman is overthrown, she will become a loli...

Hehe, play your sister! !

The world of dating can never be accidental, he has to be upright...


"Hey, enter the world of the "Dating Wars"... Achieving the crystallization of the spirit and the crystallization of the spirit can successfully achieve the world's integration with the "Dating Wars" world..."

"Automatic detection, existing sprite properties, frost, plot design -"

"Automatic setting begins, seal all the blood power of the character's ice fairy, retain the ability of the segment (requires a graded awakening)..."

"Ghost settings -

Id: - Yuchen

Identification code: sephiroth (wood of life)

Spiritual Wear: God's Spiritual Wear* Final (adamkadmon)

Angel: Venus (Ice Attack Key)

Devil (Reverse Angel): Lucifer (Abyss Day)

Kabala symbol: the wood of origin

Counter Kabbalah symbol: the ultimate fire



Although there is only a moment, but the storm is still extremely confused, what is the reason for this setting?

Is it because of the six fun and death wheels?

It is said that the past life of the wind and rain is Fuxi, which is the level of the ancestor of humanity, and the six interesting and dead wheels are quite the origin of all.

It is necessary to know that the elves of the dating battle are taken from Kabbalah's doctrines, and the word sephiroth is used as the wood of life in Kabbalah, which is the origin of everything. The technique of life exists as the key to the formation of Kabala. The key to connecting ten particles.

The elves represented by the ten quality points are probably an origami, this article, Erya, Shizaki, Sanshi, Sihe, Wuhe Qinli, Xinggong Liuyi, Seven Sins, (eight dances, eight dances, eight dances) ), lure the beauty of the nine and the night knife **** incense.

Originally, I thought that he might be a hidden dot da\\\'at (knowledge) outside the ten quality points. However, it seems that this particle should have another elf (maybe)?

So I probably searched his source, as the wood of life that makes up ten qualities.

As for the spiritual costume, it is the end of the end. In the theory of Judaism, the journey of the Kabbalah Tree of Life must be a ten-mass point in the belief that human beings must reach the limits that can be achieved by cultivation. The realm of achievement is adamkadmon (original Adam), which is the realm of human beings! That is, people reach the realm of God from people!

The day is Venus, the direct translation is the beautiful **** Venus, but this is not the meaning here. Reminiscent of Lucifer, the reversal of the angel, can get some information. Lucifer's literal translation is Lucifer, but Lucifer and What is the connection between Venus?

The wind and rain can not help but think of a star symbolized by Lucifer and Venus, the name of Lucifer is the name of the son of Morning Star, and Venus is the patron saint of Venus.

The son of Morningstar originated from the Babylonian mythology and has some relationship with the Canaan mythology, and the Canaan Protoss has a morning star god.

This region of Canaan is actually the holy land that Moses led the Jews to reach, and Canaan is also called Phoenician in the Greek mythology, which means the land of hope.

So understanding this is equivalent to the fact that the Jews who have gone through the hardships have reached the land of hope, which is somewhat similar to Kabala’s experience.

Kabala is the mysterious philosophy of Judaism, and Moses is the saint of Judaism. In this way, the title of angel and devil is naturally okay.

The symbol of angels is the root of the wood ~www.readwn.com~ This can be understood as the key to life, but the metamorphosis of the Kabbalah symbol is the ultimate fire, why is the ultimate fire?

In the process of Kabala's exploration, the path from the first particle to the last particle is called pathoftheF1amingord.

This seems to make sense. The positive thinking is to support and connect the ten particles of life, while the negative thought is to burn and destroy this coherent tree of life.

“The information was successfully registered, and all the memories of the characters were sealed, and the original was placed in the Elf sleep space...”


and many more……

What is the memory of all the memories of the cold and sweaty heads? Is this the way he is to be attacked as a spirit?

Play with your sister! ! !

It should be his Raiders elves, this is the opposite of the special! ! (To be continued.)

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