Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 27 Chapter 2423: Sister, friend, family, world with sisters

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The ast has not appeared, not slowing down the reaction, slacking the fighters, but receiving the instructions from the upper level from the dem community, to kill the elves by Safirus, if Safirus is not able to catch, then assist.

In fact, ast has been confronted with the elves many times, but he has not made many achievements. The best front is just the ‘repulsive’ elf (the ast of the ast, the elf disappeared and described as a repelling elf).

Therefore, the dem community dispatched Chonggong Zhenna, who is known as the Guardian of the Land Self-Defense Force, and [Reform the Artificial Elf, Safirus (the human elfization product described in the dem file as a human experiment)] Mixed into the ast's compilation and fight with the elves.

The attack of ast will only be a waste of money and will be calmed down, but in fact only the real high-level knows a certain experiment [Eden (Eve capture plan)].

As the captain of the ast combat troops, the captain of the scorpion knew the truth, but did not tell the players, because this kind of thing is not acceptable to everyone, this is a violation of humanitarianism!

After all, the experiment of using humans for elfization is unheard of. Arthur is undoubtedly a victim. Once it is made public, I am afraid that the whole world will be shaken. The associated dem community will surely be criticized by the world for humanitarianism. The ast of the association is also suspected at the time, so this is a very secret event that cannot be said.

Of course, it is also limited to permissions that ordinary people cannot know.

"Captain... request a strike!"

I folded my hands on the table and stared at the scorpion in the lower part of the day. She couldn't wait any longer. How long has it been!

"Since the space shock occurred, the princess (ss) did not destroy any more, so before Safiras, the sergeant Chonggong’s request for help, we are waiting for his results here. This is the above order. Origami, don't defy the order, otherwise I can't help you..."

In the lower part of the day, the scorpion reached out and scratched his hair. Really, and the origami could not explain it at all. Others would be obedient, but the origami was the first to rush out if he heard the news of the elf...

Although such a good team member is the honor of her captain, she does not want the origami to be warned by the upper level.

"Captain, are you having something to look at me?"

I felt that the captain must have told her not.

"In short, stand by, stand by!!"

The scorpion in the lower part of the day is dodging, and it is extremely troublesome.



"Sister is not eating, but family, family... And, if you have a name, I can't think of anything like a name. This kind of thing can only be done by people who are better than us."

The wind and rain really felt that the elf girl was a foodie, but the food of human beings did have a delicious place, at least the real expression of happiness when eating what he did.

"What is the family? If I can't communicate with humans, then the human mechanical and mechanical group will see me attacking. I don't know why they have disappeared today. It's weird... trouble to have another lemon tea..."

The Elf girl handed the cup over.

"Don't drink too much, can I do some buffy for you?"

The wind and rain also felt a bit strange, ast did not have any movement today, and he did not receive any signal -

“Family means the group organization of two or more human beings. The members of the group live together, cares, understands and loves each other.

Family members are not alone in blood relatives, even if they do not have a blood relationship, they can be considered family members if they care about each other.

Even strange men and women, if they are married, they can form a family. The family is a family member. It starts with two people, then there are children... they are family members..."

"It's so esoteric, but it's so interesting... Have you formed a family with humans?"

The elf girl tried her best to stretch her face, but she couldn’t seem to be like what her family was.

"Well, there is a sister... well, a small Buffy, I can't afford a big one..."

Beverly, who had done the good work in the wind and rain, handed it to the elf girl. "The human thing has to pay for it..."

"Oh... delicious! This is great!! It’s more fun than fighting... Sure enough, you are a good guy... can we count as a family if we have such a good relationship?"

The elf girl is satisfied with the eating of Buffy, and her mouth is covered with cream...

"……This one……"

The rain and rain hesitated for a moment, watching the elf girl full of excitement about the unknown things, he seems to be unable to refuse, probably before he looked at the real eyes like this?

Their elves are all lonely, and they are eager to get out of loneliness. Now the elf girl looks at his eyes exactly like the one he first saw.

Can't refuse it -

"I made lemon tea and Buffy for you, and we chatted very happily~www.readwn.com~ The heart is satisfied and can agree with each other's words, then it is a friend, although the family is better than this, but friends It also means that the relationship is intimate..."

"Friends...friends... Well, you are my friend from today, right, what does a friend mean?"

The elf girl squatted and pointed her finger at the wind and rain, and determined the relationship between the two people.

"Friends also have many kinds of friends. The most common friends have common hobbies in certain fields, can communicate happily, and can help each other regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, etc., work together and identify each other. a relationship.

Further, it is the confidant, and the confidant can even resonate beyond the factors of life and death, space, time and so on.

Then another friend in the sense is a friend between men and women. After such a friend has an emotional foundation, they can combine to form a family and become a family..."

The wind and rain explained that the terms he knows are all searched from a tool called a computer.

"So the meaning is that we can become a family, right?"

The Elf girl directly omitted a lot of explanations and directly understood that friends can be family members.

"...this, I still don't understand why human beings have different genders. Although it is inquired that only different genders can breed offspring, the elves do not know whether they are the same as human reproduction.

From the perspective of our gender differences, we can be a family member, but I only need a younger sister. ”

The wind and rain are not too much, and there are sisters.

"I can also be a younger sister. If you are a sister, a friend or a family member, would you give me a good meal?"

Elf girl is full of expectations! (To be continued.) (Only love network)

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