Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 27 Chapter 2446: The world of GALGAME also has COS!

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After the storm and the time of the madness, the three came out of the tiger's hole, they saw the true and the scent of squinting, seemingly to find out what they are like...

"Ah, the weather today is really good..."

The wind and rain shook his head and said.

"It seems that Yuchen is in a good mood. Is there anything that is holding us?"

It’s true that I hold the coffee paper cup in my hand. Really, hasn’t it been too much contact with human beings, and it’s getting more and more arrogant?


The smell of the ten incense is very good, and it easily sniffs out the taste of the two people of the mad three and the wind and rain. It really is...

"Ah, when it's time to eat, let's go eat..."

The rain and rain will immediately interject, and you must not let the incense be revealed.

"Diet!! Well, um, egg!"

Shixiang instantly forgets what he just wanted to say.

"Don't you have eaten in the cafe just now?"

Really doubts.

"That's just a pastime, so I still have to eat a formal lunch, and contact them to see their results. After all, we are a community."

The wind and rain said, take out the phone and start to contact.


I don’t have to think about it, I know that the ten incense in it must be tempting Yuchen brother?


After all the members of the DC community meet, find a dining table to eat lunch.

"This is our receipt!"

The wind and rain excitedly took a stack of comrades out of the handbag, and all the sisters of the sister series had it.

"We are only purchasing some daily necessities from the community."

The head of Wuhe Shidao has suffered a heavy shock. After all, there are so many books. Really, he is the first to contact such things. Most of the previous readings were fashion magazines and adult publications. Even the kind is rarely seen.

"We have visited the maid cafe. The next step is the COSPLAY props. I am going to buy some books for props and make my own study. This is more economical..."

I thought of eating and drinking while the wind and rain.

"When it comes to COS, does the vice president not set an example?"

What seems to be thought of in the piano.

"Oh, the spirit of using the elf directly is..."

The wind and rain felt that he did not seem to have any idea of ​​COS. After all, COS is just an external statement. It is meant to hide the facts of the elves, so it is ok to use the elf's smart clothes.

"In fact, I have to think that Yuchen COSPLAY women's dress should be very cute? Although the height and the petite have no chance, but the body is absolutely good, the skin color is also very white, it is better to say than the girls, the hair is also long hair, the natural long hair is very It’s bright, um, um, it’s very talented!”

Qin Li feels that perhaps the women in the wind and rain are much better than the road.

"Don't be kidding, how can I wear women..."

The wind and the rain waved.

"Love you, Ou Nai!"

The eyes are bright and the interest is getting bigger and bigger.

"Even if you say so, I can't do it..."

Wind and rain, waving, women's clothing, although it is through the fat of the real, but does not mean wearing women's clothing.

"If it is the clothes that I try to pass through?"

The piano squinted and smirked.

"Can consider it!"

The wind and rain is like a chicken blood.

"The transition is so fast! You insist on me, what is your dignity as a man?"

Wuhe Shidao reached out and licked his face. Originally, it was still able to stick to the wind and rain, so it was shaken so soon?

"As long as it is the real thing, there is no problem! Even if it is sweat, I can drink it!!"

The wind and rain are shining!

"Isn't this similar to the scene in the "Empire of the Air" by the brother and sister?"

Wuhe Shidao blinked, the original rain and rain really want to do (sister)!

"It seems that the investigation into the Holy Land is still useful. After all, the students of Shidao know that it is empty!!"

The rain and the moon gave a thumbs up.

"The amount, only this praise I do not want to accept."

Wuhe Shidao will never be like a rainy day.

"Okay, then choose COS, I have a few suggestions."

Reach out the fingers in the piano -

"Because of the problem above the height, I need to find some heroines with higher settings.

The first one, the heroine of the GAL game "Euphoria", the white night voice, black long straight, no mouth, obey the rules, the discipline committee;

The second, the GAL game "The Kiss of Death is the taste of the farewell" in the role of the sister of the Temple, black long straight, timid, unexpectedly a little home, the role of the sister is great;

Third, the heroine of the GAL game "FlyableHeart", the egret, the lily, the same black long straight, intellectual and elegant, all-powerful perfect vice president...


"Wait a minute...why all are GAL games!!!!"

The sect can't hear it~www.readwn.com~ Is the piano also affected by the rot?

"By the way, it's worth mentioning that the three characters I have listed are all female characters of more than one meter and six. The hair color is basically black, and each has its own characteristics. The cold girl with no mouth is very self-confident. A great sister, noble to the vice president who wants to be overthrown in the brain!~!"

Excited in the piano, come on, come on, Yuchen sauce, let me try the potential of 汝! After all, most of the elves are women, but men are rare, so if the wind and rain are the kind of elves that can transform men and women? This may be flawed.

"That would be true to wear through me, and I have no money to buy, COS clothing is very expensive, especially the rare GAL service."

The wind and rain bite that Qingshan (sister) does not relax, so it will be worn through him.

"No problem, pack it on me. As for the money, the morale, trouble you."

The hand that stood up in the piano stood up.

"I don't know the roles of COS, especially the righteous sisters in the GAL game..."

Really refused to challenge the GAL role.

"Well, what's the matter, don't forget, we are today's community investigation, investigation, and all actions must be taken for the purpose."

Qin Liqiang pulls hard to enter a COS clothing store, but the size is customized according to the physical data of the wind and rain.

"Why are I saving money!!"

Shidao sighed.

"So, do you come to women?"

Blinking in the piano, "I am also looking forward to your women's wear, but I have already thought of some of the roles that I have, compared to the rainy incarnation of the black long straight S, you tend to M!"

"Hey, hello, am I so unbearable? And even my lady, lady!"

The morale is helpless. (To be continued.)

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