Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 5 Chapter 244: 7-star heritage (middle)

At noon, after the meal, they started to set off, arrived at the destination, and stopped in front of a building. The meeting place was not the sanctuary where the Holy Son was located, but the building in front of it.

The reception office building was cold and clear, and there was only one female reception desk responsible for reception.

Four people, Feng Mianchen, Lian Tailang, Yucheng Taro, and Tiantongmu, were taken to the office building by a waiter and quickly climbed up on a clean lift.

In front of the room where the first meeting room was written, the waiter who took the road made a trip and left without saying any words.

After opening the door, the wind and rain found that the room in front of the room was very wide. There was a slender oval table in the center of the room. The interior wall was inlaid with a huge el display panel, which was probably used to play the image.

At this time, there have been many police officers in the group, and the heads of the major police companies are also there.

After seeing the stormy weather, all the policemen seemed to be retreating in a continuation of the plague.

The presidents of the well-prepared suits and the police officers of the major police companies have already sat in the position they have set. They are followed by police officers. These policemen are armed with a black metal luster in the hands of the police, and everyone There is a little loli around 10 years old standing around.

Among these policemen, there were many players in the storm, including the ice butterfly, and the gold masters numbered 088 were also in the gold masters numbered 001 and 037.

Destined to the arrival of the storm, the ice butterfly suddenly looked at the wind and rain, and in the final key dark battle, she unfortunately became the opponent of the storm, it is clear that she failed to advance gold, almost, It’s a little bit worse! Now she is just a segment of silver top grade, almost it is gold! ! Damn! ! !

There is no expression in the wind and rain, and it doesn’t matter if he wins in the last game. The paragraph has long been a gold top, but he is trying to set off the sharpness of the ice butterfly, telling her that the woman is too strong to obey, obey him. He will allow her to move forward, otherwise!

Due to the recent strength of the Tiantong Civil Guard Company, Tiantongmu is sitting on the second seat, and the chief is to hire people.

After everyone is seated.

A bald-headed man in uniform walked into the room.

The president's ranks, including Muji, stood up together, and the bald man waved his hand to take a seat.

The wind and rain saw the class chapter of this bald man, and it was the self-defense officer of the aides.

"To let everyone come over today is nothing else. It is something that entrusts you to the police. You can think that this is a commission from the government." The bald man said, then paused and looked around...

"Well, there is one absent."

In the middle of the round table. A position marked with a "big bang" triangle was placed empty.

"It may be timid, let's get started. Since there are so many people calling, is there any major thing?" At this time, a man in his thirties who stood in the elite stood up. Wearing a suit designed by Christian Dior, he has an intellectual face.

The wind and rain knows that he is "three islands royal-girder representative director Mishima", in charge of a super large police company, with a large number of civilian police.

After hearing the words of Mishima, the bald man nodded and said, "Okay. Let's start with the topic. Before explaining the contents of this commission, let me tell you that the person who wants to quit should immediately withdraw. After listening to the commission, Can't refuse."

As a result, no one has withdrawn. Since it is here, there is no meaning of exiting. Everyone understands that this is not a simple task, but how dangerous it is. The police are dedicated to doing dangerous work.

After seeing no one quit, the bald man suddenly nodded and said: "Very good, that is to say no one wants to quit? Then... the following is for the general explanation."

Then the large display panel behind the bald man suddenly showed a close-up of a girl wearing a layer of snow-like white clothing and silver hair. This girl is not someone else, it is the Son of Heaven.

When I saw this, the presidents of all the police companies stood up.

St. Tianzi sat comfortably in a finely crafted chair, and was able to see behind her was a high-priced painting and a bed with a sky cover, which was her private room within the sanctuary. In that, it is natural to know, but he can guarantee that absolutely no embarrassing things have happened.

Standing next to the Son of Heaven, the scorpion of the sacred chrysanthemum, and the moment of seeing the scorpion of the sacred daisy, Tiantongmu immediately sharpened his eyes, the hatred of his parents, not wearing the sky!

Shengtianzi looked at the restrained people and said: "Please don't be cautious, let me explain it... The commission itself is very simple. To entrust the police, it will enter the Tokyo area yesterday, causing the infection source of an infected person to be excluded. The other is to ask everyone to recycle the boxes that are considered to be in the body of this ghostrea unscathed..."

Another window appears on the el display panel. Inside, the lead-silver suitcase was suddenly displayed, and the reward for completing the task was displayed, 100 million yen! ! !


Just when everyone was shocked, a loud voice popped out of the conference room, and the sound of the bullets was over. A tall man with a mask and a man wrapped in a black cloak, only the eyes were gone. Come in, they are followed by two little loli ~www.readwn.com~ 蛭子影胤 and player number 001 gold strong.

"Oh, I am sorry, I disturbed your meeting. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Xunzi, the voice of the blind, the first time I met, the incompetent head of the country, and said straightforwardly, I am your enemy!" Scorpion Ying looked at the sacred smile on the electronic board.

"My code name is Blood Night, and the guide person who sent you into Huangquan Road..." said the gold powerhouse number 001.

Lions shadow... blood night...

Watching these two people in the storm, have you teamed up? Cut, he can not be afraid, think that if you are promoted to the golden section, you can be proud of it? Oh, the consequences of the catalyst are all fueled by the seedlings, only a moment of rise, after this moment Will become ordinary people...

"You guy!!" Li Tinglang suddenly dialed the xd pistol, his hands clasped, and pointed at the shadow of the blind, apparently had a holiday with him before...


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